TR Air Defence Programs

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In order to overcome Turkey's low and medium altitude air defense needs, Low Altitude Air Defense Missile System Project (Hisar-A) and Medium Altitude Air Defense Missile System Project (Hisar-O) design and development period of the contract related institutions on 20 June 2011 signed between.

Low Altitude Air Defense Missile System (HİSAR-A) and Medium Altitude Air Defense Missile System (HİSAR-O); It can destroy fixed and rotary wing aircraft, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and air-to-ground missiles.

HİSAR-A is designed to neutralize fixed and rotary wing aircraft, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and air-to-ground missiles up to 15+ km range for air defense of units in motion and critical facilities.

HİSAR-A; Self-Propelled Autonomous Low Altitude Air Defense Missile System consists of the Missile Launching System (FFS), Low Altitude Missile that can be fired from both HİSAR-A and HİSAR-O Systems, and the Missile Transport and Loading System.

It is known that a significant part of the 45 (towed) + 45 (self-propelled) requirement determined for HİSAR-A will be shifted to HİSAR-O based on the statement made by the President DEMİR.

HİSAR-O enables the neutralization of fixed and rotary wing aircraft, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and air-to-ground missiles up to 25+ km range within the scope of air defense of fixed units and critical facilities. HİSAR-O is already in the field with certain elements.

HİSAR-O has the advantage of flexible deployment thanks to its distributed architecture, and consists of a Fire Control Center, FFS, Medium Altitude Missile, Medium Altitude Air Defense Radar, Electro-Optical System, Early Warning Centers Interface Link-16 System and Missile Transport and Loading System

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Turkish Armed Forces SUNGUR developed with local and national resources by virtue of ROKETSAN needs, is Turkey's first Portable Air Defense Missile.

T.R. Developed within the scope of the Portable Air Defense System (PorSav) Project initiated by the Presidency of Defense Industry (SSB), SUNGUR; It can be named as "Man-Portable Air-Defense Systems (MANPADS)", "Human-Portable Air Defense System", "Shoulder Launch Air Defense Missile" or "Portable Air Defense Missile" as it can be easily integrated into various platforms. However, the nomenclature MANPADS is mostly used in military terminology.
The first shot video of the SUNGUR MANPAD System, T.C. Presidency Defense Industry President Prof. Dr. Shared by İsmail DEMİR on 1 July 2020. During the firing with the SUNGUR Missile and Missile Launching System deployed on the VURAN Tactical Wheeled Armored Vehicle (TTZA) manufactured by BMC Savunma, a fixed target of a certain height was successfully hit. It is expected that the images of the firing tests performed by TEK-ER will be shared in the future.

Developed by Roketsan with the experience gained from HİSAR and Stinger projects, SUNGUR has mobile shooting capability, day and night target detection, identification, identification, tracking and 360-degree shooting capability. SUNGUR, which is estimated to use Imager Infrared (IIR) Seeker, is considered as the fourth generation MANPADS due to its superior features.
The SUNGUR Missile will replace the US production FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS, which are also in the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK). Having superior technological features compared to FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS, SUNGUR will be actively used by pedestal-mounted systems and attack helicopters. Also thanks to SUNGUR will end foreign dependency in this area of Turkey and the Turkish Armed Forces' needs will be met with national resources in this direction.

SUNGUR, which is expected to be effective on aircrafts up to maximum 4km altitude and 6km + range values, is located in the second part of the Layered Air Defense Network, that is, "Low Altitude Air Defense Missile System (AİHSFS)".


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Turkish President of Defence Industries introduced the Roketsan's new air defence system "SUNGUR" Sungur is also called “Native MANPADS”, “HİSAR Portable” and “National Portable Air Defense Missile”. Currently, the Turkish armed forces use FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS but they will gradually replace them with locally-made this system.


