Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions


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The relevance of France entirely depends on France. He has said he will meet Trump and Putin in the next few days. We will see after that how things go. Meanwhile, Azeris will need to capture enough territory for any successful future negotiations.

Lil´napoleon has no relevance, we didnt care what they said when we annihilated the PKK in Syria, we didnt care what they say when we hunted down haftaris in Libya, we didnt care when we locked on their ship in the east-med so no, France has no relevance- at least from a Turkish pov.

And there wont be any negotations for internationally-recognized azeri lands, that´s simply not possible. The armenians have to remove their soldiers from the occupied territories.

Maximilian Veers

Maxmillian your sources are not open. You gotta get a screenshot for those tweets

Sorry, I was wondering why it wasn't being posted..

There are the tweets..

Macron from Riga: I declare to Armenia and Armenian, France will play its role.

Macron: France is extremely concerned about the bellicose statements that Turkey has made in recent hours, convincing Azerbaijan that it will recapture Karabakh, and we do not intend to put up with this.


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Lil´napoleon has no relevance, we didnt care what they said when we annihilated the PKK in Syria, we didnt care what they say when we hunted down haftaris in Libya, we didnt care when we locked on their ship in the east-med so no, France has no relevance- at least from a Turkish pov.

And there wont be any negotations for internationally-recognized azeri lands, that´s simply not possible. The armenians have to remove their soldiers from the occupied territories.

And btw, wasnt there something like "france supported the transfer of the PKK from iraq to karabakh?" recently?

Bayraktar TB2

Sorry, I was wondering why it wasn't being posted..

There are the tweets..

Macron from Riga: I declare to Armenia and Armenian, France will play its role.

Macron: France is extremely concerned about the bellicose statements that Turkey has made in recent hours, convincing Azerbaijan that it will recapture Karabakh, and we do not intend to put up with this.
He makes it sound like azerbaijan is the aggressor here 😆


Listen, if you sum up the material released by both sides of confirmed/clear hits and kills, Armenia has around 5x more casualties. This is despite Armenia being in a better position to film their strikes (artillery and ATGM), while Azerbaijan doesn't really showcase the impact of their artillery bombardment. Note, Azerbaijan's bombardment is several times more intense than Armenia's.

Take today as an example. Azerbaijan's video material confirms at least 70+ KIA (from UAV strikes only), while Armenia hasn't even shown 1 Azeri KIA. The only video they uploaded was a recirculation of attacks from the first day of conflict.

In summary, the real casualty ratio is probably even worse for Armenia.

You are willingly twisting visual evidence to suit your preconceived notions.

The Azeris bomb a truck, the armenians show a truck full of martyred Azeris. The evidence goes both ways.

The armenians shell Azeri armoured columns, the Azeris take out armenian armour behind enemy lines. The evidence goes both ways.

The armenians are fighting from entrenched fortifications, the Azeris fight from open fields. The defender is in the advantage

The armenians have shown identification papers from martyred Azeris , The Azeri's have shown papers of slain armenians. The evidence goes both ways.

I can go on but this is enough to tell me that the losses are roughly equal. And nowhere near your stated claim of 4-5 times larger losses on whatever side
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Maximilian Veers

Nothing will change until Armenia abandons the occupied lands. Azerbaijan knows that if it stops the offensive the the whole effort will be for nothing.

A ceasefire will help Armenia save face. But for Azerbaijan, continuing until Armenia surrenders is the logical choice at this point.

Yes, Azeris have sort of cornered themselves this way. Its only natural for international forces to get involved as time goes on.

The weird part is that Azeris have the backing of Isreal. This might mean US might choose to stay out of this if the Israel lobby puts enough pressure. Though, you will likely see increasing Iranian and Russian interference. I doubt Ruskies want to lose face with Armenia and along CSTO by standing around and doing nothing.


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The first day had some footage from Armenia with hits on Azeri Tanks etc. It has pretty much dried up now. Recent footage is even more blurry and zoomed into areas even closer than before. They are proudly showing footage which shows their own tanks bombed out and their own soldiers being hit by artillery as well as their soldiers shooting up at the sky. You have to admit it is extremely embarrassing. Perhaps they want sympathy. Even the Turks are feeling sorry for them now.

The Armenian government has shown real desperation but the Azeri government is very laid back. The UAVs are now targeting artillery and it seems that the troops are not to be seen at the time, so they are hiding in some hole until the UAVs have struck. It appears that the Azeris are running out of expensive targets so have settled with the cheap ones that will cause psychological injury to the Armenian troops.
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People who's familiar with the battle of mountains of Kabani in Syria would understand how mountainous terrain favors the defenders even under overwhelming enemy superiority.

Azerbaijan must find a way not to lose so many armored forces in it's push towards the mountains

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