I have to say, I don't really understand this point of view.
Firstly, Germany was, presently is and will continue to be a large defence partner to Turkey in the future. We build our frigates and will build our destroyers with German engines, we build our submarines with German license, we built our drones with German cameras through intermediaries when Canadians didn't sell us, and hopefully we will be a part of the Eurofighter family. Just last year we signed ESSI with Germany pushing for joint air defence buy programs. All these are not past, they are present programs. Reis Class doesn't work without German okay or German companies. Reis Class construction is not moving forward free from German involvement, it's moving forward because Germans are finally working with us as they should.
German army is small, it's ineffective and lacks many basic necessities, but it is still the armed forces of the largest economy on the continent. There's this cloud of thinking that as if our defence relationship with Germany is behind us and we've rid ourselves of German dependency. It isn't, if anything, it's set to grow even larger now. With Americans being unreliable, our defence contracts with Europeans will only increase. Where do you think all those billions worth of contracts MKE and other private munitions builders signed are coming from? Germans are either one of the recipients for most or they are indirectly bankrolling it with EU and government funds for any contract in the EU.
These are all mostly old contracts that they cannot get out of without suffering very, very serious economic damage themselves.
To pretend that the German government is a friend and that this is all just a big misunderstanding is simply naïve.
As for Hensoldt's Argos Camera/FLIR Sensors, their South African subsidiary was bought, and if the german government had any levers or mechanisms to prevent this, they would have done so.
The key components for the construction of the nuclear power plant in Akkuyu were to come from Siemens Energy, that was contractually agreed and the components were paid for in advance, who blocked them through questionable customs regulations and delayed them indefinitely?
The German government!
The Leopard 2 tanks and their upgrade, spare parts in the mid 90s to early 2000s and mid 2010s blocked by whom?
The German government!
When the Altay tank was as good as finished in the mid-2010s in cooperation with Germany and Korea, with a German transmission and engine, regardless of the fact that our industry also bears a large part of the blame for this misery and did not bring an alternative as Plan B in time.... who blocked these parts? Consider the tank, even if it was an improved license clone of the Korean K2 tank, you couldn't just buy another engine and other parts elsewhere. You had to wait laboriously for Korea and its industry, and who is mainly to blame here?
The German government!
The Eurofighter deal was blocked for years; if the other consortium members, above all the UK and Spain and to some extent Italy, had not exerted massive pressure on Germany by threatening to withdraw from future European cooperation with Germany, they would still be blocking it today. Who was the driving force here?
The German government!
Turkey has bought German submarines or is building them in cooperation, the Reis-class submarines.
Who rejected the AIP system, one of the key components of the new submarines?
The German government!
There are many other examples, I won't list them all, I'm not here to criticize you... this is not meant to be an attack.
But Germany is inconsistent when it comes to armaments and strategic partnerships.
Bilateral trade with them yes, cooperation on cultural and economic issues yes, should continue, but armaments or even cooperation on key technologies where they could exert pressure again.
We should never do business with them again,
The past has shown that they have abused it again and again, and that has damaged relations for both. It is better to exclude these areas with the Germans.