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Algeria-Morocco: towards the total rupture of diplomatic relations?


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Algeria-Morocco: towards the total rupture of diplomatic relations?

Politics By: Ryad Hamadi August 22, 2021 at 9:18 pm

Since 1994, relations between Algeria and Morocco have never been so close to rupture. The proliferation of what Algeria describes as "hostile acts" has already prompted the recall of its ambassador to Rabat on July 18.

A month later, on August 18, the High Security Council (HCS) announced the “review of relations” and the strengthening of security surveillance at the borders with Morocco.

What happened 27 years ago is in no way comparable to the successive acts we have witnessed in recent weeks. At the height of the terrorist violence in Algeria, the Moroccan authorities rushed after an attack in Marrakech and imposed visas on Algerians and even French people of Algerian origin.

Algeria reacted strongly by deciding, among other measures, to close the land border between the two countries. The measure is still in force despite relentless calls from Morocco to lift it.

Relations between the two countries have hardly ever been good since then, but what has been happening since at least mid-July far exceeds in seriousness the imposition of an entry visa on nationals of a neighboring country.

On July 14, Morocco, through its representation at the United Nations, formally supported a movement working for the division of Algeria, in this case the Movement for the Self-Determination of Kabylia ( MAK), classified as a “terrorist organization” by the Algerian authorities two months earlier.

Further actions will confirm that this was not a simple attempt to counterbalance Algerian support for the Polisario Front. In the process, the world press unveiled Morocco's involvement in a vast espionage operation targeting mainly Algeria and some of its senior political and military officials.

The provocation too much
Morocco had somehow worsened its case when the Israeli prime minister chose Moroccan territory to designate Algeria as a source of "concern" for his country Israel and its new ally Morocco. The accusation of "rapprochement" with Iran is an almost explicit threat that could not leave Algiers without a firm reaction.

By allying with Israel, which it is trying to lead into a "suicidal" adventure against Algeria, to use the terms of the Algerian Foreign Ministry, Morocco has "burned its ships" so to speak and left very little chance for possible relations between the two neighboring countries to regain at least their level of a few months ago.

On August 18, the Algerian High Security Council accused Morocco of having provided “aid and support” to two outlawed Algerian organizations presented as responsible for the latest fires which ravaged certain regions of the country, and indicated that all this “required review relations ”with Morocco.

For observers, it becomes almost certain that things will not stop there and it is not the honeyed speeches of King Mohamed VI that will change anything, his fine words are no longer taken seriously due to the fact that
they are contradicted by the acts of its diplomacy and its services.

Algeria does not only have the closed border as a lever. On Saturday August 21, by denying statements by a Moroccan official, Algerian sources suggested that the contract for the Maghreb-Europe gas pipeline which transports Algerian gas to Spain via Morocco may not be renewed at the end of its expiration on October 31st.

The weakening of Arab mediation
On the diplomatic front, Algeria recalled its ambassador to Rabat the day after Ambassador Omar Hilale, a month ago. The next step should logically be the reduction of the respective diplomatic representation at the level of charge d'affaires, but observers do not exclude seeing Algiers, given the seriousness of the grievances held against Rabat, go directly to the extreme extent of the total breakdown of relations with Morocco.

According to our sources, all options are now on the table, including that of the complete severing of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Relations between Algeria and Morocco have almost reached the point of no return. In Algiers, some even think that the era of King Mohamed VI is over.

This inexorable deterioration of relations between the two neighbors is accentuated by the regional context, marked by the weakening of Arab mediation, which previously intervened to mitigate the effects of hostile statements on relations between Algeria and Morocco.

Today, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the two Arab powers, ruled by princes who have a different vision of inter-Arab relations, and especially for the latter who has become a leading supporter of normalization between the Arab countries and Israel, unlike Algeria which there expressed its hostility to such a project. And this normalization which has plunged relations between Algiers and Rabat into the abyss.
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Algeria-Morocco: towards the total rupture of diplomatic relations?

Politics By: Ryad Hamadi August 22, 2021 at 9:18 pm

Since 1994, relations between Algeria and Morocco have never been so close to rupture. The proliferation of what Algeria describes as "hostile acts" has already prompted the recall of its ambassador to Rabat on July 18.

