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I think they want to hear "we were fine with that engines but the government did blah blah and now we have to wait for domestic engines so we have to wait for years." kind of things from the people to damage government credibility. Or they want to show us you can't do it without us etc idk just brainstorming.
In addition to that they will have a chance to limit our future operations / decisions about how to use when to use and where to use the planes with their engines...


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Yes we have been wronged, and we want a payback. But policies change and the new situation works for our new strategy. Still a payback is due.
Yes, the already transacted Turkish payment is an issue and frankly, I hope that the US approves the F-16V to Türkiye ASAP. If not through F-16Vs, I hope they repay Tureky for the amount they've paid for their F-35s in other ways. I also wish that Türkiye would be able to solve the S-400 issue some way, which I know would be very hard to get done.

On the other hand, all these "would've"s and "could've"s are getting too far on this thread. Remember folks, we are on a military forum not some conspiracy theory bs. Apart from what you guys perceive, all evidences suggests that US was still going to supply F-35s to Türkiye until S-400 happened. Türkiye was a JSF partner (and to be honest, they would have denied Turkish membership in the first place if what some of you guys are trying to argue are true), was part of the supply chain, was getting its F-35s manufactured, had its pilots getting trained in the US for the F-35. Some of you come up with Egypt and India but that's also a poor example since US clearly is not interested in selling F-35s to those countries, especially India, despite their known interests towards that plane and the size of the program (110+ aircrafts).
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Yes, the already transacted Turkish payment is an issue and frankly, I hope that the US approves the F-16V to Türkiye ASAP. If not through F-16Vs, I hope they repay Tureky for the amount they've paid for their F-35s in other ways. I also wish that Türkiye would be able to solve the S-400 issue some way, which I know would be very hard to get done.

On the other hand, all these "would've"s and "could've"s are getting too far on this thread. Remember folks, we are on a military forum not some conspiracy theory bs. Apart from what you guys perceive, all evidences suggests that US was still going to supply F-35s to Turkey until S-400 happened. Turkey was a JSF partner (and to be honest, they would have denied Turkish membership in the first place if what some of you guys are trying to argue are true), was part of the supply chain, was getting its F-35s manufactured, had its pilots getting trained in the US for the F-35. Some of you come up with Egypt and India but that's also a poor example since US clearly is not interested in selling F-35s to those countries, especially India, despite their known interests towards that plane and the size of the program(110+ aircrafts).

The implementation of the CAATSA law has nothing to do with the possible sale of the F35 to any country. The two issues are separate. There is no provision in the CaATSA law that will only be applied to potential F35 customers. If America's adversaries are to be fought, this should apply equally to every country. otherwise it would be hypocrisy and biased. If caatsa is activated when Turkiye buys S400, if it is not implemented when India buys S400, this hypocrisy cannot be explained with logic.

Turkiye's problems with America are not one and date back to much earlier than the S400. Ignoring all these problems and connecting the issue only to the S400 means not being able to read geopolitical developments and being completely disconnected from the region's agenda. If the S400 issue were that important, India would also be affected by the American's counterine America's enemy law.

On top of that, it would be meaningless to describe what was mentioned as "conspiracy theory". There are differences between the perception of Turkiye in the West and the role assigned to Turkiye at the time when Turkiye became a partner in f35 and what is happening now.

At that time, Turkiye was a country that was obedient to the Atlantic interests and served US/NATO interests at the same time even if it harms Turkish interests because At that time, Turkey's range of action was very limited and it had to make purchases completely indexed to the West. There was no other port that Turkiye could rely on in case of the slightest disruption because PKK poses a serious threat to the existance of Turkish Republic in SE and We have many problems with Greece so we need external help in all problems so they were incapable of producing free policy and had to desperately seek western support in all problems. As a result of this Atlantic interest based policies, Our leaders were sent to other countries in the Middle East and recommended by US to be a role model and made speeches in their parliaments. After the US-Iraq war, there was a Turkiye whose cross-border operations were subject to US permission and could fight the PKK with weapons that the US and the West allowed to be sold within its borders and was being happy when US provided a few intel about terrorists position. The US, on the other hand, supported Turkiye's EU membership at that time and as our "strategic ally", America saw Turkiye as the most loyal base and market in the region. Therefore, although Turkiye was a good boy who could buy what the US allowed and did not have the right to raise his voice because of what they didn't allow, it was in the position of a country that was patted on the back in regional issues so Being accepted into the F35 partnership, even at level 3, was such a blessing back then but Now the situation has become much more different and complicated because there have been very ugly policies Because there is a Turkiye at present that refuses to obey the two-faced policy of the West and does not accept practices that openly threaten Turkiye's interests in Turkish seas and our Southern border.

