Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions


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Russia controls the strings of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan wants larger russian presence
Russia wants to dominate Armenia
Armenians are disappointed in their Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan (Armenians blame Nikol Pashinyan for the defeat of Karabakh in 2020) and this year began to turn away from the alliance with Russia towards the West, France and the United States. For which Putin and his company were terribly angry.
Azerbaijan is playing a difficult game with Russia, as is Israel. It is possible that this is because many Azerbaijani fruit traders and Jewish bankers live in Russia. But the mass of the population of Azerbaijan is on the side of Ukraine and against Russia.


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Not to mention that Azerbaycan probably isn't iynterested in Ukraine - Russia war widdles out because Azerbaycan needs to wait until 2025 to get the Russian PK out, and until then prove that they're working proactively towards an inclusive society. But within Azerbaycans constitution. And weeding out all the dissedents.

Establish proper bordercontrol and shape Karabag as they want.. And build up and become stronger because once Armenia crumbles and Zengesur becomes open even potentially Azerbaycan land the neighbour to the south will start causing trouble. even more than the rattling they're doing now.


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-Sultan Aliyev the Red-

Dictator, tyrant, brute, rude, and many more descriptions are all used for Aliyev. There are also Turks who join this chorus.

But the man is taking back Azerbaijani lands by the skin of his teeth.

If he didn't care about Karabakh, these definitions would have been in the opposite direction. EU politicians would have portrayed him as a potential new member of EU. This hypocritical, two-faced political system has always existed and will always exist. We must first have a united stand against this hypocrisy.


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Armenians are disappointed in their Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan (Armenians blame Nikol Pashinyan for the defeat of Karabakh in 2020) and this year began to turn away from the alliance with Russia towards the West, France and the United States. For which Putin and his company were terribly angry.

And that mindset is why they will continue to lose going forward.

Before the 2020 war Pashinyan was even talking to the international Armenian diaspora that the treaty of sevres is the basis for the armenian state. He was basically telling the Armenians world to push and propagandise the idea that Turkish land belong to Armenia. Forget about "new wars for new territories" that they were gloating about towards Azerbaijan, from the top to the bottom the Armenians believed that under the "genocide" agenda they were even going to take land from Turkiye. This is peak delusion, mental sickness.

Anyway the war comes and they are hoping that no matter what happens in the end the Russians will intervene and defeat Azerbaijan and hand land over to Armenia. Again peak delusion, Russians despise armenians, they see them as dark skinned gypsies. Irrespective of that Russia does everything only to help her own geopolitical ambitions and at best Armenia can only ever be a pawn and pawns are always sacrificed to gain strategic advantage for the King.

So Russia failed them, but Russia has their military might on their doorstep. Now they are hoping that armenia can become a protectorate of US/France/EU and use them to get from Turks. But armenians are failing to see the biggest danger to their sovereignty and that is Russia, if they push to hard Russia will simply annex armenia or create a coup and install a puppet dictator.

The only good solution out is to make peace with Turkiye/Azerbaijan, but they are filled with so much fanatical racial hatred under an eternal victim perception that they will not make peace or come to terms with the Turks.

I suspect within 50 years Armenia will not exist as a sovereign state, they will play their cards wrong and invite a Russian invasion. But armenia has never been a geopolitically intelligent state.


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-Sultan Aliyev the Red-

Dictator, tyrant, brute, rude, and many more descriptions are all used for Aliyev. There are also Turks who join this chorus.

But the man is taking back Azerbaijani lands by the skin of his teeth.

If he didn't care about Karabakh, these definitions would have been in the opposite direction. EU politicians would have portrayed him as a potential new member of EU. This hypocritical, two-faced political system has always existed and will always exist. We must first have a united stand against this hypocrisy.

If he were willing to cede land to Armenia and turn into a subservient lackey no doubts the EU would have tagged Azerbaijan along the road of EU membership for the next 100 years. When you sell your own mother out the EU and euro origin dominated world they will portray you as good guys. We seen this trick played on Turkiye many times. But when you fight for your honourable interests and rights, you show integrity and principles and do not bow your head to these tyrants they portray you as the great devil.

Anyway the important thing for Turks to see is the "united agenda, from politicians to the media" only solution is that we unite, we support each other and we fight for each other. Otherwise this international organisation will look to bury us.

As Turks when we see a pig try to throw muck on Azerbaijan we have to speak, we cannot remain silent to the injustice. That's the bare minimum we can do.

And let me add another message for the Turkish Cypriots, do not be fooled by the EU, they want the entire island to come under their jurisdiction. Do not be fooled into the EU making you think you are different from the Turks in Turkiye, you are not and you never will and should never want to be. Just like they unilaterially side with the Armenian aggressor, they are against us in Cyprus too. This is why in over 50 years nothing can be diplomatically settled on the island.

