Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions



Video from 10 months ago where a British YouTuber comes across an IDP family from Shusha while travelling in Azerbaijan. The man says he doesn't think he will live to see his hometown again. I wonder how he feels now that Shusha is almost liberated.

Hard to believe how many people may have died in those missile strikes months after he shot his Ganja video
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Bosanski Vojnik

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Russian polls mean nothing at all. In summer 2015 90% of Russians knew nothing about Syria and how it is different from Pakistan or Morocco and in autumn 2015 they overwhelmingly supported operation in Syria to save Assad.

Simply now in Karabakh Russia can't do very little so their diplomacy and propaganda is keeping low profile. They allow even pro Azeri opinions.

But still they do small things they can:
* They activated attacks in Syria.
* They sent their soldiers to Armenia-Azebaijan border. Even though Azerbaijan never planned to cross it that gives Armenia some confidence and allows to free troops and send them to other places.
* They send some weapon supplies through Iran.

Overall stubborn position of Armenia made them 100% dependent on Russia. Everything in Armenia belongs to Russian companies: electricity, communications, transport... This creates huge corruption and poverty. Pashinyan was first Armenian leader in 30 years who started fighting corruption. But then he was accused of being a US/Soros agent so in order to counter these accusation Pashinyan started showing his extreme "patriotism".

Ironic, if Armenia loses Karabakh completely it will be the best thing happened to them. They can start concentrating on Armenia itself: fight corruption, start trade with Turkey and Azerbaijan, cut military spends and became more or less a normal country.

On the other hand if Azeri victory wont be decissive, then things in Armenia will get even much worse: corrupt leaders will return to power, they will boost military spends and nationalistic histeria.

I believe Putin is waiting for Pashinyan to be booted out before deciding on what to do next.

Foolish Pashinyan wants to be this pro-western leader in the region. He is deluded like Makron.

Russians lost a lot of respect for Armenians considering that the only reason those artsakh rats managed to occupy nagorno-karabakh & surrounding territory was due to Russian Military support in the 90s

The Armenians being such a deluded bunch think that the can join the EU and be right at the border with Germany/Sweden without Russia getting angry. silly fools. never gonna happen. No matter what their dumbass Diaspora cry about all day long They can either accept being a Russian puppet state for the rest of their lives or being under Turkish/Azerbaijni dominion.

Armenians have no sense of reality.


I believe Putin is waiting for Pashinyan to be booted out before deciding on what to do next.

Foolish Pashinyan wants to be this pro-western leader in the region. He is deluded like Makron.

Russians lost a lot of respect for Armenians considering that the only reason those artsakh rats managed to occupy nagorno-karabakh & surrounding territory was due to Russian Military support in the 90s

The Armenians being such a deluded bunch think that the can join the EU and be right at the border with Germany/Sweden without Russia getting angry. silly fools. never gonna happen. No matter what their dumbass Diaspora cry about all day long They can either accept being a Russian puppet state for the rest of their lives or being under Turkish/Azerbaijni dominion.

Armenians have no sense of reality.

Armenians really are at it alone for now I mean its, not like Russia even recognizes Karabakh as Armenian territory at all beung a UNSC member hell Yerevan does not even recognize Artsakh or whatever they call Karabakh they had 28 years to do so I mean Turkey had TRNC as pseudo state Russia has Ossetia,Abkkhazia and Donestek wtf I guess Armenians are stupider than I previously thoughts makes sense why Kim Kardashian is their big superstar


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Armenians are celebrating the earthquake that hit Turkey. Perhaps we should celebrate armenians flying from an explosion 🤣🤣🤣


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I believe Putin is waiting for Pashinyan to be booted out before deciding on what to do next.
Not at all. Putin can't do more than he is doing already anyway. But while Pashinyan is at power he has a good excuse why he is not acting.

Similarly in Armenia no one wants to take Pashinyan's place before the war is over.

But soon after war ends Putin will do everything to boot Paninyan and to present himself as savior of Armenia (although there was no any threat on Armenia itself).

Bayraktar TB2

I think even Putin was surprised by the level of Turkish support for Azerbaijan and Azerbaijans successes on the field. Azerbaijan didn't relent to external pressure and continued the operation is one factor also.


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Not at all. Putin can't do more than he is doing already anyway. But while Pashinyan is at power he has a good excuse why he is not acting.

Similarly in Armenia no one wants to take Pashinyan's place before the war is over.

But soon after war ends Putin will do everything to boot Paninyan and to present himself as savior of Armenia (although there was no any threat on Armenia itself).

Its a pity really. The Velvet revolution showed a lot of promise. With the right policy and direction itmight have solved the perpetual aggresive attitude of Armenia towards it neighbours through dialogue. However he not only pulled out of any talks with Azerbaijan but this mofo had the nerve to directly lay claim to Turkish lands. He litteraly put himselfs in this position. I dont wish any harm upon Armenians but these guys really WANT to get hurt it seems.

Bayraktar TB2

I think even Putin was surprised by the level of Turkish support for Azerbaijan and Azerbaijans successes on the field. Azerbaijan didn't relent to external pressure and continued the operation is one factor also.
I think its obvious where Azerbaijan get its assertiveness from when Aliyev says those f16s are on the ground now but will be activated if externals interfere. (Aliyev has gotten big promises from Erdoğan its clear).

Putin sees this picture and don't want to lose Azerbaijan for Karabagh. Armenia will still be beholden to Russia and still going to have a Russian base after this war.


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Its a pity really. The Velvet revolution showed a lot of promise. With the right policy and direction itmight have solved the perpetual aggresive attitude of Armenia towards it neighbours through dialogue. However he not only pulled out of any talks with Azerbaijan but this mofo had the nerve to directly lay claim to Turkish lands. He litteraly put himselfs in this position. I dont wish any harm upon Armenians but these guys really WANT to get hurt it seems.

Guy seems to have gone to amateur-hour school on top.

If Russia was the big security provider in the end.... he went out of his way to upset them....thinking the West can step in big time or something (really dumb if he thought that).

Logic states if you erode one relationship, you need to improve another one, esp when you are so small.

Bayraktar TB2

Düşmənə dəqiq zərbələr endirilib

Azərbaycan Ordusunun bölmələri düşmənin qüvvə və döyüş vasitələrini dəqiq zərbələrlə məhv edib.

По противнику нанесены точные удары

Подразделения Азербайджанской Армии точными ударами уничтожили силы и боевые средства противника.

Precise strikes were inflicted on the enemy

The Azerbaijan Army Units have destroyed the enemy’s forces and combat equipment by precise strikes.



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The problem with Putins two faced words is he has heavily armed and supplied armenia during this conflict. He has attempted gun boat politics to try and threaten Azeribaijan to back off. He has also rushed from day one to create a ceasefire which favours the armenian occupation.

Politically the russians are scandalous.

Russia is the number one reason for the problems in the region. They should be treated according to exactly what they are, trouble makers.


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Amnesty International has verified the use of banned cluster bombs by Armenia for the first time in the current Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, following an attack on the city of Barda in Azerbaijan

They are calling on both sides to stop using cluster bomb. They don’t single out Armenia. This is their mentality.

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