The fence in Evros will be expanded by about 80 kilometers, said the Minister of Immigration and Asylum, South Mitarakis, in an interview.
“ Greece cannot be a clear vineyard. And because Turkey is not a warring country, those people who come to our country come because they want to have a better future. Humanism is very important, but the people who want to come to the EU. due to the inequalities that exist in the world. We are not talking about a closed Europe, nor about a Europe in which the smugglers will decide who will come to ” stressed the Minister Meta.
Mr. Mitarakis pointed out that the islet of Evros is not a Greek territory, as SYRIZA states, and that according to the Geographical Service of Spar a few days, he was out of Greek territory. As the minister noted, the ongoing patrols in the Aegean, as well as the fence in Evros, are forcing traffickers to find other routes.
Notis Mitarakis also referred to the closure of the Eleonas structure: “ The government in cooperation with the municipality of Athens, which is the owner. Throughout Greece, we currently have 52 thousand hosting positions, of which only 18 thousand are used. There has been a lot of decongestion in recent years. ”
According to data mentioned by Mr. Mitarakis, currently hosting 18,000 immigrants from 92,000 in 2020 in the country's structures. Of the 121 structures that now exist, 34 operate across the country.
Regarding the refugee flows, he stated that last year the lowest numbers in arrivals were recorded in the last decade, with 8,500 meters. This year is expected to be the second lowest year of the decade in migration flows with 7,000 migrant arrivals up to.
“ Greece cannot be a clear vineyard. And because Turkey is not a warring country, those people who come to our country come because they want to have a better future. Humanism is very important, but the people who want to come to the EU. due to the inequalities that exist in the world. We are not talking about a closed Europe, nor about a Europe in which the smugglers will decide who will come to ” stressed the Minister Meta.
Mr. Mitarakis pointed out that the islet of Evros is not a Greek territory, as SYRIZA states, and that according to the Geographical Service of Spar a few days, he was out of Greek territory. As the minister noted, the ongoing patrols in the Aegean, as well as the fence in Evros, are forcing traffickers to find other routes.
Notis Mitarakis also referred to the closure of the Eleonas structure: “ The government in cooperation with the municipality of Athens, which is the owner. Throughout Greece, we currently have 52 thousand hosting positions, of which only 18 thousand are used. There has been a lot of decongestion in recent years. ”
According to data mentioned by Mr. Mitarakis, currently hosting 18,000 immigrants from 92,000 in 2020 in the country's structures. Of the 121 structures that now exist, 34 operate across the country.
Regarding the refugee flows, he stated that last year the lowest numbers in arrivals were recorded in the last decade, with 8,500 meters. This year is expected to be the second lowest year of the decade in migration flows with 7,000 migrant arrivals up to.

Ακόμη 80 χιλιόμετρα φράχτη θα κατασκευαστούν στον Έβρο - Πτήση
Ο φράχτης στον Έβρο θα επεκταθεί κατά περίπου 80 χιλιόμετρα, δήλωσε ο υπουργός Μετανάστευσης και Ασύλου Νότης Μηταράκης, σε συνέντευξή του, στο ραδιοφωνικό σταθμό ΣΚΑΪ. “Η Ελλάδα δεν μπορεί να είναι ξέφραγο αμπέλι. Και επειδή η Τουρκία δεν είναι μια εμπόλεμη χώρα οι άνθρωποι αυτοί που έρχονται...