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Looking at the notoriously high casualty rate of towed 155mm guns in russo-ukr conflict , its good news that we haven't selected any new towed 155mm for our med arty regiments.If I'm not wrong the process of acquiring new 105 and 155mm guns was started in the tenure of our previous CAS but it appears army has only finalised the 105mm (boran). (@Flextape may know better)

105mm for field arty and wheeled 155mm sph for med arty are the way forward.this also makes sense as med arty is tasked with counter battery as the author of this article points out-

Army's Artillery modernisation need.

155/52 SP Howitzers

To provide effective and persistent counter-battery fires, it is critical to survive the enemy CB (counter bombardment) first. Hence, Range and mobility becomes essential. In a potential future conflict, Army's Medium Artillery Regiments will be tasked with providing counter battery fires against adversary’s long range heavy Artillery as Army's 105mm and 122mm field artillery guns are simply cannot reach them. However, Army's Medium Artillery Regiments are mostly equipped with old, towed, Chinese 130mm Type-59-1 and 122mm PL-96 guns that doesn’t have the accuracy of digital automatic fire control system or more critically, the range of 155mm/52 calibre heavy Artillery. (which neighbouring country is standardising for its artillery branch)

Ukraine battlefield has clearly demonstrated that 'mobility' (almost) equal 'survivability'. However, except one self propelled Regiment of NORA B-52 K1, all the other assets of Army's artillery are towed. That include approximately thirty field Artillery Regiments and five medium artillery regiments. In tomorrow's war fighting, where responses time is rapidly shortening due to introduction of advanced C4, battle management systems and automatic fire control systems, this rigid old school towed Artillery force of the Army will not survive a competent adversary. While due to budget limitation it is practically not possible to transform the whole Artillery branch into a Self propelled one. Nor is it desirable as in the hilly terrains of Chottogram and Sylhet districts light Towed guns are still more suitable on average.

Thus, to keep up with today's trends Army must introduce more long range 155/52 Self propelled heavy Artillery. And if budget does not allow to raise sufficient numbers of new SP Regiments and equip them alongside the existing Medium regiments, (which would likely to be the case) then in the long run when phasing out the old Type-59-1 130mm towed guns, army should convert three of the medium artillery regiments to SP Regiments, and equip them with 155mm/52 calibre long range SP Howitzers.

We recommend Army should raise two more SP Regiments by 2030 and additional four SP Regiments by 2040. Due to the budget limitation and logistical setup, Army is unlikely to afford tracked howitzers anytime soon. However, NORA B-52 has proven to be an adequate, cost effective weapon system for the Army. Procuring more of them would be the logical choice in short to medium term.
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Looking at the notoriously high casualtie rate of towed 155mm guns in russo-ukr conflict , its good news that we haven't selected any new towed 155mm for our med arty regiments.If I'm not wrong the process of acquiring new 105 and 155mm guns was started in the tenure of our previous CAS but it appears army has only finalised the 105mm (boran). (@Flextape may know better)

105mm for field arty and wheeled 155mm sph for med arty are the way forward.this also makes sense as med arty is tasked with counter battery as the author of this article points out-

You are mostly right, but as I mentioned, for hilly terrain of Chottogram division I think we need (preferably) 2x towed 155mm Med Arty Regt for 24th and 10th division. For 10th division 41 Med Arty Regt was raised in 2017 (and the tender was launched for 1 Regt 155mm towed howitzers) but as @Flextape mentioned

As far as I know, 41Med Moved away and 28Med came in. it happened in 2018 and i was present in ramu during the movement of units

In that region, on-road and off-road mobility is very restricted anyway. So, light towed 155mm howitzer that can be deployed and transported with helicopter rapidly to very favourable firing position in the hill tracks are better suited. However, for rest of country SP howitzers are a must in the Long run. Even though @Flextape disagrees with me, but given the obvious trend in contemporary conflicts, I am very firm on this view.


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Here what he said-

This is not how Artillery works in this country. Our country is small so there is no way in hell to supply all our divisions with 1 regt of Heavy Arty. The only form of Hvy Arty we currently have is the Nora 52s. And if you look strategically, as they are truck mounted, they can be easily transferred to both 66,55 or stay at 11 Div during war time. Currently these are just to show foreign power, that we have Hvy Arty and don't come at us from the north.

The problem with this kind of thinking is, if theoretically a full scale conflict breaks out adversary will advance on multiple Axis. Like for example in 1971-


Hence, you can’t really transfer the Nora B-52 Regiment to other divisions as you will very much need them with the 11th division. On the other hand, potential adversary will field advance SP 155mm long range heavy howitzers on all the other Axises of advanced where you don’t have any SP 155mm long range Howitzers to counter them and your medium Arty Regt equipped with old 130mm type-59-1 and 122mm PL-96 guns will be easily outranged and outmanoeuvred. The consequences will be devastating. Hence my recommendation–

"And if budget does not allow to raise sufficient numbers of new SP Regiments and equip them alongside the existing Medium regiments, (which would likely to be the case) then in the long run when phasing out the old Type-59-1 and PL-96 towed guns, army should seriously consider converting all the medium artillery regiments (expect 41th Regt) to Self propelled Regiments, and equip them with 155mm/52 calibre long range SP Howitzers."
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NGL, I kinda agree with Afif. Specially now that Padma bridge is finished, the mobility of wheeled Vehicle has increased exponentially. So 55div getting its own SPGs kinda makes sense now. So does 33 & 9


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The pics were posted by DTB.




Looks like they've received new gear. @Flextape any info on current situation of our infantry modernisation program?


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Probably the first good news of previously expected, looks like it is confirmed that the army is getting 24 more TB-2s!


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Probably the first good news of previously expected, looks like it is confirmed that the army is getting 24 more TB-2s!

Share the source please. Anything!


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Yeah, I found it later. Sounds like a hoax.


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Yeah, I found it later. Sounds like a hoax.
I know what you're saying I mean look at DTB's recent posts. Mark my words, we have to face some serious consequences regarding sovereign matters in the not so distant future because of how much the armed forces are being politicized.
"share authentic information and power of Bangladesh Armed Forces" mya$$ they are not so different from defseca...


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These are old and are being replaced now i think.

Actually, their service life will extended to 2040 according to the official plan. See it was posted in somewhere here. (In Indian defence forum)


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Actually, their service life will extended to 2040 according to the official plan. See it was posted in somewhere here. (In Indian defence forum)
Older versions of it are being replaced. This howitzer is being produced since 70s


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ain't a lolling matter bro and it feels like this time it will happen, the foreign minister will make it happen and I mean it will be some major key hardware. Not this howitzer stuff which was in talks probably couple of years ago I remember.

Foreign minister does not have any say in it. It is the prime minister & the army. Even if you listened to him in recent India tour, when asked about defence procurement he literally said that, it is not his department.


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Foreign minister does not have any say in it. It is the prime minister & the army. Even if you listened to him in recent India tour, when asked about defence procurement he literally said that, it is not his department.
That's the thing, this would have made sense if we had a typical government right now. and also the armed forces are losing their ability to create pressure on the government in this kind of matter more and more as days go by, which is actually not surprising after seeing the slow politicization nature of defence for the last couple of years. So, I believe anything can happen, probably this one especially. Not to mention, a couple of years ago, this guy systematically restricted foreign cable television channels from many countries which we had been seeing for many decades, except making an easy path for only one country in the name of clean feed. Last of all, I don't want to say things here in public that might compromise my personal security, as this is the reality now, sadly.

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