The greatest American mind for the last half a century, Oliver Stone clearly revealed that JFK was the victim of military industrial complex in his iconic docu-movie masterpiece JFK!
He was martyred for freedom and democracy while he was about to change the course of history. What else do you wanna know?
Yes, I am gone cuckoo, if you don’t mind.

Oliver Stone is very gifted writer + director, no doubt.
But the "documentary" is clearly (on purpose for reason of the plot intensity) taking a conspiracy angle would just be boring without it.
Reality was probably quite complicated in what the exact intersections were between rogue/double agent elements of the CIA, US MIC like you mention, mafia (that JFK and RFK had a complex relationship with) and Soviet infiltrators (given bay of pigs, cuban missile crisis etc).....and all the useful idiots and paid hitmen/mercenaries floating around in the miasma between all these.
JFK and Kennedy family were not goody good two shoes regarding US MIC (like is often convenient to believe, if one wants to view everything through the assassination prism and deep state out to "get him").
It was JFK's decision to go with McNamara of all ppl as defence sec for example....and start escalating things in Vietnam (in baton relay from France who were calling it quits). JFK was extremely anti-communist and extremely pro-Israel (compared to say Ike before him) as well. In fact there are tons of US media of this period of time questioning/challenging/criticizing JFK on this front for being too hawkish and trying to pass things off like dove.
It is simply hard to say where one set of factors starts and ends as to what exactly happened, and rabbit holes are easy as result.....but the biggest thing is to always have 0 chances taken with (secret service et al.) security in first this kind of "mix" environment is always there in most powerful countries to begin with, especially with cold war ramping up intensely as it did and institutional heft post WW2 coming under strain inside the US slowly in the 1960s (by a number of related and unrelated factors which are another long topic).
Now typing all this made me remember Kevin Costner in "No Way Out" (and IMO probably why Stone casted him for "JFK" thriller later too)....great movie with plot twist I didnt see coming if you havent watched it yet.
Man really was at his apex around that time in late 80s, early 90s..... untouchables, field of dreams, robin hood, dances with wolves as well damn heh. That's A++ listed tier stuff.
They dont make movies like this anymore, sad.