He was talking about inflation and how they managed to lower the rate to just 4% back in the day.Get ready for another lira crash
Erdo just said he wanna lower the interest rates to 4%
Allak değil, sürekli destek olan yalaka takımı kör etti. Herşeye evet diyen yalaka takımı!! Ama asıl suçlu kendisi, yalakalari yanında tuttu ve önemli yerlere atadı, elestirenleri partiden uzaklaştırdıHe was talking about inflation and how they managed to lower the rate to just 4% back in the day.
However, in the same speech he mentioned once again that reducing the interest rate will help us fight back inflation. A false assumption about macroeconomics he keeps insisting on even though the entire world is warning him.
Allah kör etti. God blinded him. A common saying in Turkish to express how a person cant see even the most obvious things/facts right in front of his eyes.
No government has damaged the perception of Islam as much as AKP in Turkey. Erdogan's way of delivering his half-cooked ideas wrapped with religious sanctimony is making people hate Islam. Even Cübbeli Ahmet(famous imam and preacher of Turkey) said that Erdogan should stop blending his economic "model" with religious rhetoric. It causes people to leave the religion. Which is kind of ironic considering Erdogan's claim of "we're gonna raise devout generations!". This brings the famous proverb to the mind.Lets say it loud. Allah doesn't know anything about the economy.
Making a new statement about interest rates, President and AKP Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said, "What is it, sir? We were lowering interest rates. Don't expect anything else from me. As a Muslim, I will continue to do whatever is required. This is the verdict,' he said.
I said it yesterday![]()
Erdoğan’dan faiz açıklaması: Naslar neyi gerektiriyorsa onu yapacağım, hüküm bu
Cumhurbaşkanı ve AKP Genel Başkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, faizle mücadele gerekçesi olarak ekonomik değil, dini referanslar vermeye devam ediyor.www.veryansintv.com
From Hürriyet Daily News
View attachment 37467
It pains me to say thls but these are our good days. If this itiotic experiment continued we'll see worse, much worse days. I'm afraid this economic crisis might be unprecedented in Turkey's history.May God burn all responsibles in the hell
I haven't seen such a bullshit and I'm 44.
View attachment 37468
View attachment 37469
EUR almost 20TL . Me and my family lost a lot of things thanks to mofos .
Who was disagreeing with me a month ago when i was guessing that Erdogan is lowering interest rates because of religious reason?Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan:
Neymiş efendim, faizleri düşürüyormuşuz. Benden başka bir şey beklemeyin. Bir müslüman olarak naslar neyi gerektiriyorsa onu yapmaya devam edeceğim. Hüküm bu
I can't translate this to english but Im just saying whoever said allah or used the arabs religionn destroyed our country
This is what happens If your president cares more about some dead arabs religion than Its people (he is georgian tho)
May god save us from this religion
Rezil olduk
Yeni birseymi?Rezil olduk
This is my view after what erdo didYeni birseymi?
Turkish image got damaged long time ago, worst blow came after 2016 coup when pictures of a 3rd world country was going around the news stations of the world.
I remember comparisons to Zimbabwe. And nothing good happened since then either, dünya liderinden Allah razi olsun.![]()
I really hope he is just saying this to fool his religious supporters (who are dumb as bread), otherwise Turkey is being ruled by an utter moron.This is my view after what erdo did
"İslam dini için en ufacık rahatımı bile feda etmem" This is what happens when islamists rule your country
Even made our way to the Japanese media outlets with those queues for halk ekmek, a friend called me to make sure i am 'ok'. I have never been ashamed more in my life this far. I could explain the coup night in a sensible way to them but i can not explain those bread queues and the shrinking Lira value and news about the recent financial policy.Yeni birseymi?
Turkish image got damaged long time ago, worst blow came after 2016 coup when pictures of a 3rd world country was going around the news stations of the world.
I remember comparisons to Zimbabwe. And nothing good happened since then either, dünya liderinden Allah razi olsun.![]()