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Guys, you really need to calm down
Think about the poor MODS who will be reading this thread and cleaning it
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My question here is, if Erdo knows that what he is doing will cost him the elections; then why on Earth is he doing it?
maybe there is no chance that he will lose the elections like third world countries are governed by the same people till dies??

Additionally, it is not just today but future of our country is lost!! Noone want to live here anymore thx to big success! on economy!!


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I never said it will be "profitable". It depends on what you understand from "profit".


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This forum is here so there is a free ground for discussion by people of all points of view. Nobody have the right to limit somebody because he does not like his opinion. We have a clearly stated rules and everybody who breaks them should be ready to take responsibility and face the consequences. A warning is given to Fighter_35 for personal attack in offense of our rules. He haves 5 warning within less than a month and this means that the system automatically bans him. Please refrain from such behavior. You are free to continue your discussion in a civilized way. Thank you!


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I would urge the mods to ask for a college diploma in finance, or a masters’ degree to post in this thread ;)
If you have ideas as I said many times everybody is free to come and join a civilized discussion. We are here and reading with interest. :)


Turkey does NOT deserve a hard currency. We're not Germany or Japan. We do not have a knowledge-driven economy and global companies. This does not mean that our currency should go down the drain but 1 EUR to 10 TRY is fair because I know my lazy-ass people in Turkey. They don't deserve better. You wanna live good? Work.
You know most of the Turks hate Almancı like you. Don't say these stuff in Turkey if you don't want people to give your teeth to your hand.



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Ever heard of a country named China?

I did not compare Turkey to China but the economic strategy that has led to modern-day China and her top export-oriented economy.

You might want to read the earlier reply I gave for this comparison.....and that page's context:

In general this thread is going through something of a deja vu cycle every 5 pages or this administration is not really fundamentally reforming anything.....but going for throw and see what sticks approach.

The recent firings of 3 top folks at the central bank shows they likely resisted the recent brain-dead move to lower interest rate in a high inflation environment (to somehow lower it)....when this is a pro-inflation move.

There was coverage on exact same thing dozens of pages ago when the current central bank chairman was put in that he shares this "unorthodox" view of interest rate and inflation and was thus able to play ball better with the TR Govt admin.


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You know most of the Turks hate Almancı like you. Don't say these stuff in Turkey if you don't want people to give your teeth to your hand.

I'm a cheap AKP partisan for stating the facts? Aren't you supposed to be a part of a political alternative to AKP? Is that how you treat your opponent?

Whenever our currency gained slightly against the USD or the EURO, our people went nuts and caused current account deficits of historic dimensions. Other societies don't behave in this wasteful manner.

People in Turkey don't know how to spend their money meaningful. They take loans for the stupidest things even though they don't have the money to pay back the principal let alone the interest in the first place.

Am I not telling the truth? Why can't we criticize what's wrong without pushing each other into certain corners?


Azerbaijan Moderator
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Turkey does NOT deserve a hard currency. We're not Germany or Japan. We do not have a knowledge-driven economy and global companies. This does not mean that our currency should go down the drain but 1 EUR to 10 TRY is fair because I know my lazy-ass people in Turkey. They don't deserve better. You wanna live good? Work.
Turkish people literally work some of the longest hours in Europe. You know who works one of the shortest? Germany. Because they work smarter, not harder, and German society is oriented around this principle.

Invest in public education and opportunities to give the best and brightest a chance to innovate and contribute and guess what? You can have a strong export economy AND a strong currency. Who would've thought, am I right?

But no, clearly Turkish people are all drooling idiots and only deserve to work as slaves for a chance to have good things.


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We continue our bilateral meetings before the G20 Trade and Investment Ministers meeting. We met with Indonesian Trade Minister Mohammed Lutfi. We held consultations to increase the trade volume between Turkey and Indonesia and to further strengthen our commercial relations.



I'm a cheap AKP partisan for stating the facts?
Facts? Are you serious ?

Turkish people are lazy and doesn't work and it's a "fact"? I'm speechless.