A month later, on August 18, the High Security Council (HCS) announced the “review of relations” and the strengthening of security surveillance at the borders with Morocco.

What happened 27 years ago is in no way comparable to the successive acts we have witnessed in recent weeks. At the height of the terrorist violence in Algeria, the Moroccan authorities rushed after an attack in Marrakech and imposed visas on Algerians and even French people of Algerian origin.

Algeria reacted strongly by deciding, among other measures, to close the land border between the two countries. The measure is still in force despite relentless calls from Morocco to lift it.

Relations between the two countries have hardly ever been good since then, but what has been happening since at least mid-July far exceeds in seriousness the imposition of an entry visa on nationals of a neighboring country.

On July 14, Morocco, through its representation at the United Nations, formally supported a movement working for the division of Algeria, in this case the Movement for the Self-Determination of Kabylia ( MAK), classified as a “terrorist organization” by the Algerian authorities two months earlier.

Further actions will confirm that this was not a simple attempt to counterbalance Algerian support for the Polisario Front. In the process, the world press unveiled Morocco's involvement in a vast espionage operation targeting mainly Algeria and some of its senior political and military officials.

The provocation too much
Morocco had somehow worsened its case when the Israeli prime minister chose Moroccan territory to designate Algeria as a source of "concern" for his country Israel and its new ally Morocco. The accusation of "rapprochement" with Iran is an almost explicit threat that could not leave Algiers without a firm reaction.

By allying with Israel, which it is trying to lead into a "suicidal" adventure against Algeria, to use the terms of the Algerian Foreign Ministry, Morocco has "burned its ships" so to speak and left very little chance for possible relations between the two neighboring countries to regain at least their level of a few months ago.

On August 18, the Algerian High Security Council accused Morocco of having provided “aid and support” to two outlawed Algerian organizations presented as responsible for the latest fires which ravaged certain regions of the country, and indicated that all this “required review relations ”with Morocco.

For observers, it becomes almost certain that things will not stop there and it is not the honeyed speeches of King Mohamed VI that will change anything, his fine words are no longer taken seriously due to the fact that View attachment 29393 they are contradicted by the acts of its diplomacy and its services.

Algeria does not only have the closed border as a lever. On Saturday August 21, by denying statements by a Moroccan official, Algerian sources suggested that the contract for the Maghreb-Europe gas pipeline which transports Algerian gas to Spain via Morocco may not be renewed at the end of its expiration on October 31st.

The weakening of Arab mediation
On the diplomatic front, Algeria recalled its ambassador to Rabat the day after Ambassador Omar Hilale, a month ago. The next step should logically be the reduction of the respective diplomatic representation at the level of charge d'affaires, but observers do not exclude seeing Algiers, given the seriousness of the grievances held against Rabat, go directly to the extreme extent of the total breakdown of relations with Morocco.

According to our sources, all options are now on the table, including that of the complete severing of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Relations between Algeria and Morocco have almost reached the point of no return. In Algiers, some even think that the era of King Mohamed VI is over.

This inexorable deterioration of relations between the two neighbors is accentuated by the regional context, marked by the weakening of Arab mediation, which previously intervened to mitigate the effects of hostile statements on relations between Algeria and Morocco.

Today, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the two Arab powers, ruled by princes who have a different vision of inter-Arab relations, and especially for the latter who has become a leading supporter of normalization between the Arab countries and Israel, unlike Algeria which there expressed its hostility to such a project. And this normalization which has plunged relations between Algiers and Rabat into the abyss.
This was highly expected. Algeria's diplomatic ties with Morocco have finally been severed today due to "Hostile Actions" from Morocco's part.



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You think a war is possible?
Algeria is the only MENA country that has always been standing loudly against Israel's normalization. Morocco, UAE, KSA, Jordan and other GCC regimes have already been staging the destabilization of Algeria for some time now. Morocco's recent war on Algeria through Pegasus spyware espionage is one example of this war. I will be posting future developments on Israel's destabilization saga in North Africa.


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I imagine a proxy war of sorts might appear.
Morocco is a reactionary regime that has always served the interest of Western powers against its own neighbors. Israel largely had Morocco to thank for its victory over its Arab enemies in the 1967 Six Day War, where King Hassan ll of Morocco had passed recordings to Israel of a key meeting between Arab leaders while they were preparing for war against Israel.

