Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions


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Most of the Indian weapons are light years behind compared to NATO alternatives but that doesn't mean there are no dangerous Indian weapon systems. French weapons have good quality but they are expensive.


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Kozan Selçuk Erkan mentioned the indian air defense systems Armenia bought were not networked. Only one system was bought so far AFAIK. That's a big problem. One has to consider Armenia is very small and dirt poor. I don't think they can pull a rabbit out of the hat when it comes to rearmament. It doesn't help that Armenia is in the middle of their own refugee crisis.

No offense to our Indian friends, but I think a few Israeli loitering munitions can take out that lone Indian AA.


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I don't think Indian weapon systems suck. And should be taken as seriously as anything else, should we have to face them. But I'm also confused by the claim that they are used in Ukraine. Closest I've heard is that some foreign weapons systems intended for India were diverted for use in the conflict. (Russian weapons mainly I believe) But I don't think I've heard anything about Indian weapon systems themselves being used. I've checked the weapons delivery list on Wikipedia too (unreliable source, I know). It doesn't mention anything about India there either.

Its mostly ammo thats found its way there, from small caliber to mortars to artillery shells....mostly to Ukrainian side. Czechs and Polish (via British and others funding assistance in NATO etc) seem to be the most prevalent middlemen. India more or less looks other way as Russia sells to our security threats over the years too....though we maintain a higher level strategic partnership of interest with them. Its very interesting geopolitics in the end.


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Kozan Selçuk Erkan mentioned the indian air defense systems Armenia bought were not networked. Only one system was bought so far AFAIK. That's a big problem. One has to consider Armenia is very small and dirt poor. I don't think they can pull a rabbit out of the hat when it comes to rearmament. It doesn't help that Armenia is in the middle of their own refugee crisis.

No offense to our Indian friends, but I think a few Israeli loitering munitions can take out that lone Indian AA.

Armenia is in no position to wage war again IMO. But they will buy to preserve their current state.

Pashinyan actually attended Erdogan swearing in ceremony after last election in TR.

The Armenian establishment understands the position they are in, karabag is gone, their people moved back to Armenia, its the usual population transfer stuff that happens in lot of wars of this nature. This is why Armenia proceeds with peace plan negotiation long term with Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan crucially maintains its relationship with Israel to leverage with west (alongside the brotherhood relations with Turks).

Armenia more or less will cultivate/maintain security based relations to extent they can with (in immediate neighbourhood): Russia and Iran.

Then the vectors like NATO (esp France, Greece etc) and India are also there.

These will just be next 10 - 20 years of planning in Vegetius way: Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.

i.e you have to signal strength to have deterrence and reduce chance of war (i.e you actually increase chance of war by signalling weakness). This is common state of affairs worldwide where tensions are high though (and you give the passage of time to slowly subside the tensions to a better day of downstream mutual deterrence, respect built etc).

The lead up to WW2 is probably the most intense one to study regarding it....the great follies British and French did and their underestimating and very bad signalling by not engaging in productive re-armament whatever else was going on w.r.t diplomacy with NSDAP run Germany.

But I would not rate chance of war on Armenian state (by Azerbaijan) as likely. Azerbaijan just wanted its territory back and Armenia did not negotiate something well when they had upperhand in the late 90s/early 2000s because Armenian ego was too strong and Russia was still quite strong back then too. They expected that to continue forever, its silly. They did not consider they are tiny and landlocked and precarious state of Russia and Iran geopolitically with rest of world.

But there are other such stories in the world too....misjudgements by ego and psyche. Sometimes you sympathise if you read the larger story....sometimes you don't....or a mix. It depends on your perspective in end I suppose.

Rajendra Chola

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Kozan Selçuk Erkan mentioned the indian air defense systems Armenia bought were not networked. Only one system was bought so far AFAIK. That's a big problem. One has to consider Armenia is very small and dirt poor. I don't think they can pull a rabbit out of the hat when it comes to rearmament. It doesn't help that Armenia is in the middle of their own refugee crisis.

No offense to our Indian friends, but I think a few Israeli loitering munitions can take out that lone Indian AA.

One needs protection systems for everything. Akash Sam cannot take down cheap smaller drones. Mostly for bigger drones & fighters. They can buy anti drone system (they bought a few, no idea where they are using).
However, networking is beyond the capabilities of Armenian defence currently. Maybe if they continue rearming for the next 2 decades, then their defence will be stronger.

Reg loitering munitions it will be hard for the defenders, doesn’t matter if it’s Russia or Ukraine or Armenia or Azerbaijan. It’s advantage users with large numbers today.


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The Turkish Ministry of National Defense published congratulations on the occasion of State Sovereignty Day of Azerbaijan. The publication says:

“You are ours, as long as our hearts beat, you are given to us forever,
Live and hello, dear country, our glorious Azerbaijan!

We congratulate our Azerbaijani brothers on September 20 – State Sovereignty Day. We will continue our unity under the slogan “One Nation, Two States.”



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"political prisoners"

The rank and file soldiers have been all released to my knowledge. Of the separatist leaders, only 2 are actually behind bars while the rest walk free. If they qualify as political prisoners, I'm sure Mr. Sherman will lobby the US to release all of the nation's geopolitical enemies currently detained by the authorities in the interest of being fair and balanced, right?


LOL, go fuck yourself.

"safe return of Armenians"

Any Armenians that wish to return to Karabakh can freely do so. We can't exactly force them to migrate back there so that's not our problem and anyone who insists otherwise is, to put it politely, a neurologically challenged individual.

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