Even though siper is based on hisar rf it has slightly larger body and also even though the booster is small the 3 4 second extra burn time can make a lot of difference in range. So hisar rf probably is 40-50 km not 60-70.
On February 19, 2022, President of Defence Industries (SSB) Ä°smail DEMÄ°R announced on his social media account that the HÄ°SAR-O+ System successfully destroyed a target in the first firing test carried out with the RF (Radio Frequency) Seeker model. DEMÄ°R said,
Your other speculations are quite correct. A while ago I made a calculation of hisar a+ and hisar o+ motor burn's time from available videos. ( I am quite sure I got it relatively correct ) hence the range calculation
First, the hisar a+ has motor burn time of 7.5 to 8 second so it can quite comfortably intercept a target at 20 km as for comparison mica has motor burn time of 6 seconds with a range of 20 km. However it should be noted at 20km hisar a+ may not gerunte the kill, which it has at 15 km range.
Now, in case of hisar o+ it has 9 to 9.5 second motor burn time. so yes it can be quite effective at 35km but propably can gerunte a hit at 30 km as compared to essm block ii which has a motor burn time of 10 to 10.5 second with a range of 50 km. Even though, these are only speculations however I think it has some credibility.
If hisar o+ had a more powerful aesa radar like the one IRIS T SLM has it could be easily considered the 2nd best medium range air defence system in the world with IRIS T SLM. As far as i know, no other medium range interceptor combined the benefits of TVC and dual pulse motor expect barak 8. However I have some doubt about kalkan radars capability, as it effective range quite small and it is originally pesa hence quite vanurable to jamming (Can anyone has any information about kalkan ii? Is it aesa ? )