In a direct war scenario between Algeria and Morocco, Global Fire Power ranks Algeria 27 and Morocco 53. Even though Morocco most probably doesn't stand a chance in a direct war against Algeria, it will certainly rely on its Western masters such as Israel and France to join in fighting Algeria in such war scenario, a war that is becoming more probable today than ever before.

Below is a photo of the Morocco army being trained by their American sponsor in June 2021. (A photo is worth a thousand words. No comment as to the physical appearance and preparedness of the Moroccan soldiers).

soldat (1).jpg
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The algerians already support the polisario with training and weapons for decades in the moroccan sahara. The hole main root of the problem is the sahara issue.
Algerian patriots do not take in consideration irrelevant comments made by Algeria's enemies.

Obviously the Western Sahara is not a Moroccan land, it is rather a land illegally occupied by the Moroccan army, disputed at the United Nations by the rightful owners of the land, the Sahrawi people themselves.
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Algerian patriots do not take in consideration irrelevant comments made by Algeria's enemies.

Obviously the Western Sahara is not a Moroccan land, it is rather a land illegally occupied by the Moroccan army, disputed at the United Nations by the rightful owners of the land, the Sahrawi people themselves. View attachment 29579 View attachment 29580
Morocco enemy of always. They killed 850 Algerian patriots in Algeria's 1963 war against Morocco when they came to still Algerian land, when they failed miserably. Glory to Algeria's Martyrs.


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Algeria is the only MENA country that has always been standing loudly against Israel's normalization. Morocco, UAE, KSA, Jordan and other GCC regimes have already been staging the destabilization of Algeria for some time now. Morocco's recent war on Algeria through Pegasus spyware espionage is one example of this war. I will be posting future developments on Israel's destabilization saga in North Africa.
Stay strong guys it seems like you are the next target in the Maghreb. Do you think a UAE-backed coup is possible in Algeria? How is the political situation there?


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Stay strong guys it seems like you are the next target in the Maghreb. Do you think a UAE-backed coup is possible in Algeria? How is the political situation there?
Thanks bro. Algeria is stronger than ever, and is a country of warriors, its 2.4 Million Sq-km land gained and protected with the blood of its martyrs. Incomparable to any MENA-Arab country. UAE is a nuisance but never a threat for Algeria's stability. Arab countries are submissive to Western powers and are therefore non-sovereign and do not represent a threat. Only Israel is a real threat for us. :)
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Stay strong guys it seems like you are the next target in the Maghreb. Do you think a UAE-backed coup is possible in Algeria? How is the political situation there?
Stay strong guys it seems like you are the next target in the Maghreb. Do you think a UAE-backed coup is possible in Algeria? How is the political situation there?
Does not seem like moroco have been in a position where they have tried to destabilize algeria. The problems between morocco and algeria have not been good since our independence.The people of the 2 nations love each other. Here is a brief timeline of events.



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Does not seem like moroco have been in a position where they have tried to destabilize algeria. The problems between morocco and algeria have not been good since our independence.The people of the 2 nations love each other. Here is a brief timeline of events.

You say "The people of the 2 nations love each other". There is a notion called National Security that someone at your level obviously can't comprehend. Morocco had normalized with Israel without consulting with the top leader in North Africa, Algeria. This constitutes a declaration of war that will carry severe consequences.


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You say "The people of the 2 nations love each other". There is a notion called National Security that someone at your level obviously can't comprehend. Morocco had normalized with Israel without consulting with the top leader in North Africa, Algeria. This constitutes a declaration of war that will carry severe consequences.
Top leader in which field? National security is something important for any goverment. Why consult when there have been no ties betweeen the 2 goverment for almost 70 years? Its not like they where allies. And yesss the people love each other🇩🇿🇲🇦.