And to the wider Turkic world, do you want your kids or your grand kids to be at the mercy of these people? Only solution is to work towards bringing all Turkic nations together.

And lets not forget our oppressed brothers and sisters in East Turkistan, whose suffering shames us daily. The only way this can be overcome for a united Turkic front no other way.
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Algerians did not care whether the Harkis were Muslim or not.

Most got put to death or deported.

Treason has a price. This had to be said.

I dont want Azerbaijanis letting their emotions get to them.

Put them all to trial in a court. People deported the ring leaders executed.

All military personel put in prison. All settlers from lebanon and argentina will be used to clear mines.

Dont let them off the hook.


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-Sultan Aliyev the Red-

Dictator, tyrant, brute, rude, and many more descriptions are all used for Aliyev. There are also Turks who join this chorus.

But the man is taking back Azerbaijani lands by the skin of his teeth.

If he didn't care about Karabakh, these definitions would have been in the opposite direction. EU politicians would have portrayed him as a potential new member of EU. This hypocritical, two-faced political system has always existed and will always exist. We must first have a united stand against this hypocrisy.
Erdogan was the same tbh
When Erdogan was the perfect Western slave, they praised him as the perfect modern muslim who will change the whole muslim faith from barbarism to secularism and democracy.
When Erdogan started to work for Turkey's interest, they portrayed him as the devil, autocrat, terrorist, radical islamist, neo-ottomanism, colonialism etc....
The western game should be known to all by now. This was in 2011👇


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Have yet to see one statement made by these clowns condemning the deaths caused by mines planted by Armenian terrorist. Nothing but a bunch of christian fundamentlist masquerading as democrats.

For 3 years now the only thing these clowns have been talking about are "poor armenians civilians" motherfucker your beloved fascist armenia has deliberately attacked civilians with ballistic missiles, where the fuck where their condemnations then? Where the fuck was it when Azerbaijani civilians were being killed by mines planted by their beloved Armenians.

Where were their condemnations when their beloved Armenia spit on the agreement it signed for three years?

Azerbaijan has to do this and that. Fuck outta here. Azerbaijan has every right to do what it wants on its own soil especially against settler from Lebanon who are acting as terrorist entity.

For 30 years these clowns have behind closed doors supported and even encouraged Armenia's illegal occupation of Azerbaijani land. Overlooked the massacred and ethnic cleansing done by their darlings. They did the same shit with Cyprus were they tried anything to block the Turkish intervention so the greeks could finish their genocide on the island. Then turned around and rewarded them by accepting them into the EU.

It is time for people to understand that the EU in its foundations is nothing but a mask for the christian-fascist europe to export its bloodlust to third countries. For the majority of their existence they slaughtered each other until with WW2 they came to the bring of extinction and now they export the killings to third countries to satisfy their bloodlust. Armenia, South Cyprus. Nothing but a bunch of proxies for these fascist.

This "euro-question" has to be extensively studied and questioned by Turks and in general all non-euro origin peoples of the world. Will they ever not stick their noses into other peoples business, or will they always look to instigate trouble with the ambition to dominate and subjugate others? Can european origin peoples live in peace with the rest of the world, or is everything always imperialism and conquest?


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Let’s not jump into conclusion that fast.


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The claim that a military base belonging to Russian peacekeepers was hit was denied by the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense. Azerbaijan got everything it wanted for Karabakh. In this case, there is no point in escalating the war for now. We will continue to look for opportunities for the Zengezur corridor.


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This "euro-question" has to be extensively studied and questioned by Turks and in general all non-euro origin peoples of the world. Will they ever not stick their noses into other peoples business, or will they always look to instigate trouble with the ambition to dominate and subjugate others? Can european origin peoples live in peace with the rest of the world, or is everything always imperialism and conquest?

History is full of wars and conquests.

White man used its technology and constant wars to go and conquer the world.

Europe and Asia were basically similar in technology until the Industrial revolution.

Guess what how did the Industrial revolution started they colonised huge swathes of land and got all the resources in these lands to power up their economies

Us Turks fell asleep also outsourced all our fighting to Non Turks.

Our leaders were too busy partying with Greek women in their palaces while the common Turk soldier begged for supplies on the war front.

This example applies to every Muslim and Turkic Empire.

They always fell because of their pride and lust. Now we complain about European colonisation.

Has it changed nah not one bit. All a European needs to do is to bribe our leaders with money and women.

I hope the record can now be set straight for the Turks.


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8 russians killed in the armenian terrorist attack in Karabakh
It is a historic threshold in the severing of ties between Armenia and Russia. More precisely, the current Armenia has evolved into an insidious boil that no longer serves the interests of Russia, which founded it. If we can use it correctly, the centuries-awaited gateway to greater-east will open. In fact, if luck is on our side, it could even turn into an opportunity to drain the real boil, nut just barriers.

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