Somebody tell these Egyptians that even a shit Turkish econony is still miles ahead of their shithole of a country.
Matter of time before Ethiopia fills that dam up and no water

Should us Turks laugh or feel sorry? Too bad most of our people are gullible and naive. Will start feeling sorry for them.
Fcking ridiculous how tayyip made these people laugh at us. What a rezil.
You guys really need to stop reading these propaganda websites
Al-Monitor, is a site primarily funded by the Egyptian govt. While they claim to be a bipartisan site that provides top-quality unbiased news, they were mainly pro-pkk, pro-greece, pro-haftar, and they even praised MBS who butchered another human being into pieces just because that journalist was against him
As for the Turkish lira, I know many wont believe it, but the greatest losers from a massive lira devaluation is the egyptian economy and its ppl then followed by the Turkish ppl themselves..... the Egyptians are laughing at their doom, loool fqing irony.
Turkey is one of the most importers of egyptian exports; if lira got devalued, Turkey will buy less from Egypt. Moreover, Egyptians will buy more from Turkey as lira is cheaper rn. However, this isnt the worst yet, Egyptian exports mainly depends on cheapness and not quality! Thus, if another cheaper competitor like Turkey came with top quality products, then ppl will throw Egyptian products out of the window and lets not forget what African leaders said a week ago about Turkish products that they are "European quality with Asian prices". Finally, investment in Turkey is way more preferable than Egypt due to its closer proximity to the EU, several free trade agreements worldwide, better infrastructure to support investments, and a more qualified workforce; therefore, investors will prefer to switch to Turkey rather than Egypt which will destroy one of the main reasons for why the Egyptian pound got devalued in the first place.
Investors, like Kaga and Hugo Boss, who recently switched their semiconductor factory production to Turkey, would have switched to Egypt if the lira was pre-Covid levels.
The current situation isnt favourable to Egypt. Meanwhile, Erdo can just keep racking investments and then before the elections announce a rate hike and then u will see the lira reach to 8 or 7 to a dollar
The situation rn is that Egypt has a strong competitor, Turkey, which is gradually eating its market share
Semiconductor trader to add new plant, with eye on Middle Eastern and European demand
German clothing company Hugo Boss has decided to increase the scale of production in the Aegean province of İzmir by a third in a bid to shorten its supply chains, CEO Daniel Grieder told Financial Times.