Are you think yourself as a prophet or something like that. When you speak the words that come out your mouth becomes the "absolute truth"

We are the most working people of all Europe

Yet, we are the poorest of Europe.

Yet, we are the poorest of al Europe, one of the most poor in the world, except some very rich people who have connections with AKP elites.

This is the reason why Turks hate Almancıs.... don't run your mouth on us from Germany.


Because they work smarter, not harder, and German society is oriented around this principle.
I have worked with Germans there is no such thing as they are working smarter. They are very rigid and can't produce solutions based on flexibility. We are working both harder and smarter than them.


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It's a democratic problem. When AKP and RTE gave voting rights to Turks abroad that's when you started getting bigger problems. I voted for Ince and even brought my dad with me to the consulate to vote. and He also voted against the presidential system even though he is an AKP supporter.

Problem is Turks living abroad don't get their salary in TL, and as such won't suffer when it keeps losing value and such. So they can sit in their couch and have high opinions of the government in Turkey while looking at all the fancy stuff being made. Never questioning anything.

I think it's very important to cut off right to vote for Turks living abroad enjoying safety and stability. Some will say, "We have a right to vote it's our country", but then people should consider moving back to Turkey work, and talk with people and get a real understanding of wtf is going on.


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It's a democratic problem. When AKP and RTE gave voting rights to Turks abroad that's when you started getting bigger problems. I voted for Ince and even brought my dad with me to the consulate to vote. and He also voted against the presidential system even though he is an AKP supporter.

Problem is Turks living abroad don't get their salary in TL, and as such won't suffer when it keeps losing value and such. So they can sit in their couch and have high opinions of the government in Turkey while looking at all the fancy stuff being made. Never questioning anything.

I think it's very important to cut off right to vote for Turks living abroad enjoying safety and stability. Some will say, "We have a right to vote it's our country", but then people should consider moving back to Turkey work, and talk with people and get a real understanding of wtf is going on.
I do agree with the fact that Turks, living abroad, do look at the situation differently than those who are living in the country itself. However, at the end of the day, a Turk is a Turk at the end; you cant just take voting rights away from a citizen living abroad just because it differs from the majority of belief inside the country. This is the basis of democracy! In this regard, RTE did the right thing by giving them voting rights

Although yes, they are recieving their salaries in euros so for them the equation is different but as I said it isnt a reason to strip some1 from his voting rightss


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I do agree with the fact that Turks, living abroad, do look at the situation differently than those who are living in the country itself. However, at the end of the day, a Turk is a Turk at the end; you cant just take voting rights away from a citizen living abroad just because it differs from the majority of belief inside the country. This is the basis of democracy! In this regard, RTE did the right thing by giving them voting rights

Although yes, they are recieving their salaries in euros so for them the equation is different but as I said it isnt a reason to strip some1 from his voting rightss
I disagree, only those who are living and paying tax to the country should have any say in elections.

In Denmark you are not eligible for voting if you aren't paying tax, have home adresse, and live in the Country.


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I will try to Repeat it again.
First PART
Turkiye have government controled assets ( Reserve with Money, Gold etc, Banks, Products ( example: Agriculture, Textile, House use electroincs, tools -> in this sector Turkiye is stronge at it is BACKBONE of need it each day for ppl to keep low, middile class too sustain living ) THERE ARE OTHER THINGS but at moment they are not big chunck )
According to foreigner data Turkiye debts are 27-30% which is Very good if we compare WEST.
Above ASSETS are controled by Goverment-> ISSUE was never here -> Control of this ASSETS is showed WHY Turkiye OWN planing of development GO Well.

But above is the MAIN issue for WEST which they do NOT have Control to shit on Turkiye to go Default state

Above is 50% of Turkiye ASSETS

Second PART
This part is Where Turks were TRICKED or Turks I mean regular citizens DID it to the self and this happend over and over again.
I will explain:
Turkiye citizen WANT NEW Toy or Need money (At momet I am talking about just regular citizens ).
What they do is start Looking Banks loans %. As we know The BEST lowest bank Credits as % is FOREIGNER Banks.
So Those ppl I mean at Present days it represent a BIG number of ppl (milions) which already Got Loans from FOREIGNER Banks.
So Trick is STARTED -> Loan is and ALWAYS is in FOREIGNER Valuts (dollar,euro,uk pounds).

