Civilization families.


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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
I have been thinking about the differences between the Russian ruling faction and the American ruling faction. How the Russian ruling class is honest, settled and loving, whereas the American ruling faction is dishonest, inversive, imperialist. And how the two factions want different things from the world and life. The Russians want to protect their civilization and are honest about this. They want a civilization family, not an Empire or Union, but a common emotional and cultural awareness and respect for the civilization, history, common culture and objectives of the Russian civilization family. This is what Putin was talking about when he did the article about how Ukraine and Russia are one people. He wasn't saying it in literal terms, but emotional and spiritual sense.

The American faction on the other hand is very literal, very harsh and demanding on the other nations and peoples it controls. There is no honesty or love or emotion involved. This is why the American faction believes in Geo-politics and demographics, rather than the ruling class theory of history. It has no spiritual or loving interest outside of its own power, wealth and control. We see this with the American factions attempt to overthrow the governments in Belarus/Kazakhstan/Turkey/Syria, they don't care what harm is done to the people or the culture here, its just another place for them to geo-politically dominate. Then when the Russians go in to stabilize the situation they deem as their civilization family they are called imperialists and aggressors.

I believe the concept of civilization states is interesting one, but that the true objective of the Russian ruling class is civilization family which loves, support and protects each other. The Chinese I also believe have a similar way of perceiving their place in the world too. They view Taiwan as part of the wider Chinese civilization, however they want it under direct control from Peking. Which is different from the Russian perspective, but it also isn't totally opposed to it either. Its along the same emotional and spiritual desire and understanding, to love and protect its civilization and people. There is also the Turkish version of this which is the Turkic Union, which is a way for the Turkish civilization to support and connect with each other. There is also Iran which continues to represent the Shia Islamic and Persian civilization.

Its the American ruling factions rejection of all the spiritual/cultural/emotional and civilization that makes the wider conflict in the world happen. The Americans have attempted to diminish/topple/destabilize the patriarch of all those civilizations. Which were recently destabilized and exploited by the foreign powers within the past 100 years. So this geo-spiritual disconnect is what is driving the current friction in the world. The Americans reject it, the other civilizations keep explaining and say this is who we are and what we want. If you have a purely geo-political understanding then the world makes no sense at the moment, only if you look at the world from a geo-spiritual perspective does it make sense.

I have some idea's why the American ruling faction is like this. Which goes back to the French backed attempt to overthrow the Norman ruling class in England, by supporting Simon De Montfort which was crushed by Edward I. Then Edward II was overthrown by the French, then the was the wars of the Roses which was another French backed overthrow of the House of the Plantagenet. Then England was ruled by the Tudors who enforced the reformation, which led to the break between the Church of England High Tories and the Church of England Puritans, which led to the English civil war. America was founded and built by the descendants of the Puritan faction of the English civil war. So the hatred for the old Norman Aristocracy and rule is built into the American ruling class, then the Neo-Conservatives Jewish exiles from the Russian Empire have great influence now. They also hate Edward I because he expelled them from England and Russia. So they both as a ruling class pursue the same objectives. They both reject totally the concept of a wider civilization, soul and identity they need to maintain, love and protect.

So this is why I believe all the conflict in the world is happening, where the Russians/Chinese/Iran/Turkey are having to build out their military's and they are so adamant in their opposed to globalism and the American Empire. And why the American Empire totally rejects its undeniable roots at the English hegemony, its a different ruling faction from the one which controlled England.

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