Featured East Mediterranean Standoff


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Kanuni drill ship has been painted in TPAO colors and will soon move to its new location



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Turkey's third drillship(Yavuz) to begin operations soon

"This vessel will arrive in Turkey in March and we plan for it to start drilling after development and testing processes

the new ship was an "ultra maritime drillship" that can drill down to 11,400 meters but did not specify where the ship would operate.

Turkey was reported to have bought the drillship on Feb. 9 for nearly $40 million. "Sertao" is worth much more, but Port Talbot officials reportedly were in a hurry to sell it. The drillship, which has been docked idle and unsold for nearly two years at the port of the Welsh town, has an estimated market value of $120 million.

The drillship was produced by Samsung in South Korea. It was used by Brazil's Petrobras between 2012 and 2015.

The Marshall Island-flagged drillship has a length of 227 meters, a width of 42 meters and a draft of 12 meters. It can reach as much as 11,400 meters below sea level and drill to a depth of 3,000 meters below the sea bed.

The vessel will work along with Fatih and Yavuz in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Turkey has consistently contested the Greek Cypriot administration's unilateral drilling in the Eastern Mediterranean, asserting that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) also has rights to the resources in the area.

In 1974, following a coup aiming at Cyprus' annexation by Greece, Ankara had to intervene as a guarantor power. TRNC was founded in 1983.

The decades since have seen several attempts to resolve the Cyprus dispute, all ending in failure. The latest one, held with the participation of the guarantor countries – Turkey, Greece and the U.K. – came to an end without any progress in 2017 in Switzerland.

The ship was finally painted in TPAO colors and seems ready to move.



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Greeks started telling truths. This guy is talking How they are actually trying to steal Turkish seas by showing a tiny island.



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Greeks started telling truths. This guy is talking How they are actually trying to steal Turkish seas by showing a tiny island.

Then they have the nerve to cry as the victims. Screw this world!!


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Greek former foreign minister is also telling the stupidity of Greek thesis. Showing a tiny island to capture majority of Turkish EEZ is what Greeks are trying to do!



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Think slowly the greeks understand that they need a solution now then later because the Turkish power isnt going to decline or the stuff they like to project, complete opposite and they understand this.. slowly and steadily.

btw. interesting piece from cavusoglu

Cavusoglu: Our preference is diplomacy without preconditions



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So, I am not sure how this works, but if Turkish vessels conduct Search and Rescue in Greek waters, what does it mean ?

Do we have to sail to nearest port and unload the innocent immigrants ? :)

I mean do we have to rescue Immigrants in Greek waters and sail them to nearest Greek port ? :) :) :)


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So, I am not sure how this works, but if Turkish vessels conduct Search and Rescue in Greek waters, what does it mean ?

Do we have to sail to nearest port and unload the innocent immigrants ? :)

I mean do we have to rescue Immigrants in Greek waters and sail them to nearest Greek port ? :) :) :)
Bro read this ;

5.7 Non-refoulement is “a concept which prohibits States from returning a refugee or asylum seeker to territories where there is a risk that his or her life or freedom would be threatened on account of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.”[3]

[3] ‘The scope and content of the principle of non-refoulement: Opinion’, Sir Elihu Lauterpacht and Daniel Bethlehem, for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 2001.

Although this is a principle enshrined in international humanitarian law, the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual does not specifically include it in its definition of ‘place of safety’ (see chapter 11). However, the IMRF takes the view that this is implicit. IAMSAR says that a ‘place of safety’ is “a location […] where the survivors' safety of life is no longer threatened and where their basic human needs (such as food, shelter and medical needs) can be met.” It does not include ‘freedom’ in its short list of examples – but it does not exclude it either.

5.8 The question about rescue in someone else’s territorial waters relates to whether ‘irregular migrants’ picked up and taken on to a place of safety in a State they were trying to reach have been illegally assisted to migrate by the rescuer. The IMRF takes the view, first, that the question of whether the waters where the rescue takes place are ‘territorial’ or ‘international’ is strictly irrelevant. The international conventions (UNCLOS, SOLAS and the SAR Convention) make no such distinction. Someone in distress at sea should be rescued whatever the status of the sea s/he is in.

5.9 The IMRF also takes the view that the place of safety to which survivors are taken should be selected according to the criteria discussed in chapter 11, including the principle of non-refoulement. If the State coordinating the rescue tells the rescuer to proceed to a particular place of safety, and it is not contrary to the survivors’ best interests to do so, the rescuer will comply – and this should avoid any concern about abetting illegal migration. However, if the commander of the rescuing unit is concerned about any aspect of the place of safety proposed, s/he should discuss this concern with the coordinating Rescue Coordination Centre and, if necessary, with his/her flag State authorities, usually via the unit’s parent organisation ashore.

5.10 The reaction of rescued people to being taken to a place of safety in a State they do not want to go to may be among the commander of the rescuing unit’s concerns. Security is a key factor. This too should be discussed as necessary with the relevant authorities. The International Chamber of Shipping’s ‘Large scale rescue operations at sea’ gives very useful guidance in this respect.

Infact read the whole articles ;

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