Boğaziçi Protests


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Since 1980s, Boğaziçi deans always selected from Boğaziçi. Previous dean was also appointed by Erdogan but it was from the university, so students and academia accepted it. This time Erdogan appointed a random guy from university. Students and teachers object to this.

Since his election, Melih Bulu couldn't find a vice dean from University. Every teacher is rejecting him.

Thats partly correct, in the end President give the light. Againg Mehmed Ozkan the old one now replaced by Bulu was appointed by Erdogan in 2016, sorry you are wrong.

In the Turkish history the President have always pointed, and this will always be like that. But when people lose ther power they will ask to change it.


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how much he can interviene in dayly life of university, is there legit justification of the students uproar?
Pretty much everything,
A rector manages, reaches down to anywhere in university from academic promotions, awarding projects, recruitment, he also has power of replacing deans of faculties (through brute force) even vice deans, relocating (surgun) people at different campuses, awarding residence (lojman)
He has power in anything academic or official. Considering students, academicians or office workers of the university.
He can rent university's land, buildings even sell them out. Isnt it solely enough power ?

Why the protests are legit?
There used to be elections within university, despite of being appointed by president in the past , at least there has been an election to see potential support for a rector candidate.
Erdogan has changed this to: anyone can apply for rector position at whichever university he picks, YOK reduces the count down to 3, Erdogan does the final pick.

But wait, he (erdogan) was just speaking about remaking the laws because they were mainly made coup governments in 60 and 80, but YOK itself, and government's involvement in universities also stems from the 80 coup, Universities used to be free and independent before the coup. why does he like this very much despite of being made by a coup government?

But because he likes this, he is not ever mentioning to remove coup effect of YOK and government influence on universities.

Melih Bulu , in no way is a proper candidate to be a rector. He has no posture of past experience to be a rector. He is solely chosen for being an AKP candidate.
All of well found universities were appointed by rectors (yet with their political choise towards AKP they are experienced people deserving a rector title) with a good history of management of instutes or faculties.


Thats partly correct, in the end President give the light. Againg Mehmed Ozkan the old one now replaced by Bulu was appointed by Erdogan in 2016, sorry you are wrong.

In the Turkish history the President have always pointed, and this will always be like that. But when people lose ther power they will ask to change it.
I'm not wrong, and you are not saying anything different from what i said. Maybe you understand something wrong but i couldn't understand what you understand wrong.


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Thats partly correct, in the end President give the light. Againg Mehmed Ozkan the old one now replaced by Bulu was appointed by Erdogan in 2016, sorry you are wrong.

In the Turkish history the President have always pointed, and this will always be like that. But when people lose ther power they will ask to change it.
Mehmed ozkan was a bogazici student, and he started as asst. prof. In bogazici after his PhD abroad. Whereas bulu is a METU student and his career in bogazici has started with part time education. He has gained none of his academic titles (assist. assoc /prof) in bogazici.
It is a tradition for rector to gain his titles from his own university.

And you are wrong. Universities used to be free, and rector used to be appointed by elections held in senate board before 1981, the authoritian coup government has removed this and authorized president to appoint the rector.
Later, elections were brought back and presidents tend to appoint one of the forerunning candidates.
Later Erdogan and Gul started to make picks from late running candidates.
And finally erdogan has removed elections just like the Authoritian coup government has done.
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Yeah, yeah... we know. The whole university is again full of PKK and FETO members. 😁
He is probably lying like he always does. He also said students were trying to storm the building of the dean. Which is a huge lie, students were waiting outside for hours until police came and take them under arrest.

Everything was broadcasted live yesterday. So, he is blatantly lying, thinking that no one has evidence.

P.S: Police also took of the Hijab of that Boğaziçi Uni Student. Put her into reverse hand-cuff.



IMO, government fueling this unrest again like they did in Gezi protests. A tiny protest in Gezi park, evolved in to mass demonstrations all around Turkey with millions. When the police decided to burn the tents of the protesters and beat them relentlessly. I hope this crisis will be solved peacefully.


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Yeah, yeah... we know. The whole university is again full of PKK and FETO members. 😁
+You support feto
-but you said "bitsin bu hasret"
+ That doesn't count.

+You support pkk
-but you started çözüm süreci
+That doesn't count.

Now if you look at this video:

At the 01:04 Süleyman soylu praise the çözüm süreci.

But we are the terrorists. Yeah right.


