Navy Begin Belfast: Prince William starts construction of third new Type 26 frigate

Isa Khan

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There are now three Type 26 frigates under construction after the Duke of Cambridge set the cutters to work on HMS Belfast.​

The Queen’s grandson pressed the button on hi-tech machinery at BAE Systems’ Govan yard and lasers began to move across the first steel plate for the £1.2bn warship.

And he revealed that his wife will be the official patron of HMS Glasgow – the first ship in the class which is nearing completion in the same shipyard – promising the Duchess of Cambridge would visit for the frigate’s naming ceremony to give her blessings to the ship and all who sail in her.

Led by BAE apprentice Cara Shannon and Type 26 Programme Director David Shepherd, he was also given a tour of HMS Glasgow and chatted with those responsible for her construction in the anti-submarine frigate’s operations room and on the flight deck.

Before setting the cutters to work on steel which will eventually become part of the machinery space which will house HMS Belfast’s gearbox and stabilisers, Prince William told BAE workers and VIPs, including numerous representatives from Northern Ireland and the frigate’s namesake city, how impressed he was by the Type 26 programme.

“The scale of achievement is truly staggering, and all the staff I’ve met here today are rightly proud of what you are doing,” the duke said.

“Proud not just because you are creating these cutting-edge ships, but because you are supporting the Royal Navy and the national security of the United Kingdom.”

And he said his late grandfather, who died in April aged 99, would have been “fascinated and excited to see” the “advances in skills and technology” embodied by Belfast and her sisters.

They are the mid-21st Century successors to ships such as HMS Magpie, the Duke of Edinburgh’s sole command. The 26s – each named after one of the UK’s major cities – will replace the eight ‘souped-up’ Type 23 frigates which are dedicated to submarine hunting, while the five general purpose 23s will be superseded by the Type 31/Inspire class, with work due to begin on the first ship, HMS Active, later this year in Rosyth.

HMS Glasgow is out of the construction sheds at Govan with her fore/aft sections awaiting joining before the ship enters the water to undergo completion, with HMS Cardiff a couple of years behind her and over 40 per cent finished.

“Standing in the shadow of HMS Glasgow which has been brought together on the hard standing, with large parts of HMS Cardiff in construction around us, the steel cut for HMS Belfast is another significant milestone in the delivery of the Type 26 class,” said Vice Admiral Christopher Gardner, Director General Ships at Defence Equipment and Support.

“This is a proud moment for everyone who has worked so hard on this strategic national programme, which sustains thousands of jobs across the United Kingdom and harnesses all of our skills and knowledge to produce the best possible ships/capabilities for the Royal Navy.”

When finished, the 8,000-tonne warships will take their place in the Fleet as the principal line of defence above the waves against hostile submarines, protecting both the UK’s nuclear deterrent and carrier strike/amphibious task groups.

In addition to anti-submarine sensors and weaponry and Merlin helicopter, the octet will also be equipped with Sea Ceptor missiles to fend off air attacks, a 5in main gun, medium range radar and ‘mission bays’ – an adaptable space allowing the ships to load equipment and supplies for a specific mission such as disaster relief, counter-piracy operations or minehunting.

The ships also harness the latest ‘green’ tech and thinking, from the streamlined design of the hull and advanced anti-fouling coating to cut through the waters more efficiently to diesel engines which are kinder to the environment through reduced emissions.

The class will serve as the backbone of the fleet beyond 2060, while their construction is supporting 4,000 jobs across the UK, 1,700 of them in Scotland.

The scale of achievement is truly staggering, and all the staff I’ve met here today are rightly proud of what you are doing

Duke of Cambridge​



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First steel cut for HMS Belfast​

The first steel has been cut for HMS Belfast, the third ship in the Royal Navy’s fleet of next generation Type 26 anti-submarine frigates.
From:Ministry of Defence, Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland, Defence Equipment and Support, Baroness Goldie DL, and The Rt Hon Alister Jack MPPublished29 June 2021


The first steel is cut for HMS Belfast. © Crown Copyright
His Royal Highness Prince William officially cut the steel for the UK’s newest warship, at a ceremony held at BAE Systems’ Govan shipyard on the River Clyde. The steel cut marks the official start of build on the third of eight Type 26 warships.
The steel cut represents an important milestone for the Type 26 programme, the Royal Navy, UK defence and shipbuilding in Scotland. All eight Type 26 frigates will be built by BAE Systems on the Clyde, sustaining around 1,700 jobs in Scotland and 4,000 jobs across the wider UK maritime supply chain.

Defence Minister, Baroness Goldie said:​

Today is a significant milestone for the exciting new Type 26 frigate programme and for Defence. We celebrate and receive great support from our UK shipyards. As a Scot, I am very proud of the skills and expertise of our Scottish shipbuilders here on the Clyde.
These new frigates will be equipped with the most advanced capabilities and technologies, enabling the Royal Navy to counter emerging global threats for decades to come.

Secretary of State for Scotland, Alister Jack said:​

Scotland is a world leader in shipbuilding and it’s great to see construction of the British military’s latest warship beginning by the River Clyde in Govan.
When complete HMS Belfast - and the rest of the seven strong Scottish built Type 26 fleet - will help protect the UK and our NATO allies 24/7. In the meantime the anti-submarine frigate building programme is boosting our country’s prosperity through the investment and skills footprint defence projects bring.
The Type 26 is an advanced warship whose primary purpose is anti-submarine warfare to protect the Continuous at Sea Deterrent and Carrier Strike Group.
It is equipped with a range of capabilities including the Sea Ceptor missile defence system, a five-inch medium calibre gun, an embarked helicopter, medium-range radar and powerful bow and towed array sonars.
The Type 26 vessels are also designed to reduce environmental impacts with features such as, a hydrodynamically designed hull to optimise fuel efficiency and a diesel engine emissions abatement, which reduces nitrogen oxide exhaust emissions.

Director General Ships, Vice Admiral Christopher Gardner said:​

Standing in the shadow of HMS Glasgow which has been brought together on the hardstanding, with large parts of HMS Cardiff in construction around us, today’s steel cut for HMS Belfast is another significant milestone in the delivery of the eight-ship Type 26 class, itself part of the wider Global Combat Ship endeavour that we are part of along with Australia and Canada.
This is a proud moment for everyone who has worked so hard on this strategic national programme, which sustains thousands of jobs across the United Kingdom and harnesses all of our skills and knowledge to produce the best possible ships for the Royal Navy.
Its flexible design will also allow its weapon systems to be adapted throughout its lifespan to counter future threats. The development of the Type 26 benefits from the latest advances in digital technologies, including 3D modelling and virtual reality, which ensures the ship’s design is refined earlier in the process.
The design has achieved international export success, with nine Australian Hunter Class and 15 Canadian Surface Combatants based on the Type 26, representing a significant long-term opportunity for all three nations to work together to exploit supply chain efficiencies and interoperability on operations.
The UK’s first three Type 26 ships - HMS Glasgow, HMS Cardiff and HMS Belfast - were ordered for £3.7 billion. HMS Birmingham, HMS Sheffield, HMS Newcastle, HMS Edinburgh and HMS London will form the second batch of Type 26 warships.
HMS Glasgow and HMS Cardiff are already being built in Govan and designed for a service life of at least 25 years, Type 26 will serve in the future Royal Navy surface fleet into the 2060s.



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Btw this warships is quite a fraud, with tonnage nearing 8,000 tonnes along with powerful radar and sensor (the Canadian and Australian would use Aegis baseline system) along with powerful amaments (32 strike MK 41 VLS, plus ) and proficient for long range voyage on the blue ocean this more like Destroyer

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