Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions


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Military footage from the sites of military clashes in Nagorno-Karabakh. In particular, the strike of an Azerbaijani missile, the LORA operational-tactical missile system, made in Israel, on the Tor air defense system of the Armenian army. The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan reported that Armenia began to use electronic warfare systems to suppress GPS signals. It is also reported that the electronic warfare of Armenia was destroyed by a strike from an Azerbaijani kamikaze drone Harop made in Israel. Azerbaijan has actively used these loitering munitions before. According to the latest data, a convoy of the Azerbaijani army has now left Shushi and is moving towards hostilities.



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To me, people "in deep" like Zeihan, Friedman, Bustamente(this is a new one, CIA guy) who normally supposed to lay low and do their job coming into the limelight and running their mouths on all kinds of stuff is a sign of US soft power machine losing steam and slipping the reigns.

Interesting times do truly lie ahead.

Thank you for making Aliyev look even more cooler.

These Greeks and Armenians will constantly spout their bull shit but instead make Erdogan, Aliyev, Ottomans and Ataturk look good.

Keep up the propaganda its just making the Turks look more based.

its just controlled opposition.. nothing more nothing else.. western media is build up upon these kind of things.. everything is controlled.. I also suspect many of them to be just a arm of something like Secret servicemen

people may think this is paranoid or just stupid mind without reality its their own inability to see through


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And who are they to comman Azerbaijan what to do in their own territory? Why are they not ordering Armenia to return to its own territory?

Have yet to see one statement made by these clowns condemning the deaths caused by mines planted by Armenian terrorist. Nothing but a bunch of christian fundamentlist masquerading as democrats.

For 3 years now the only thing these clowns have been talking about are "poor armenians civilians" motherfucker your beloved fascist armenia has deliberately attacked civilians with ballistic missiles, where the fuck where their condemnations then? Where the fuck was it when Azerbaijani civilians were being killed by mines planted by their beloved Armenians.

Where were their condemnations when their beloved Armenia spit on the agreement it signed for three years?

Azerbaijan has to do this and that. Fuck outta here. Azerbaijan has every right to do what it wants on its own soil especially against settler from Lebanon who are acting as terrorist entity.

For 30 years these clowns have behind closed doors supported and even encouraged Armenia's illegal occupation of Azerbaijani land. Overlooked the massacred and ethnic cleansing done by their darlings. They did the same shit with Cyprus were they tried anything to block the Turkish intervention so the greeks could finish their genocide on the island. Then turned around and rewarded them by accepting them into the EU.

It is time for people to understand that the EU in its foundations is nothing but a mask for the christian-fascist europe to export its bloodlust to third countries. For the majority of their existence they slaughtered each other until with WW2 they came to the bring of extinction and now they export the killings to third countries to satisfy their bloodlust. Armenia, South Cyprus. Nothing but a bunch of proxies for these fascist.
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If I were Armenian, I would be so ashamed for this.

Azerbaijan is conducting an anti-terrorism operation, and Armenian losers are cursing Lavrov and Putin's mother.
You know there is a turkish saying, these people, just like pkk are used to got to wedding night with someone elses d*ck.
Disappointments are bound to happen with such a mentality.
You are surrounded by about 100 million Turks, why dont you try to get along with them instead of being the breeding ground for foreign interventions? This has been the case for over a century yet they still dont learn and do the same mistakes.


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When did Azerbaijan have international support other than Türkiye and perhaps Pakistan?


Agha Sher

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The large munitions being dropped on terrorists is not Lora (in most cases). They are laser marked with TB2, thus, most likely a TRG munition.


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Interesting post on Azerbaijan reddit exposing the co-ordinated and intentional propaganda against Azerbaijan.
routers propaganda:


his response:


Routers propergandists reponse:


Don't expect these anglo-american propagandists bastards to change course. The armenian situation is a symptom of the wider agenda and cause at play here, namely the anglo-american, euro and russian agenda against Turks and Muslims.

The only solution to combatting this "euro-question" is for the Turkic people to unite together, to support each other. Not to sell each other out, not to silence each other. There is no other long term way out of this hell.

Azeris used to be pro west in the sense that they felt they had good relations with europe, i used to tell them dont be fooled the moment you try to do something in your interest the same united voice will be against you as it against Turkiye. They hate Turkiye because these euro origin peoples hate anything that isn't a subservient slave to them. Certain non-white nations get privliedged status buts thats entirely because they have been vassalized by the euro origin peoples like Japan. Or they need them them to combat a bigger threat first, before they turn on them and then subjucate them.

So here we are again and the exact same united propaganda front has formed, its totally imperial in nature just different in character.

Its the same reason i tell Azeri people dont remain silent to the Armenian slanders, they are already trying to portray the war they started and were defeated in as a genocide and they are trying to portray this shit as a "new potential" genocide. But give it a enough time and these events will appear internationally to how they made their treason against the Ottoman state appear.

Only solution for the Turkish people is to unite, to move forward together. The challenges we face cannot be dealt with any other way.


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We need to see it to believe it. Armenians always use agreements just to buy time in which they can then unilaterally reengage on. The reason we are here today is because they didn't stick to agreements from 2020.

And sooner rather then later the Russian trouble makers need to leave the region, nothing but death, destruction and turmoil entered the region once they entered. Its time for this disaster to return back to the Moscow.
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Agha Sher

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It took Azerbaijan 24 hours to settle something on the field which couldn't be settled by negotiations for 3 years.

Now onto the Zangezur Corridor. Armenia's dishonest approach will not go unanswered.

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