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IMO, government fueling this unrest again like they did in Gezi protests. A tiny protest in Gezi park, evolved in to mass demonstrations all around Turkey with millions. When the police decided to burn the tents of the protesters and beat them relentlessly. I hope this crisis will be solved peacefully.
They do it on purpose. They know they are loosing the election. They are trying to create a new enemy


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Luckily, those terrorist moles started protesting, otherwise we would never found out that students were actually terrorists.

Well you see, Boğaziçi University is one of the top universities in Turkey and a place where only the 1% of the 1% of the best scoring high schoolers of the country can study. Yet somehow all of them are part of terror organizations like PKK, DHPC, LGBT, LPG, MP3, GPS etc. Either they are very smart or Americans fill the Institution with them on purpose... 😁

Thanks God that at least Erdogan and the bald head Soylu are protecting the State from those nasty terrorists. ❤️


Luckily, those terrorist moles started protesting, otherwise we would never found out that students were actually terrorists.
I understand very well foreign friends very well who are making judments about us without any knowledge of Turkish real-politics, internal dynamics.

But, What do you know about the structures, doctrination works and implicit activities of dhkpc, mlkp, tkpml etc and theirs legal extensions? Or, more generally about fifth column activities that poison almost every democratic demand in this part of the world or try to manipulate it in another direction?

More than ten years of my life has passed struggling with these groups. They organize multidisciplinary in universities and rural neighborhoods and infiltrate the youth branches of different political parties. Even in high school level organization meetings, precautions are taken against being followed and listening by police. At the school level, these meetings are usually held under the supervision of expert on doctrination (mostly not graduated yet) organizational militant. Social activities of legal extensions of these are also based on the aim of identifying and brainwashing target young people. In the 90's, the youth structures of these organizations constituted the majority of the workload of the DGM (State Security Court). They were one of the metal legs that created the great storm in Turkish politics that started in 92-93. Because they were hiding among hundreds of students whose have sympathy to this organizations even while breaking the Beyazıt gate on every November 6s and makin dev-genç-wank.

Of course as in the past, one of the latest great achievements of these organizations are to poisoning the Gezi events, which was the great opportunity for turkish left wing 10 years ago. So that many of our friends continued to insist that they were not mistaken enough to defend the Apo posters on the AKM walls. Also they were provide full support to the Syrian activities of the KCK (PYD) on an organizational basis. Hundreds of university students were recruited into the Syrian (and Iraqi) civil war as fresh meat, err, i mean militants.

Turkey is one of the very few countries in the world where you can see as the complex mass manipulation and social engineering, illegal terrorist&intel psyops and the activities of these's crypto extensions mostly working over foundations and associations(with the effect that being NATO's border police for 60 years). And mostly you can't imagine whose tail is being held by whom.
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Why cant they just let the students be students and universities be universities.

They will throw hundreds of students in jail for nothing. Its just sad.

And who gives a fuck if someones's gay and a doctor or lesbian and an engineer?
Erdogan was pretty pro LGBTXYZ123 when he was the major of Istanbul. He has no issues with meeting and dining with Bülent Ersoy.


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Turkey is Turkey again.. Same shit over and over again since 1960s. Middle Eastern minded rulers messing the country. They just can't evolve and learn to respect freedom of speech. All those engineers that are doing UAVs, ANKAs, T129, Cobras.. all those people, most of them graduated from ODTÜ, Bogazici etc. Half of them already left the country because of this medieval minds attacking protesters. Yes all of those students are terrorists, all in METU, Bogazici, all who attended Gezi are terrorists, it is easier to flag every opposite idea as terrorist. Is it hard to remove that guy from the seat, the rector ? What would happen if RTE step back? Instead of terrorizing engineers/scientists of the future, just listen what they are saying and remove the guy. Instead of attacking people who are protesting, leave them to do their peaceful protest. Police/MIT always send leftist/marxist guys intentionally inside protestors to legitimize their attack.. Same story since 1960s..

Calling for new constitution but can't even allow a small protest... freedom of speech.. Start respecting differences if you want to achieve more success in defence industry, tech industry etc. All those students who have been beaten will leave the country.. brain drain..

I graduated from METU, half of my friends went to Masters and never returned.. this was even 10 years ago, I can't imagine now.

KKF 2.0

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I hope that the government has learned its lessons from the past. Don't allow them to demonstrate. Throw them out of the university. No government job. What's more important: close all political and sociological departments, redirect the funds to the engineering, math and science departments.

These are the same people who are defending PKK at every chance they get. Wannabe white liberals who act all European while their friends are in bed with the worst regimes all around the world.

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