The Turkish engineers of two companies - Roketsan and Aselsan – managed to keep the Stinger’s major features. The Turkish missile will also hit the target within 4 km at a maximum range of 6 km. Turkish specialists have created a new product based on the technology that American engineers used when creating HISAR and Stinger MANPADS. Sungur's main advantage is that it will use the Imager Infrared (IIR) Seeker Head instead of the Infrared (IR) Seeker Head, which is also used in the Stinger Missile. IR Guided Missiles can be easily deceived by countermeasure systems called "Flare" since they focus on the high heat emitting region. IIR Guided Missiles, on the other hand, are very difficult to be deceived by countermeasure systems since they are locked on the target thanks to the "viewer" system. It is estimated that an IIR guide system similar to used in the HİSAR project will be used in the Sungur Missile. It has also titanium warhead..




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In the statements made by President DEMİR, “We have always discussed two systems. Of course, the supply of the first system had to be made urgently. In these negotiations, joint production and technology transfer were also included to a certain extent. During the rapid procurement process of the first system, these technical details were discussed because it was not possible to implement them immediately, while during the procurement of the second system, we said that technology transfer and joint production should come to the agenda, let's discuss the details of this then and the transactions were carried out in this way. There is no point in getting confused about the issue that the second system was signed and not because we always talked about we will buy two systems. After understanding some detail issues such as sickle production, technology transfer, credit terms, it was necessary to enter a system such as making a final signature. These took a while, as a result, we did not have a problem with getting a second system and it does not.

MORE GOOD NEWS - sounds like we will maybe have a joint venture or coop. to produce AD systems in TR for TR.... that would be a freakin GAMECHANGER cause then, we will be able to close the whole airspace, from Greece to Cyprus, over Syria, Bulgaria as well, out of our territory ...


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We get a HISAR A upgrade to A +.
It seems that the Turkish arms industry only needs enough pressure to accelerate developments.


SSB İsmail Demir HİSAR-A made important statements about the low altitude air defense missile system. Demir emphasized the importance of a layered structure in air defense systems and explained that the HİSAR-A system was made 'operable' with certain elements. Stating that there are only a few small steps left. Demir stated that we can fully see the systems by the end of the year. In Demir's statement, he stated that they 'enlarged' the HİSAR-A system and that it was qualified as HİSAR-A +.


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We get a HISAR A upgrade to A +.
It seems that the Turkish arms industry only needs enough pressure to accelerate developments.


SSB İsmail Demir HİSAR-A made important statements about the low altitude air defense missile system. Demir emphasized the importance of a layered structure in air defense systems and explained that the HİSAR-A system was made 'operable' with certain elements. Stating that there are only a few small steps left. Demir stated that we can fully see the systems by the end of the year. In Demir's statement, he stated that they 'enlarged' the HİSAR-A system and that it was qualified as HİSAR-A +.

Hisar-A and A+
Hisar-O and O+
G40, Hisar-G and G+
Siper Long range
Long range long altitude missile defense system


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Third lot of ATOM 35mm AirBurst Munitions delivered to Turkish Land Forces passed acceptance tests on 21st of July, at Karapinar test range. Serial production is continuing with Aselsan's automated fuze production facility at Macunköy.


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SUNGUR Low Level Air Defense System is Ready to Enter Service!

Roketsan developed and produced a National Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS/PORSAV) through national resources to replace the Stinger POST (FIM-92B) and Stinger RMP (FIM-92C) MANPADS in the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF). Dubbed as PORSAV, the National ManPADS is a fully autonomous ‘fire and forget’ missile equipped with a two-stage (booster motor and sustainer motor) solid propellant rocket motor and features Aselsan’s cooled Imaging Infrared (IIR) type seeker head (believed to operate in the three to five-micron waveband). The PORSAV is expected to be effective up to the altitude of 4km and a range of 6km+. The missile is believed to be armed with a 3kg high-explosive warhead (as in the case with the Stinger missile) loaded with tungsten ball projectiles.

