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A matter of time until the Sahrawis will free their country from Moroccan occupation.Update on the field:
-Moroccan armed forces announced that guerguarat passage has been secured without casualties and bouzbal mercenaries have fleed
-the mercenaries tried to attack mahbes with their pick ups but the Moroccan armed forces responded with ATGM fire and the bouzbal fled away
Now the wall in guerguarat will be extended to 14km with the border of Mauritania
According to UN Resolutions, Morocco is a force of foreign occupation on the Western Sahara territory. To the exception of Trump's tweet, there in not one country in the world that recognizes Morocco's sovereignty over the Western Sahara.Update on the field:
-Moroccan armed forces announced that guerguarat passage has been secured without casualties and bouzbal mercenaries have fleed
-the mercenaries tried to attack mahbes with their pick ups but the Moroccan armed forces responded with ATGM fire and the bouzbal fled away
Now the wall in guerguarat will be extended to 14km with the border of Mauritania
"Guerguarat after the mercenaries fled" : What mercenaries ? those are freedom fighters aiming for their country's independence.Guerguarat after the mercanaries fled
The Western Sahara Republic fighting Moroccan colonial occupation.Moroccan armed forces securing the area
The Western Sahara is a country fighting against foreign occupation.