2,000 PKK terrorists fighting in Karabakh alongside Armenia, Erdoğan says
At least 2,000 PKK terrorists are fighting alongside Armenia against Azerbaijan during the recent clashes in the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region,...
Spoken like a press officer of Mollah regime. No, my friend. The problem is not breaking Iran down or apart. Problem is what will happen after. 20-30 mio refugee go TR/EU. More extremism and maybe damage on S.A pipelines. What ever your false pride and overconfidence tells you, you are not that might. The future will tell us the truth.Because you can't? So many more powerful players have tried in the last and have failed. The idea that you have the power to do such a thing is mind-boggling.
Iran is not helping Azerbaijan because she's having an existential crisis, lol. If Iran had such a problem, it wouldn't help the Azerbaijan government in helping the war, arming them. It would have simply given a couple of modern Early warning systems and Short-range missile systems to Armenia to protect against UCAVs, and trust me, that would have changed the course of war.
If there are separatists inside Iran - which there are, like all countries in the world - showing them the failure of their utopia is more compelling to them than helping it win. Don't you think?
Better there than in Turkey.![]()
2,000 PKK terrorists fighting in Karabakh alongside Armenia, Erdoğan says
At least 2,000 PKK terrorists are fighting alongside Armenia against Azerbaijan during the recent clashes in the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region,...www.dailysabah.com
I don't agree. We don't get to kill them, and Azerbaycan will waste precious time against those terrorists. Keep your eye on the target. Karabagh.Better there than in Turkey.
We talk about accomplished facts. They are there and we have to fight them. AZ must strengthen the attack.I don't agree. We don't get to kill them, and Azerbaycan will waste precious time against those terrorists. Keep your eye on the target. Karabagh.
Mülki infrastrukturu və dinc əhalini atəşə tutan düşmənin canlı qüvvəsi bölmələrimizin sərrast atəşi ilə məhv edilib
Точным огнем подразделений Азербайджанской Армии уничтожена живая сила противника, подвергшего обстрелу гражданскую инфраструктуру и мирное население
The enemy's personnel who subjected to fire our civilian infrastructure and the peaceful population was destroyed by an accurate fire of the Azerbaijan Army Units