At that time, the American helicopters sending aid to the PKK was described as a conspiracy theory among public While the PKK is shedding the blood of the Turkish nation, but today, the US together with the PKK, YPG is showing flag against Turkish border in live broadcasts and 1 day later, Turkiye can bombard and raze the base where American soldiers met with the YPG. US is extending its condolences for the terrorist leaders killed by Turkiye. Despite America's threats, there is a Turkiye at present that is able to organize multiple operations in Syria, and we got embargo from our 'allies' in return for eliminating the terrorists. Likewise, there are American presidents who threaten to destroy our economy. We are talking about a country that has the terrorist leader and his supporters who staged a coup in Turkiye make propaganda freely in US and granted citizenship as well. How can a country get any worse? If you're looking for a reason to crack the F35 project, the s400 will probably come last.

By the way, the embargo examples I mentioned above are completely real and all lived issues. Of course, it is not an easy situation to understand Turkish-American relations without looking deeply. There is an equation with many unknowns in the middle and there are serious prejudices and past experiences against the other illegal actions US implemented and actors that America used to shape the region. Making beautifications without taking all these into account will lead people to a completely wrong conclusion.


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Since Siper is a long range SAM, it probably doesn't need a high initial maneuverability unlike lower-tier air defense such as Hisar.
No actually there are long range sam that are more manuverble than hisar! For example aster missile family ( which has 60g manuverbilty thanks to its piff-puff control surface) it is believed that, siper will also have the similer capability in later blocks!


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No actually there are long range sam that are more manuverble than hisar! For example aster missile family ( which has 60g manuverbilty thanks to its piff-puff control surface) it is believed that, siper will also have the similer capability in later blocks!
Yes but that's with divert thrust control, not thrust vector. When launched at targets in its intended range, those motors burns out most of the times, even when it is a dual pulse motor, before it reaches the target. TVC is going to be a dead weight by then.


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Yes but that's with divert thrust control, not thrust vector. When launched at targets in its intended range, those motors burns out most of the times, even when it is a dual pulse motor, before it reaches the target. TVC is going to be a dead weight by then.
I didn't understand what is your objection with my post?


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The implementation of the CAATSA law has nothing to do with the possible sale of the F35 to any country. The two issues are separate. There is no provision in the CaATSA law that will only be applied to potential F35 customers. If America's adversaries are to be fought, this should apply equally to every country. otherwise it would be hypocrisy and biased. If caatsa is activated when Turkiye buys S400, if it is not implemented when India buys S400, this hypocrisy cannot be explained with logic.

Turkiye's problems with America are not one and date back to much earlier than the S400. Ignoring all these problems and connecting the issue only to the S400 means not being able to read geopolitical developments and being completely disconnected from the region's agenda. On top of that, it would be meaningless to describe what was mentioned as "conspiracy theory". There are differences between the perception of Turkiye in the West and the role assigned to Turkiye at the time when Turkiye became a partner in f35 and what is happening now.

At that time, Turkiye was a country that was well-behaved and obedient to the alliance and served US/NATO interests at the same time so Turkish leaders was sent to other countries in the Middle East and recommended by the US to be a role model and made speeches in their parliaments. After the US-Iraq war, there was a Turkiye whose cross-border operations were subject to US permission and could fight the PKK with weapons that the US and the West allowed to be sold within its borders. The US, on the other hand, supported Turkiye's EU membership at that time and as our "strategic ally", America saw Turkiye as the most loyal base in the region. Therefore, although Turkiye was a good boy who could buy what the US allowed and did not have the right to raise his voice because of what they didn't allow, it was in the position of a country that was patted on the back in regional issues so Being accepted into the F35 partnership, even at level 3, was such a blessing back then but Now the situation has become much more different and complicated because there have been very ugly policies.

At that time, the American helicopters sending aid to the PKK was described as a conspiracy theory among public and soldiers, but today, the US together with the PKK, YPG is showing flag against Turkish border in live broadcasts and 1 day later, Turkiye can bombard and raze the base where American soldiers met with the YPG. US is extending its condolences for the terrorist leaders killed by Turkiye. How can a country get any worse? If you're looking for a reason to crack the F35 project, the s400 will probably come last.

