MrRevinsky didn't look close enough. Armenians blurred out big white things that are probably exercise target markers:

MrRevinsky didn't look close enough. Armenians blurred out big white things that are probably exercise target markers:
Today's bill ;
16 tanks
1 BM-21 Urgan MLRS
4 BM-21 Grad MLRS
4 D-20 SPG
1 Armoured Vehicle
2 Trucks
Harop Loitering Munition takes out Russian Repellent-1 EW system designed to take down drones, but seems to be useless in actual combat
View attachment 2442 View attachment 2444
camera information apparently
I heard that too but it makes no sense because the "text" is far too big, its not there in other scenes, spacing is too irregular to be text, etc.
Going inside of the villages will be too dangerous.How could Azerbaycan take those small villages on first day and not produce additional results ?
Are we pounding them until they break before moving forward ?
France has a strong Armenian lobby so Macron has to say something but it wont be anything more than lip service, France doesnt have the logistical capabilities to meddle in this conflict unlike Turkey.France is not the international community and has no relevance.
There is also a 2nd video with the same beginning but another cut at the scene 0:28
so with a high possibility indeed an exercise but we lack the exercise footage so.
Those blurred things are letters on a screen indicating date and time in the upper right corner. This is a legit armenian military camera.
Is there a single picture of a shot down drone? I mean out of 83 1-2 pictures should have been made no?Dubious Claims from Armenian side.
If that was true the Armenians should unconditionally surrender in the next days as they're outmanned and outgunned from the get goAt this point in time, the Armenian casualties are 4 to 5 times the Azeri casualties. Both in terms of equipment and manpower.