As the lowest level unit of Turkey’s layered air and missile defense capability the PORSAV has been undergoing development since 2013. According to the Turkish Minsitry of National Defense (MoND)’s 2016 Activity Report in order to meet the Turkish Land Forces Command (TLFC)’s requirements the Portable Air Defense Missile System (PHSFS) Project Contract was signed between the MoND and Roketsan on September 10, 2013. The PHSFS Project covers the design, development and production phases and according to the project schedule the first delivery would take place in September 2020 and deliveries would be completed in September 2022. The PHSFS Project was handed over to the SSB on November 28, 2016. According to sources within the scope of the PHSFS Project the first firing tests with Ballistic Test Missiles, Controlled Test Missiles and unarmed Seeker Guided Test Missiles took place in 2018 and 2019 at the Sinop test range and guided firing tests with armed Seeker Guided Test Missiles (with a live warhead) took place during the second half of June 2020. A short video footage shared by the President of Defense Industries Prof. Ismail DEMIR on July 1, 2020, also included sections from live firing tests that were conducted on June 17, 2020 against a fixed target lifted some 20m from ground level and while simulating a static air target. During the test at least two live PORSAV missiles fired against a fixed target.

On July 1, 2020 President of Defense Industries Prof. Ismail DEMIR announced with a tweet that Turkey’s new Mobile Low-Level Short-Range Air Defense System ‘SUNGUR’s tests were successfully completed and the brand-new weapon is ready to be added to the TAF inventory. According to SSB’s DEMIR, the SUNGUR is able to engage its target while moving (shoot-on-the-move capability) and is able to detect, identify and track its targets both in day and night conditions with a 360-degree range.

The SUNGUR self-propelled surface-to-air missile system which provides mobile, short-range air defense protection for ground units against cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, low-flying fixed-wing aircraft, and helicopters is armed with PORSAV. According to a short video footage shared by Prof. DEMIR on his official twitter account the SUNGUR features a 360-degree rotating gyro-stabilized (allowing the missile pod to maintain aiming direction regardless of vehicle motion) air defense turret mounted atop a BMC’s VURAN 4x4 Armored Vehicle. The electrically controlled turret has two PORSAV missile launcher pods, each capable of firing 2 fire-and-forget IIR guided missiles in rapid succession and is fitted with a Star SAFIRE 380 HLD FLIR System for target detection and tracking purpose. Contrary to ZIPKIN and ATILGAN PMS Systems in the TLFC inventory the SUNGUR is not equipped with a .50-calibre automatic machine gun to cover the missile dead zone and engage ground targets. The SUNGUR is expected to be able communicate with the TLFC’s Air Defense Early Warning and Command Control System (HERIKKS/Skywatcher), which permits external radar tracks and messages to be passed to the fire unit to alert and cue the gunner.

According to the same footage SUNGUR is manned by a gunner, who operates inside the vehicle under armour protection. The gunner uses a control and display panel that features a multifunction color display and two joysticks. Targets are acquired by using the STAR SAFIRE 380 HLD FLIR (forward-looking infrared), which features a laser range finder and a video auto tracker. The FLIR sensor provides SUNGUR with a target acquisition capability in obscured battlefields, at night, and in adverse weather.

The SUNGUR Low Level Air Defense System and PORSAV National MANPADS are expected to enter service with the TAF in late 2020. As pointed out by the SSB’s Prof. DEMIR, the SUNGUR/PORSAV will also be integrated with Land, Air and Sea platforms in the inventory of the TAF in the near future.



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İsmail Demir, President of Defence Industries talked about HISAR Air and Missile Defense Systems

The testing and development process of the Hısar System continues. While HİSAR-A was in the mass production phase, we thought that its range and altitude could be increased. We renamed this upragred system HİSAR-A+. The Hisar-O system is now usable. Air defense systems are very complicated systems. You should use many coordinated parameters such as radar, IFF, Radar, guidance systems.
We have several critical material problems during the mass production phase. After these few problems are resolved, mass production will begin.


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"We have several critical material problems during the mass production phase."

Should we be worried?

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