Türkiye'nin güdümlü mühimmat üretim üssü Roketsan'ın 2020 yılı cirosu, 450 milyon ABD Doları olarak açıklandı. Şirket, ArGe'ye de 58 milyon Dolar bütçe ayırdı.
Roketsan sold ~400 million $ worth of equipment to the Turkish armed forces this year. An Atmaca missile costs 500k $. So this is a huge purchase of missiles, rockets, smart freefall bombs, cruise missiles, air defense missiles etc. Note that there is a slight mistake in the news it is calculated with current dollar/TL parity(8,5). The dollar value of yearly turnover is in fact around ~550 million $. (3 billion and 830 million TL / 7)
We will see a similar volume of purchases in the next years.