The Fall of Turkish Lira NOW is OPEN for FOREIGNER for ATTACK or Play with it accroding to inernational law of trade and ALSO do Speculation.
FOREIGNER Bank HAVE RIGHTS to SELL or PLAY on Stock Exchange "The DEBT " which above Turk citizen signed and by taking Loan he also Grant permision of
FOREIGNER Bank to Play what ever and When ever they LIKE until This citizen does not PAY BACK the LOAN.
This WAS not Big ISSUE 20+ year ago but 60% and more of Turk citizens Fucked own Economy by Been Greedy and Want Toys for which They TAKE LOAN.
And they DID that by takeing LOAN from FOREIGNER Banks.

Who is PROVIDING Backing of Turk LIRA -> Country -> Goverment-> OWN ASSETS become Garant of Above LOAN. So Goverment CAN TRY to DO everthing to
FIx this -> BUT it WILL not HAPPEND-> WHy Because YOU Goverment DOES not CONTROL FOREIGNER Banks which Have Rights to FUCK you TR LIRA

So FOREIGNER Banks -> Sells all Turk Loans DEBT in the International Stock Exchange -> and Speculation is DOING the job that lead to LIRA to FALL -> THIS IS they MAIN front in which TR LIRA FALL as it is nothing
it is Fall even wth BIG % When BAD EVENT is HAPPENED in TURKIYE or even when RTE is saying big things in Media <- this is used as excuse from Foreigners as RISK and they are allowed to DROP TR Lira International Stock Exchange.

PRIVATE sector Debts is the main source -> Which was build from Turk citizens Greed CONTINUELY almost 20 years -> The VOLUME of LOANS is SO BIG that HALF of you Country ASSETS from Private sector is Punching you Economy down as Speculation and pulling you LIRA down.
-----> No matter who will come to POWER. Until Turks pay the loans to FOREIGNER Banks they WILL be CONTORLED and they will be poor. <--------

My advice STOP taking Loans from FOREIGNER Banks
Shits which will happen when you do this
1.Loan is in (dollars,euro,pound) - Making TR LIRA do go DOWN
2. Loan is selled in International Stock Exchange. - Make TR LIRA to be used as product for Speculation. - Making TR LIRA going DOWN MORE
3. Becuase TR LIRA is ASSET own by Country and the Country is Garant . - This Hit Country Budget each year
making deficit and Goverment print baknots - Making TR LIRA goind EVEN MORE

This is happening over and over and over and over AGAIN
You Economy Advicers No Matter who is Selected is Capable one!!
Stop talking about Things that RTE or Some persion Did Wrong for economy<- this things only affect budget for 1-2-3 years and it is easy to be fixed

At moment MAIN ISSUE is and WILL be Turks which are Greedy -> Don't have money -> go to FOREIGNER Banks -> and Make themself and Country a SLAVE
this post deserve to be on next page, people with honest approach and basic knowledge about socio economy politics can easily agree about this precise identification of the problem.
luckily for Turkey first part is most important for any nation, second one will iron itself eventually.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Facts? Are you serious ?

Turkish people are lazy and doesn't work and it's a "fact"? I'm speechless.

Are you think yourself as a prophet or something like that. When you speak the words that come out your mouth becomes the "absolute truth"

We are the most working people of all Europe

Yet, we are the poorest of Europe.

Yet, we are the poorest of al Europe, one of the most poor in the world, except some very rich people who have connections with AKP elites.

This is the reason why Turks hate Almancıs.... don't run your mouth on us from Germany.
iphone index, lol. there is not enough words to describe how limited and meaningless this list is.


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iphone index, lol. there is not enough words to describe how limited and meaningless this list is.
No the point of that post was to show how much people in Turkey work. It's not a lie, as I have already explained given some of my relatives as an example in previous pages.

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