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Combat Diver Non-Commissioned Officer Bahdir CANBULAT fell martyr while participating in the Denizkurdu (Sea Wolf) exercise. He experienced health problem during the exercise and was transferred to the hospital. Unfortunately he lost the battle there. May Allah accept his martyrdom!



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Combat Diver Non-Commissioned Officer Bahdir CANBULAT fell martyr while participating in the Denizkurdu (Sea Wolf) exercise. He experienced health problem during the exercise and was transferred to the hospital. Unfortunately he lost the battle there. May Allah accept his martyrdom!

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This is sad news, rest in peace.


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Retired General Saldiray BERK lost his life in the hospital where he was receiving treatment. He was one of the people who carried the title "Turkish soldier" with pride and honor. A true nationalist following the steps of our leader Mustafa Kemal ATATURK.

As it usually happens people who carry these kinds of qualities are punished in Turkiye. Did he bow to the FETO gang that was spreading terror in all the institutions of Turkiye with their partners at the time? No! Instead of that, when he was called by the Erzurum court during the Ergenekon treacherous trials he not only didn't go, but also gave directives for TSK F-16s to fly over the heads of the hyenas in the court.

Why did they involved him to the Ergenekon case? In order to prevent him of becoming the next Chief of General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces. The prosecutor who was responsible for this treachery was arrested after the "15th of July" on charges of being a member of the Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETO). With a successful career as his, served as the Commander of the 3rd Army and Commander of Training and Doctrine Command he was a likely candidate for the position. If he had the chance to serve as the Commander of General Staff no of the treacherous cases like Ergenekon and Balyoz would be continued and big blows would've been dealt to the FETO network within the State. We will always remember him with mercy and gratitude. May Allah have mercy and grant him Jannah!


Selcuk Bayraktar:

I learned with deep sorrow the death of our brave commander, General Saldıray Berk, who supported our country's first national and unique UAV system, Bayraktar Mini UAVs, when they were put into use, with whom we tested in the terrorist region during the trial period, and who devoted his life to the survival of our country. Rest in peace. My condolences to his precious family, Turkish Armed Forces and our Nation.


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