Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions


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Turkish mindset is very different to that of a slav. A strong Turkey will create her own realities and her regional dimensions.

A hundred years ago Turkey was only 10 million people while russia was a 100 million plus. Today Turkey is nearing 90 million and Russia is a 140 million. A hundred years from now Turkey most likily will eclipse the Russian population.

This doesnt include anything concerning the massive eur-asian Turkic population that also exists, who naturally will gravitate towards a strong Turkey.
Remember also that only 110 million of that 140 million are Russians. There are a lot of BulgarTurks, Tatars, Yakuts, Daghestanis etc etc.. within Russian federation. Russian population receding big time. But the Turkic population is multiplying exponentially.


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Karapetyan is certain that he saw Turkish soldiers on the field. “I heard people speaking Turkish
what a liers, what language Azerbaijani people speak? Turkish... Armenians know it the most... Artists... also, in Azerbaijan there is rule, they shoot every enemy laying down, its called control fire. espeially those who go to deep inside were SOF units, who went through mountains, where armenians didnt protect, Tanks not able to go there.. )) i stoped reading after here


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Guys, know this guy, he made the plan, to take over Soviet base without a single weapon and take weapons so be able to protect Karabagh(at that time we had no weapon to send to soldiers, which resulted in Russians thinking their soldiers not secure in Azerbaijan and left all their bases.. he created Bozkurt army. didnt loose a single village but actually took all the high mountains many areas that pushed Armenians back 10s of km at first Karabagh war. in the second version(2ci hisse), you will be amazed how he is still athletic at this age... real Bozkurt in Azerbaijan.. I think Turks would love to know him.. the guy asked why he was always wanted to take high mountains, he replied, thats where wolfs live.. Also, he promised he wouldnt not shave his beard until karabgh is returned, and weared black sun glasses as he said until those lands are bak its matem/yas for me.. soon he will shave his beard...

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"I heard them speaking Turkish" = Turkish troops lmao.

Bruv the languages of both are 98% similar. Everything these armos do is to try and either blame Turkey or draw them into it.

Reminds me of Haftar claiming that Libya was coming under a complete Turkish invasion. The Turkish army is so fierce that even when were not around they hear our voices.


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Azerbaijani soldiers praising the importance of the training they received in Turkey and the joint exercises.

Azerbaijani Special Forces soldier: "Our soldiers in this war who received training from Turkey were always those who fought on the front lines and took the least losses. The soldiers who took part in these trainings were the ones that destroyed the enemy's forces and were front row in all our operations. If I am still alive today, if Azerbaijan won the Nagorno Karabakh war, it because of the training we received. "


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Azerbaijani soldiers praising the importance of the training they received in Turkey and the joint exercises.

Azerbaijani Special Forces soldier: "Our soldiers in this war who received training from Turkey were always those who fought on the front lines and took the least losses. The soldiers who took part in these trainings were the ones that destroyed the enemy's forces and were front row in all our operations. If I am still alive today, if Azerbaijan won the Nagorno Karabakh war, it because of the training we received. "
All the equipment means nothing without a properly trained army, just look at most Arab states, biggest customer of weapon manufacturers but still cant win a war.

Good thing for Azerbaijan that its army got up to date training and moving away from old/inefficient soviet military doctrine, this is something no money in the world can buy.


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He killed French Armenian that did lots of terror attack against Turkish embassies in EU. after his death, Armenians left without head and lost almost 90 villages and finally signed ceasefire..

Fuzuli NL

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Fuzuli NL

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Anybody has difficulties understanding the above posts, dm me so I can clarify, or just learn English :p .


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You invite them into your home, tomorrow they will make you homeless.
its actually new Turkish-Azerbaijani game to take ARmenia into their side.. Russia wants to put their person in Armenia.. main reason, Azerbaijani and Armenians cannot live side by side. or they say when Azeri forces go to Stepanakert, Armenians afraid, so dont come, which means they want to clear an autonomy there..
on the other hand, when Armenians shared a video that tey will attack our forces, our SOF took 240 prisoners. but later it worked against Pashinyan as they said he cannot save borders, he is weak and so on.. so our forces released most of them. this video is also to maek Pashik strong in his politics, to show that his move actually better. if they become agressive they will loose more than being friendly.. to be honest, i believe Turkey is doing all these tactics.. even thats the reason our forces doesnt kill any armenian prisoner.. normally its imposible for them to be that safe.. the problem is if new Russian person comes, they could even join to Russia, which means we will not be able return the land between us in the future, but this way, Russia will finally use force to change government, which will end up more anger to Russia and people will die, it will push Armenia to our hands ;) they dont belive EU anymore, as they see we act to them, offer economy, opening our border, they need to choose us. which also means, in the future, for 50 billion $ damage, they could pay with land... i made it short, but i could say so many things happening these days to make it happen... and important part is Turkish and Azerbaijani news made Armenian people to be behind Pashinyan even though he lost war.
for example, today, he flied to a city near our border with helicopter, out forces even took his video, but nobody shot, means he got approval from our forces. in that city, priest didnt shake his hand, Russia try to make him look very weak, normally in Caucasia people want strong leader, or in our region, but still people support him, people ran to that church to kick that priest out. so many things going on.. there would be a bloodshed, might be our another game to make Armenians to hate Russia ;) Also, a day ago, our president said that he won Kocharyan army(who is against Pashik, previous president) who created army for 30 years. he said its obvious that Pashinyan wouldnt be able to create an army within 2 years of his term till now.. this also shows that our side in the game too.. these from me for now.. ;)

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