President Aliyev is pointing at all the rat nest that Armenians have dugout and made tunnels all over the places.
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At least PKK had French concrete. These rats are getting buried alive.
President Aliyev is pointing at all the rat nest that Armenians have dugout and made tunnels all over the places.
They improved the Anka engine and wing configuration . Anka now can have 350kg payload.By going with Payload capacities.
TB-2: 150 kg
Anka: 200 kg
Aksungur: 750 kg
Akıncı: 1350 kg
Haberturk fatih altayli said 6 months just before the conflict started. (he quotes secret sources)What do you think, how long will it takes, to control whole Karabagh?
lets hope we have 6 months before international pressure gets too highHaberturk fatih altayli said 6 months just before the conflict started. (he quotes secret sources)
Way to long. The longer the war continue including the deads, the more pressure will come.lets hope we have 6 months before international pressure gets too high
Prolly related to the conflict in Karabakh
CATS doesn't have the these apertures on the side. DASS has those. But the optical apertures don't look like DASS either. I think it must be a new EO we haven't seen before.
Aselsan testing their new Cams I think.
Exciting stuff are happening.
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to the rest
Good example of playing the victimThey cry about muh genocide after this.