They are trying to buy weapons with ToT, they are talking with Indians to Brazillians cooperation, Sout Korea is out of deal fighter planes. They are heavily trusting in that gasfields, ther doctrine is worhless.When you go to Indians and then go others and using it like bargain, you will end with empty hand. They are talking about EF and same time Indian or Russian fighters

But all that weapons cost a lot of money. I hope they have the money, because purchasing the weapon is 1 of the side of the story, maintaining all that weapons is other side of the story.
You see this is a long story
The Egyptian armed forces, after seeing Turkey's rapid growth finally realised how important it is to set up indiginous facilities but here is the catch; the top brass of the military is corrupt, doesnt have the political will or even the patience that Turkey had for the last deacde for the projects to show its true worth. Therefore, they opted for the Arab mentality of..... money buys everything yet sadly no one is willing to give its technological edge to Egypt. Even the Indians who offered to set up Tejas assembly lines in Egypt in 2019 have removed the deal from the shelves last year or so
So the question here is..... why does Egypt want a stronger military rn? The answer is in Turkey! The military administration wants all muslim nations to either be controlled by a monarch or a millitary-controlled puppet as a Prime Minister or a President in order to be able to control their local populations effectively and ensure the prosperity of the top regime brass
This means that with Erdogan in the picture, the Egyptian military is nervous! Turkey is growing, economically, militarily, and in terms of soft power as well which poses a threat to the regime; therefore, if they cant kick Erdo out through coups or have a puppet controls the state then the only answer is direct confrontation! In East Med and Libya, Turkey may find what the missing piece for its economy; i-e, gas and oil
You need to see how Arab defence forums exploded when they saw the TFX mock-up mate; it wasnt just the Westerners or the Chinese who were crying tears of blood but the Arabs have begun comparing their rulers with that of Turkey and how the Turks made the jet while they had more resources yet didnt do shit
When such statements start circukating through the people, displeasement runs amok between the populace and the regime powers becomes questioned which increases the likelihood of them to be overthrown and this is something the Egyptian military wont wait until it happens
As an example, In the East Med dispute, If Egypt sided with Turkey, then they would probably gain more territorial waters which translates to more gas, oil, resources, and source of drinking water (if filtered and desalinated) in an era where water is scarce. Yet, they chose to side with Greece amd that is because Turkey poses a greater threat to the current egyptian military regime that they dont even think about the country's own benefits