Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

Agha Sher

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No anti-terror operation in Karabakh for at least another 10 days. Weather is rainy and foggy. In 10 days there will be a 3-5 day window with clear skies before the weather turns unfavourable again.


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Armenia wants Russia to kill Azeris so they can steal their land. Russia would love to maintain the frozen conflict so that they can control and manipulate both armenia and azerbaijan. However if Armenia creates another war Russia cannot afford an all out conflict with Azerbaijan in favour of Armenia because that will destroy their relations with Azerbaijan and it will force Azerbaijan further into Turkiye sphere. This war i doubt could change anything to the benefit of Armenia eitherway.

Russia does whats in her interests and she uses everyone to get there. If Armenians were not so brainwashed by the "hate industry" they have cultivated and looked into Russian history they will see the reason they have been reduced to their low status and dire situation is because of Russian engineering. They were the ones who tricked them like the british tricked the arabs and kurds, that if they pick up guns and kill Turks, in this case a "REAL" attempt of genocide of the entire eastern Anatolian Muslim population they will be given a country. Russia used these idiots like the fanatics they are and when ultimately it failed against the Turks like the Russians knew it would the Russians walked in and annexed Armenia.

Those Armenians shamelessly begged Ataturk to help them against Russia, saying we shouldn't let our recent troubles get in the way of a thousand years of brotherhood. Too late guys, you made your bed and sure as hell going to sleep in it.

Anyway, the Armenians think if they can flirt with the americans it will create pressure on the Russians to help them, its kind of blackmail trick the armenians are using. The americans are hoping that if they do this they can get Russia to fight and kill Azeris and potentially cause trouble for Turks in a wider context. Thats our NATO ally who looks to undermine us at every opportunity.

However the Russians are playing a different game, they are basically trying to pressure the armenians by saying F'you then, i dont need your fake friendship, this is basically telling armenia that you cannot do anything to me, your existence depends on me. The reality of course is that Armenias existence is not in question, but without Russia they cannot pursue their greater territorial ambitions. To leave Russia they would have to accept peace with Turkiye and Azerbaijan and the armenians dont want peace.
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Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler received Azerbaijani Chief of General Staff and 1st Deputy Minister of Defense, General Polkovnik Kerim Veliyev, who came to Ankara upon the invitation of Chief of General Staff Metin Gürak. Chief of General Staff, General Metin Gürak, also took part in the meeting.

Ghost soldier

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i found the meaning Of the inverted A azerbaijan.

V means victory

A for azerbaijan

the line that makes a crossed V represents the zangazur corridor azerbaijan intends to opens


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This dude talked, 3 years ago when Armenia started another war it was destined to lose, how they were gonna take back their lands and kill all Turks in the region, yes he wrote that openly on twitter and was not banned for that I might add not only that there is still morons who are fans of this fascist and his fascists bands music. They even published a song around the time the war started litearlly talking about how Turks aren't humans and need to be killed off. Now imagine a Turkish band living in the west doing the same :) Just imagine what would happen :)

I might also add he made several anti-semetic comments because Israel stood by Azerbaijan its ally and not the "poor fellow victims of also a genocide" fascist armenians. Even dragged the memory of those lost in the holocaust into it.

Now he cries once again "Genocide". Thanks to Armenians that word has lost all meaning, just like the word "fascist" has lost all of its meaning thanks to the west calling anyone who does not agree to their demands and bowing down to them "fascist" for close to a decade now.

Just like his ancestors who a 100 years ago started a rebellion in delusion fed by the Russians and French and then started crying "Genocide" when they had a meeting with reality.

Not even our enemies have honour. One side cries about a "genocide" that never happened after their ancestors started a rebellion and were punished for it, one side invades Izmir and mainland Turkey hyped up by the English and French just to have its invading fascist army be slaughtered and pushed into the sea and now tries to call that also "genocide".

Or maybe it is just projection of the things their own ancestors did and now they are trying to hide those facts by projection their own crimes on their victims just like cheaters love to accuse their own partners of cheating even though they are the ones doing it.
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Just another sign of the decaying American Empire. Running to the help of a irrevelant country and its people, who started several wars are sanctioned by the UN for occupying their neighbors land and have perpetrated several ethnic cleansings over that last 100 years. And why? Cause several politicians are dependent on the votes of a couple hundred thousand "Armenians" living in the US who cant speak or even read armenian.

Speaks also volume about the state the Pentagon is in when it still thinks their policy they have implemented a decade ago towards Türkiye and Azerbaijan can actually still continue. Their little SDF project is slowy coming to an end. Just like I predicted years ago. It is only a matter of time before they fully pull their support just like in Afghanistan and vanish in the middle of the night. Their radio silence about the state the SDF is in right now speaks volume. Arming up Greece also doesn't have them desired affect and now they want to try and arm up South Cyprus as if Türkiye won't answer by turning the TRNC into a fortress.

Exercising with Armenia is supposed to accomplish what? Scare away Azerbaijan? LOL. This will just lead to a massive exercise by Türkiye and Azerbaijan on Armenia's border in the next months. Not only that there is a good chance unless Armenia fully submits soon that Russia will pull its support and with it its protection. They think the US will protect them? Good joke.


