This order actually goes back to 2011. It was about $ 128 billion. In addition to the submarines, the order also included warships. The bidders at the time were French DCNS, German Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems and the Japanese alliance Mitsubishi / Kawasaki Heavy Industries.
The Germans had made a very good offer. The submarines and ships would be built in Australia, for which TKMS would be offered a long-term factory in Australia with 3000 workers
All expectations were that the German TKMS would receive the order. To be honest, mine too. But fans everywhere spread false reports so that German companies would be spared the Chinese. In the end, the order went to the DSCNs.
But it must be mentioned that the best of three submarines was the Japanese SORYU class for Australia. Still, the expectations for the Germans were up.
then what was not allowed to happen happened. the French submarine blueprints were on the Internet. 22,400 pages Date: 08/24/2016. Was that German revenge?
Fransosen have switched to BARRACUDA. Slightly smaller version.
what really hurt the French : the Australian prime minister had assured French President Emmanuel Macron two months ago that he was sticking to the contract - only to call it off on Wednesday. This is all the more annoying for the French when they wanted to offer nuclear-powered boats in 2016, but the Australians deliberately refrained from doing so.
The Germans had made a very good offer. The submarines and ships would be built in Australia, for which TKMS would be offered a long-term factory in Australia with 3000 workers
All expectations were that the German TKMS would receive the order. To be honest, mine too. But fans everywhere spread false reports so that German companies would be spared the Chinese. In the end, the order went to the DSCNs.
But it must be mentioned that the best of three submarines was the Japanese SORYU class for Australia. Still, the expectations for the Germans were up.
then what was not allowed to happen happened. the French submarine blueprints were on the Internet. 22,400 pages Date: 08/24/2016. Was that German revenge?
Fransosen have switched to BARRACUDA. Slightly smaller version.
Französischer Rüstungskonzern offenbar Opfer von großem Datenleck | Tiroler Tageszeitung Online
Sydney (APA/AFP) - Der französische Kriegsschiff- und U-Boot-Bauer DCNS ist offenbar Opfer eines großen Datenlecks geworden. Die australisch...

INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN | Milliardenauftrag: Waffenkonzern DCNS: Papiere zum neuen U-Boot gestohlen
Thyssenkrupp hat sich vergeblich um diesen Milliardenauftrag bemüht: Der französische Waffenbauer DCNS bekam den Zuschlag und liefert nun U-Boote an…

Datenleck bei DCNS bedroht U-Boot-Deal mit Australien
Ein französischer Konzern schnappte Thyssen-Krupp den weltgrößten Auftrag für U-Boote in Australien weg. Nun tauchen Baupläne französischer Boote im Internet auf. Betroffen ist nicht nur Australien.
what really hurt the French : the Australian prime minister had assured French President Emmanuel Macron two months ago that he was sticking to the contract - only to call it off on Wednesday. This is all the more annoying for the French when they wanted to offer nuclear-powered boats in 2016, but the Australians deliberately refrained from doing so.
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