Breaking News China-US War?


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Problem for China compared to D-Day is Taiwan knows all the landing sites and how to force concentrate on each (well past the staging area + conveyance interdiction tiers).


This makes an unbearable cost for the Chinese IMO. Blockade + capitulation is really only forseeable way, but that carries high risk with the US/Japan.

Totally agree with you. Trying to land on Taiwan would be a disaster for China, and their chances of success would be close to zero.

People don't read up sufficiently just how much the allies invested in ww2 in deception game to fool the germans where/when the landings would happen.....otherwise D-Day done lackadaisically as bigger Dieppe would have likely been a failure. Ike had a failure speech ready even with the real D-Day.

And the deception games no longer work in the age of of live data from satellites. Any attempt at a landing would be easily discovered by US satellites who will pass the information to the Taiwanese.

Trying to do a D-Day against a country equipped with modern weapons is destined to end in a huge failure. I doubt any Chinese landing ships would manage to even reach the shores of Taiwan if they would be under fire, and if some would escape, they would be easily crushed under artillery fire once on shore. The only survivors of such a landing attempt would be those who would manage to surrender.


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Tibet came under the rule of the Qing Dynasty of China in 1720 after the Qing expelled the Dzungar Khanate. It remained under Qing rule until 1912. The subsequent Republic of China claimed the inherited territories of the Qing Dynasty, including Tibet."

"The Chinese annexation of Tibet (also known as the "Chinese invasion of Tibet" by the Tibetan government in exile, or the "peaceful liberation of Tibet" by the Chinese government... in 1950..." Ibid.

Colleague, it seems that thanks to you I will become a sinologist :) As I have already written, I have never studied Southeast Asia. (I am also not familiar with Oceania, Latin America and Africa, except for the northern part of the continent).
But this does not mean that you can invent incredible fables about it. As you see, with Tibet, not everything is as "clean" as you write. Tibet, it turns out, belonged to China 150 years before the events of 1950! You wanted to mislead me!!! Oops, oops, oops!
Quoting sources from wikipedia is embarrassing and isn't the flex you think it is buddy.
Regarding the USA. You write that the USA wages countless aggressive wars "because the USA is a superpower, the only goal which is to protect their dominance, they are going to invade and overthrow countries. This is their game." After these words of yours, I don't even know what to say!!! Let it be known to you that international laws, written, by the way, by the USA, do not/should not make exceptions for the most powerful countries. In theory, international relations, figuratively speaking, are not the Indian jungle!!! If the most powerful countries do not comply with the laws because they are hegemons, then no one else is obliged to comply with them!!!
Its a wierd cope to think the world treats all countries as the same. Even in the proverbial jungle you talked about their is a power structure. Everyone respects powerfull ones. Russia only got sanctioned for invading a country when Iraq got operation desert storm for doing the same.The US never recieved any flack for doing any of its wrongdoing. India and china are buying russian crude and by your logic then every one should do the same but thats not how its going. If you dont comply to rules and if you are not the top dog economically and militarily you are screwed.
During the UN vote on the withdrawal of Armenian occupation troops from Karabakh, the USA, France and Russia (and for some reason India, which joined this trio), by the way, all three members of the UN Security Council, voted against. Although all of them, like all UN members, including India, officially recognize Karabakh as the territory of Azerbaijan!!! The great superpower - the democratic United States shamefully supported the occupier, only because Armenia is a Christian country, and we are Muslims.
We can make an exception for Russia, because Armenia is its military ally and it was with Russia's help that it occupied Karabakh. I am ready to make an exception even for India. But when these big countries publicly behave meanly, then the moment of truth comes!!!
You guys have made your bed with pakistan. You have chosen a side and your PM blabbers on our issues when we were quiet on your issues with armenia. Still amazes to see people thinking india should be nice to countries that side with our enemies. You guys support pakistan because its a muslim country then calling out others aint fair. We are just returning the favor.
The moment of truth came in 2020: the glorious army of Azerbaijan, having defeated the occupying forces of Armenia in 6 weeks, itself restored international law!!!
And you call this bragging...
By the way, before this war there was another famous Six Weeks' War - the war between France and Germany in 1940. A war that the French shamefully lost:LOL:
Buddy we have fought some of the largest aerial, tank and naval warfare since world war 2. The war in 71 ended in 13 days.


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Very unrealistic. Nothing like this happened in Kyiv when Russia invaded, and there is no reason to believe that the authorities in Taiwan would lose control without the Chinese army landing on their shores.
Not because Russia didn't try subversion of such kind. Remember Kherson. It worked pretty well there, local leaders turned coat.


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Not because Russia didn't try subversion of such kind. Remember Kherson. It worked pretty well there, local leaders turned coat.

But I doubt China can find enough support in Taiwan to be able to pull this off. Taiwan has broken away from China a much longer time ago than Ukraine from the Soviet Union, and the sea between them cuts ties much faster. In Ukraine’s Eastern parts that are close to Russia, there was still a lot of Russian influence. I doubt there is still any Chinese influence in Taiwan, considering that all the surveys show that the Taiwanese are feeling less and less Chinese with every generation.

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