Interesting post on Azerbaijan reddit exposing the co-ordinated and intentional propaganda against Azerbaijan.
My email to Reuters about the factual inaccuracies in their reporting and their reply. Don’t be shy to point out if you see incorrect information
u/ses92 in
routers propaganda:
his response:
Routers propergandists reponse:
Don't expect these anglo-american propagandists bastards to change course. The armenian situation is a symptom of the wider agenda and cause at play here, namely the anglo-american, euro and russian agenda against Turks and Muslims.
The only solution to combatting this "euro-question" is for the Turkic people to unite together, to support each other. Not to sell each other out, not to silence each other. There is no other long term way out of this hell.
Azeris used to be pro west in the sense that they felt they had good relations with europe, i used to tell them dont be fooled the moment you try to do something in your interest the same united voice will be against you as it against Turkiye. They hate Turkiye because these euro origin peoples hate anything that isn't a subservient slave to them. Certain non-white nations get privliedged status buts thats entirely because they have been vassalized by the euro origin peoples like Japan. Or they need them them to combat a bigger threat first, before they turn on them and then subjucate them.
So here we are again and the exact same united propaganda front has formed, its totally imperial in nature just different in character.
Its the same reason i tell Azeri people dont remain silent to the Armenian slanders, they are already trying to portray the war they started and were defeated in as a genocide and they are trying to portray this shit as a "new potential" genocide. But give it a enough time and these events will appear internationally to how they made their treason against the Ottoman state appear.
Only solution for the Turkish people is to unite, to move forward together. The challenges we face cannot be dealt with any other way.