Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions


Baklava Consumer
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Look at the targets where is osa, strelas, s 300s. They are running out of targets 😆

TB2 you lil monster you!


People tend to disregard the armenian figures and accept the Azerbaijani figures, which is understandable. But they fail to keep in mind that armenia is a much more open and democratic society with free and fair elections, compared to the Stalinist Aliyev regime who made his wife the vice-president.

These facts should be considered when taking the released figures into account.

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People tend to disregard the armenian figures and accept the Azerbaijani figures, which is understandable. But they fail to keep in mind that armenia is a much more open and democratic society with free and fair elections, compared to the Stalinist Aliyev regime who made made his wife the vice-president.

These facts should be considered when taking the released figures into account.

Honestly I dont like Alieyev. But Azerbaijan is what matters to most Turks.

Our ancestors in ww1 even on their last legs went to help their Azerbaijani brothers in the Battle of Baku and help them get their independance.

Governments and regimes dont last long what matters is our bond that binds us.

Armenia is a big time sh**hole not even fully democratic its not a dictatorship per say more like oligarchy.
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Gentlemen, let's please stay on topic. I know you guys are trying to prove some points to one another, but it's derailing the thread. Let's just focus on the conflict.


Honestly I dont like Alieyev. But Azerbaijan is what matters to most Turks.

Our ancestors in ww1 even on their last legs went to help their Azerbaijani brothers in the Battle of Baku and help them get their independance.

Governments and regimes dont last long what matters is our bond that binds us.

Armenia is a big time sh**hole not even fully democratic its not a dictatorship per say more like oligarchy.

I know, the soviet regime has killed/exiled whatever rightful Azeris there where and all that is left are the obedient ones. This is the same in virtually every post-soviet state.


Interesting post from:

Short summary of that analysis.

Azerbaijan army conducting attack of Nagorniy Karabakh from 2 directions - Southern and Northern. Main attack is happening against city of Martakert (North), southern attack is probably a distraction.

On southern side there are reports that Armenia started counter-attacks and advances of Azerbaijan army are limited.

Main target is city of Martakert (shown on the map), it can't be attack head on (terrain and Armenian defenses) so Azerbaijan army is trying to bypass main defensive lines by making flanking attack.

It is likely that Azerbaijan leadership expects that if Martakert captured, part of Armenian troops in Northen part of Karabakh will flee or surrender, or they will be surrounded, which will allow to take at least part of Karabakh under Azerbaijan control.
The are not many reports about captured towns of villages simply because there are not many of them on path of main attack.
Mercenaries from Syria participating on Azerbaijan side were also reported by BBC and some other English-lang. media. Probably they are used because Azerbaijan infantry didn't showed much interesting in fighting Armenian troops directly. Combination of heavy artillery support and slow armor and infantry advances was chosen as main way to push by Northern group of Azer. attackers.


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I am not a military expert but few thoughts on this conflict -

  1. Is this unintended conflic? That is did things escalate from some local position on the Line of Contact.
  2. Is this intended conflict? If so which party. As the status quo suits Armenia one would assume it would Azerbaijan that intendeds to change the status quo by force.

  • If we accept No.2 then given the topography of the contested region it is obvious that Armenians enjoy the benefit of terrain as it suits defenders.

  • which means to dislodge would require heavy use of artillery, airpower including drones to take out the hard points in ARM defences. This would follow with mass infantry attacks with expected heavy losses. Tanks would be of little use if the region is mountainous. Possible helicopter troops could be used to secure dominating heights.

  • but fact is the attacking force would be expected to take heavy losses to dislodge trhe enemy who will be dug in in high positions.
  • agorna Karabak
  • From the little I am seeing so far this does not lok like a Azerbaijani version of Operation Barbarossa where the country is steeled for full scale war and heavy losses. Instead it appears to be a conflict that was unintended and now has gone out of control. These are worse type of wars. They achieve NOTHING. Just lots of mothers who never see their sons again. A justifiable war [if there is such a thing] must have a clear goal. To my eyes this conflict does not. It's like two drunk blokes with some score start punching each other for no good reason. And next morning privately think what the fcuk did I do even when publicly bragging about it.

  • So given that I believe this is just a unintended conflict with no clear goals I hope the great powers, regional countries come together and put a end to this blood letting.

  • If on the other hand President Aliyev and his general staff have a clear intened goal to erase the Armenia occupation of Nagorna Karabak region then as I said before I wish them best. At least the Azeri soldiers being martyred for a clear objective.


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Dude what evidence are u talking about, the truck full of martyrs are from the push that they failed (video when they were killing from their back). Showing dead in diffenrent environnement is just PR. But new strike footage is something else. If it was new you would have heard from the Armenian side like when the Azerbaijani push failed.
Both contries are corrupte as hell. Al birini Vur Otekine.

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