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This dude talked, 3 years ago when Armenia started another war it was destined to lose, how they were gonna take back their lands and kill all Turks in the region, yes he wrote that openly on twitter and was not banned for that I might add not only that there is still morons who are fans of this fascist and his fascists bands music. They even published a song around the time the war started litearlly talking about how Turks aren't humans and need to be killed off. Now imagine a Turkish band living in the west doing the same :) Just imagine what would happen :)

I might also add he made several anti-semetic comments because Israel stood by Azerbaijan its ally and not the "poor fellow victims of also a genocide" fascist armenians. Even dragged the memory of those lost in the holocaust into it.

Now he cries once again "Genocide". Thanks to Armenians that word has lost all meaning, just like the word "fascist" has lost all of its meaning thanks to the west calling anyone who does not agree to their demands and bowing down to them "fascist" for close to a decade now.

Just like his ancestors who a 100 years ago started a rebellion in delusion fed by the Russians and French and then started crying "Genocide" when they had a meeting with reality.

Not even our enemies have honour. One side cries about a "genocide" that never happened after their ancestors started a rebellion and were punished for it, one side invades Izmir and mainland Turkey hyped up by the English and French just to have its invading fascist army be slaughtered and pushed into the sea and now tries to call that also "genocide".

Or maybe it is just projection of the things their own ancestors did and now they are trying to hide those facts by projection their own crimes on their victims just like cheaters love to accuse their own partners of cheating even though they are the ones doing it.

Crying genocide because they lost and could not wipe us out.

Thats why they went after the Azerbaijanis and Turkish Cypriots as they were fair game to Greeks and Armenians.


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This dude talked, 3 years ago when Armenia started another war it was destined to lose, how they were gonna take back their lands and kill all Turks in the region, yes he wrote that openly on twitter and was not banned for that I might add not only that there is still morons who are fans of this fascist and his fascists bands music. They even published a song around the time the war started litearlly talking about how Turks aren't humans and need to be killed off. Now imagine a Turkish band living in the west doing the same :) Just imagine what would happen :)

I might also add he made several anti-semetic comments because Israel stood by Azerbaijan its ally and not the "poor fellow victims of also a genocide" fascist armenians. Even dragged the memory of those lost in the holocaust into it.

Now he cries once again "Genocide". Thanks to Armenians that word has lost all meaning, just like the word "fascist" has lost all of its meaning thanks to the west calling anyone who does not agree to their demands and bowing down to them "fascist" for close to a decade now.

Just like his ancestors who a 100 years ago started a rebellion in delusion fed by the Russians and French and then started crying "Genocide" when they had a meeting with reality.

Not even our enemies have honour. One side cries about a "genocide" that never happened after their ancestors started a rebellion and were punished for it, one side invades Izmir and mainland Turkey hyped up by the English and French just to have its invading fascist army be slaughtered and pushed into the sea and now tries to call that also "genocide".

Or maybe it is just projection of the things their own ancestors did and now they are trying to hide those facts by projection their own crimes on their victims just like cheaters love to accuse their own partners of cheating even though they are the ones doing it.

Armenians are a symptom of a wider problem, that problem is the enablers. How do you counter the instigators of these troubles the USA, France, Russia, the UK etc.

Every minority that was provoked to rise up against the Ottomans was provoked by the same states, namely the UK, France and Russia. Today we add the USA to that list.

The only reason the armenians can spew their hatred freely is because its in line with the americans/russians/british/french agenda against Turkiye. This is why serj can be on open racist/fascist on twitter where millions if not hundreds of millions see his crap and he will never be banned for it. A Turk on the other hand can question the armenian allegations and that can be enough to get banned. And pay attention to how none of the international media has ever questioned the racial hatred contained in his music against Turks. Its all covered the "genocide" committed by Turks, but none of them ever questioned the racial hatred being spewed.

We see the same games being played on the Kurds. I opened a thread about Kurds causing trouble in Japan, this forum shut it down. But the point i was hoping to expand on was how in Japanese media they show Kurdish crimes as Turkish crimes, while at the same time they shows Kurds fleeing to Japan because of the oppression and suffering they experience in Turkiye. So Turks get f'ed on both ends, we are shown to be killing/opressing Kurds and when Kurds cause trouble in these lands their media show it as Turks causing trouble. That's a dehumanisation game at play that's global.

Now even in Japan they believe because of the media that Kurds are oppressed and persecuted in Turkiye by Turks.

This agenda to constantly dehumanise Turkish people with pure propaganda is still going on today, in the past 20 years ive seen how the Kurdish issue has grown and grown and grown where people are claiming Turks are committing genocide on them.

We are doing nothing to counter any of this international perception, most Turks living in the west are cowards in the sense that they wont put themselves on the line to defend the nation, they will stay silent. Then we have the career chasers who know a sure why to getting promotion in the media and opportunities is to denounce Turks and Turkiye, to push the agenda against Turkiye.

So what is the long game at play here, why such a heavy co-ordinated international campaign to show Turks are evil genocidal backward savages? And then the other question is why does Turkiye do nothing to combat any of this? TRTworld could expose all this crap so easily, expose all the lies, but it doesnt. To the contrary i think the head of it was is a "Muslim" woman wearing hijab whose received honours from armenian groups for claiming Turks committed genocide on Armenians.

To me it looks like we are under attack from many many directions. Meanwhile Turks are sleeping.


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Armenia signed the Rome Convention and accepted the statute of the international criminal court.

In this case, if Putin comes to Armenia, he will be arrested immediately.

When it comes to geopolitics Armenia is one of the most inept states on earth. Like a child who didn't get what he wanted he's lashing out. This guy is no statesman, he's creating a situation where its very possible Russia will annex her.

Only way out of their isolationist hell is to make peace with Azerbaijan.

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