ADA Class Corvette and ATMACA shortlisted in Bangladesh! - LPC request with 8 Anti-Ship Missiles
Türk savunma sanayii, Bangladeş Donanması’nın Ağır Füze Devriye Gemisi (LPC) İhalesi’ne MİLGEM ADA Sınıfı Korvet ve ATMACA Gemisavar Füzesi ile teklifte bulundu
considering to cut prices down and their speed requirement, it can be powered by 2 diesel engines like TCG Ufuk (18 knots max speed), installed with Gökdeniz Ciws instead of ram.
In my opinion, it would be even better if a different Turkish corvette design- relatively similar to Ada class given chance here.
Milgem (earlier version with lighter mast)
Another ship based on Milgem , 2x2 SSM was shown, can fit 2x4 ,offered to several other countries (smaller due to limits in tender)
Not sure if this was offered to other countries, again can fit 2x4 SMM
Both 78 and 85 meter versions are compact and a lot cheaper (compared to ADA),fits perfect to some countries.