By the way, the embargo examples I mentioned above are completely real and all lived issues. Of course, it is not an easy situation to understand Turkish-American relations without looking deeply. There is an equation with many unknowns in the middle and there are serious prejudices and past experiences against the other illegal actions US implemented and actors that America used to shape the region. Making beautifications without taking all these into account will lead people to a completely wrong conclusion.
I am aware of western embargos dating back to the 20th century such as the case concerning Cyprus. I also know that US is holding double standards with the implementation of S-400, as well as their not-so-optimal, to say the least, stance concerning the problems in Syrian and Iraq, especially concerning their stance between the Turks and Kurds in Syria. What I'm arguing though, is that it is unarguable that S-400 was the biggest factor regarding the expulsion of Türkiye from the JSF program. The reason I've brought up India was not because of CAATSA but the fact that US has no intentions what so ever to sell them F-35s, and most importantly because other forum members brought the case of India on the table to compare it to Türkiye's case. It is also to consider that Türkiye is a member of NATO whereas India was traditionally not-aligned. Most importantly, US needs to make quite some significant concessions towards India considering their past policy in the region, especially concerning Pakistan.

All in all, my point is that comparing India to Türkiye doesn't end up with any meaningful conclusions.

ps. Gosh, I'm still writing Turkey instead of Türkiye time to time. It really takes a long time to change a word I'm used to saying.


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Then why are they still providing the engines to Turkiye ? They provided the F110 engines for the TF-X, the F404 engines for Hurjet and the CTS-800 for the T-129 ?
The reason is always the same,

Every time we have other options like indigenous or another provider they keep doing business with us.


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I'm saying that you should differentiate between a TVC and a DCS.
I did differentiate between TVC and DCS! I That's why I talked about aster's unique piff-puff control system compared to hisar jet vane driven TVC.


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Any news about Korkut air defence system? Some months have passed and i dont hear about them ? Does production stopped or finished ? have passed so many years and its just short gun SAM ?


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Now the copium. The most proven lower-tier BMD, IAMD system is suddenly shit haha.

And decades of experience of getting jammed, dodged, supressed and destroyed by the F-16s, and more recently, TB-2s. Quite a feat indeed.

I clearly remember how the Turkish government was arguing that removing Türkiye from the JSF program is a loss for both parties. Hardly "wanted out of the F35 trap"
Because of the business part and technology participation its a lost.


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Any news about Korkut air defence system? Some months have passed and i dont hear about them ? Does production stopped or finished ? have passed so many years and its just short gun SAM ?
Don't know how is it in Turkey. But weapons systems are usually divided into low rate initial production (LRIP) and full rate (FRP). Korkut being new should still be in the low rate production phase.


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7 years from 2016 that Korkut entered production , low or full rate should have finished and ready for duty .
At least finish 1 weapon system at time .
I know alot of Turks here are glad about Turkish defence industry but i am NOT .
It seems majority of weapons are prototype that work only for prapaganda at defence shows .
Only tb2 and Kirpis are produced enough to face real war . Even small t129 for 9 years are produced some 70 .
I am concerned if major war break out Turkiye will suffer .


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I did differentiate between TVC and DCS! I That's why I talked about aster's unique piff-puff control system compared to hisar jet vane driven TVC.
Yeah, and the post I was replying to was asking "why there is no TVC on SİPER". My answer was that the "initial" maneuverability is not as important compared to HİSAR and therefore TVC is not needed.


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What you talking about?

F35 was already PAID from Turkiye...................usa is robber they steal the money and keep the F35.
Now you suggesting that Turkiye give more assets like S400 !?!

I Just suggest that you check 10 -15 years back of History ..............................then Think I mean Think logically then again Think
then check what you wrote and ask you self what you are NAIVE

Im not naive one bit I try to be pragmatic because lets be honest we are not gonna throw the Americans out one day. We have to work with them while at the same time showcasing them who we are. We have to make moves that benefit Turkiye.

No doubt the usa cant be trusted hence why we must keep them at arm length while maintaining relations with them.

Geopolitics is like chess.


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7 years from 2016 that Korkut entered production , low or full rate should have finished and ready for duty .
At least finish 1 weapon system at time .
I know alot of Turks here are glad about Turkish defence industry but i am NOT .
It seems majority of weapons are prototype that work only for prapaganda at defence shows .
Only tb2 and Kirpis are produced enough to face real war . Even small t129 for 9 years are produced some 70 .
I am concerned if major war break out Turkiye will suffer .
No, actually turkish amry ordered 40 korkut system! And with the most them being already delivered it is scheduled to complete at the end of this year! And your assertion is about turkish defence industry is false! There is already lot of other equipment than tb2 and kirpis that has been successfully produced in sufficient numbers and now in full service!

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