This is not a joke. Here is what BBC experts write:
"Turkish TV series are becoming global hits 2000s. According to Turkish exporters, 170 countries buy Turkish TV series every year. In 2023, these series collected about $600 million (575 million euros) in exports. Last year, this figure was measured in billions.
Turkish Trade Minister Omer Bolat said that Turkish TV series are watched by about 800 million viewers around the world at the same time"
800 million viewers at the same time!
Just 10 years ago there were 400 million.
I remember that about 8 years ago, the export of Turkish TV series was only about $50 million.
I am not interested in TV series, but I follow Russian media.
They are especially popular in Russia.
If anyone is interested, here are some articles on this topic.
Феномен турецких сериалов: почему мы их так любим - новости кино, обзоры фильмов и сериалов и многое другое на страницах блога онлайн-кинотеатра
(This old article)
Турецкие сериалы быстро получили мировую известность, они смогли конкурировать с голливудскими проектами. Их популярность даже спровоцировала всплеск пиратства. Разбираемся, в чем секрет успеха турецких сериалов.
Не только «Постучись в мою дверь»
It seems to me that Turkish TV series have had a greater impact in the world in three years than the million-strong Russian army in Ukraine in the same period...
The Russians are fighting in vain