
You really think that professor in Turkey earns nearly or less than twice the minimum wage? If you think that than you dont live in Turkey.
1. derece, 1. kademe Kadro Derecesi 1 olan Doçent maaşı.
Calculate projected salary in 2022 January here; These are calculated for 1/1 level which is nearly impossible to reach before the age of 50. Lower the wages by 500 for 4/4
Married (unemployed wife) with no kid Assoc. Prof. working for 11 years makes 10700 lira, not married no kids; 10200 lira.
Twice the minimum wage is 8500 lira. An Assoc. Prof. earns only ~20% more than twice the minimum wage.
Married (unemployed wife) with no kid Assist. Prof. working for 11 years makes 9500 lira, not married no kids; 9000 lira.
Twice the minimum wage is 8500 lira. An Assoc. Prof. earns only ~7% more than twice the minimum wage.
Also note, these people will receive less salary in certain months because of the tax, minimum wage is free of income tax now.
The ratio used to be 3 to 4 times in past years for Asssit and Assoc Prof., above 4 for the Prof.
Compare anywhere else in the world if anyone has gained title of assoc, assist prof is receiving less than 3 or 4 times of the minimum wage.
Just contacted a Research Assistant friend, she earns about 7900-8000 and expected 8500~ in January with the raise just twice the minimum wage after an education of 4 + 2 + ongoing PhD.
How to scare educated people and repel them away to abroad so that you can mark your win in elections with the ones you have raised the minimum wage well above lacking a graduate level degree; 101.