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Top leader in which field? National security is something important for any goverment. Why consult when there have been no ties betweeen the 2 goverment for almost 70 years? Its not like they where allies. And yesss the people love each other🇩🇿🇲🇦.
You said " And yesss the people love each other". You have limited communication skills and low mastery of the English language. Morocco being a satellite of Israel, has now become officially a hostile enemy of Algeria. Spare me the child-like responses to my posts because they are completely unnecessary. Case closed.
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You said " And yesss the people love each other". You have limited communication skills and low mastery of the English language. The Moroccan regime is officially a hostile enemy of Algeria. Spare me your responses to my posts because they are completely unnecessary. Case closed.
You still in love with my english?😂😂 Yes the moroccan and algerian people have a incredible bond💪 I see you have alot of hatred against morocco, and dont wish to see our 2 nations together. Its alright to have your opinion about different aspects, but atleast try for your own good to be honest, and neutral. And just to answer my own question since you did not respond. Algeria is no top leader, but could become one if they launch steps like turkey. I just dont think your statement mirror the reality. Algeria is no turkey... in the end of the day i wish well for my algerian brothers💪


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Does not seem like moroco have been in a position where they have tried to destabilize algeria. The problems between morocco and algeria have not been good since our independence.The people of the 2 nations love each other. Here is a brief timeline of events.

Turkish perspective of Maghreb is don't delve into the local disputes and concentrate on the big game which means denying any post-colonial imperialist influence over the region. We don't want French, Israeli, Russian, or American influence to dominate the region. We don't really care about the Western Sahara issue. You shouldn't let outsiders use you and pit you against each other. Waste your energy undermining each other and only outsiders like the French benefit from that.


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Turkish perspective of Maghreb is don't delve into the local disputes and concentrate on the big game which means denying any post-colonial imperialist influence over the region. We don't want French, Israeli, Russian, or American influence to dominate the region. We don't really care about the Western Sahara issue. You shouldn't let outsiders use you and pit you against each other. Waste your energy undermining each other and only outsiders like the French benefit from that.
There are only a handful of MENA countries who aspire to be independent of Foreign Powers by making their own political, economic and military decisions based on their Sovereignty alone. The majority of MENA countries, unfortunately, had chosen the easy way, to be submissive agents of Foreign Powers serving the interests of either the West or the East.

Algeria itself born from a struggle for independence from a colonial power France, had paid a high price for always standing on the side of the weak who sought self-determination through fight and struggle. Algeria supported Palestine and the Western Sahara, but it also supported South Africa when it was under Apartheid rule. Mandela has stated that "Algeria made a man out of me" years after he was trained politically and militarily among the ranks of the Algerian freedom fighters in the 1960s.

With its firm commitment to the principles of a sovereign governing ideology, Algeria refuses being pressured into accepting Israel unless it returns to the 1949-1967 borders. This regardless of the current trend in the Arab world competing for the normalization with Israel.

Algeria having cut Diplomatic ties two days ago on 08/24 with Morocco , a country completely incompatible and antagonistic with Algeria's principles as an Independent and Sovereign nation, represents a brave and timely decision in a time when the whole region is submitting to Israel's will.

When I mentioned that Algeria is a leader, I meant leader in North Africa only. Algeria is completely disillusioned with the Arab Middle East and can barely function within the so called Arab League, a dysfunctional organization that creates more problems than it solves.
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Turkish perspective of Maghreb is don't delve into the local disputes and concentrate on the big game which means denying any post-colonial imperialist influence over the region. We don't want French, Israeli, Russian, or American influence to dominate the region. We don't really care about the Western Sahara issue. You shouldn't let outsiders use you and pit you against each other. Waste your energy undermining each other and only outsiders like the French benefit from that.
Exactly!! On point! Thats what im trying to tell the algerian brother. In the end its the 2 nations that suffer in the end, and only servere western interest. We have a combined population of nearly 80 million. The algerians have gas and oil, and moroccans is self sufficient in food, and phosphate. What a shame the borders is closed, and relations are low. We could have gone far in this almost 70 years of problems. Pathetic


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Exactly!! On point! Thats what im trying to tell the algerian brother. In the end its the 2 nations that suffer in the end, and only servere western interest. We have a combined population of nearly 80 million. The algerians have gas and oil, and moroccans is self sufficient in food, and phosphate. What a shame the borders is closed, and relations are low. We could have gone far in this almost 70 years of problems. Pathetic
Surely the arab penninsula (KSA, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar etc.) shouldn't meddle either especially if they're meddling on behalf of US, France, UK, etc... ?
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