Just saw this - I can't see when people tag me.. I think i messed up my settings
Dual-Pulse rocket motor
Now that SUNGUR is officially stated to have 8km effective range - I'm looking forward to seeing it's bigger brother on our Naval Vessels
As we are working on Sm-3 kind very advanced anti balistic missiles ?
İf I'm not wrong Anti balistic missiles guided by ins+active radar seeker and iir seekers in the last phase of terminal stage for detecting ballistic missile correctly.
I have a question for experts ;
One colored seeker means seeker use one of the swir,mwir,lwir and two colored seeker means seeker use two of the swir,mwir,lwir or not ?
İf yes even most advanced version of the sm-3 uses two stage seeker but we are work on three stage seeker ;
Could be, but I don't think that these IR sensors are for exo-atmospheric interceptors, but rather for endo-atmospheric ones.
They re at least having fun
It looks like the exact same location as this video from years ago:
That said, it appears as if some Russian missiles have problems with the cold-launch method. The gas launches the missile out of the tube, but the rocket engine doesn't fire.
I've seen this happen before, luckily most of the time the aftermath isn't too bad. I guess if it were a ballistic missile it could end pretty badly.
... bunlar felaket !
whether same incident or not, how can rely on them?
Apparently erdo asked for SAMP/T in recent phone call with macaron.