Emirates: We want to say to Turkey that we want normal relations that respect sovereignty between us



In the eyes of the subject countries’ governments, these groups are same as what PKK is to us. They are direct danger to their monarchical state in UAE , Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. MB , are the largest in Egypt. They had even won the last election. Now been suppressed by the current junta dictatorship and declared as illegal.
If we and the rest of the countries of the world and United Nations are accepting the current governments in the above states as ”legitimate”, then the MB has to be an illegal movement in each of these countries.
It was a rhetorical question as Turkey doesn't consider the MB as 'illegal'


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these groups are same as what PKK is to us

thats a messy and weird point of view its like someone with psychological disorder tries to write down an complex mathematical formula and making mistakes because of his psychological disorder that enables him to see things logical that are obviously not! pkk is an alien idea imposed on a free nation seeking its destruction.. and yet we have an alian idea imposed to an unfree nation to keep it unfree and in chains and the unalian idea born in this nation seeks to break the chains..

so these monarchies see it as an threat because their opression could end and something new could emerge wich would maybe hold them accountable for their wrongdoings..

for me I would be very skeptical for UAE.. this tiny satanic country fought us on every front.. they kept our enemies as their friends and had been eager to harm us where they could.. I would even not want them buying turkish stuff wich they may use against us.. their destructive behavior goes beyond anything we faced in the last 50 years.. no pkk no armenians have the same amount of this wickedness

even if they would turn 180 degree take a new monarch and hail us where they can it wont effect my point of view and I would keep being skeptical and that is a logical healthy view if you ask me when it is about this country.. 🤨


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thats a messy and weird point of view its like someone with psychological disorder tries to write down an complex mathematical formula and making mistakes because of his psychological disorder that enables him to see things logical that are obviously not! pkk is an alien idea imposed on a free nation seeking its destruction.. and yet we have an alian idea imposed to an unfree nation to keep it unfree and in chains and the unalian idea born in this nation seeks to break the chains..

so these monarchies see it as an threat because their opression could end and something new could emerge wich would maybe hold them accountable for their wrongdoings..

for me I would be very skeptical for UAE.. this tiny satanic country fought us on every front.. they kept our enemies as their friends and had been eager to harm us where they could.. I would even not want them buying turkish stuff wich they may use against us.. their destructive behavior goes beyond anything we faced in the last 50 years.. no pkk no armenians have the same amount of this wickedness

even if they would turn 180 degree take a new monarch and hail us where they can it wont effect my point of view and I would keep being skeptical and that is a logical healthy view if you ask me when it is about this country.. 🤨
Please don’t pull half a sentence, and try to make a point. Then it is out of context.
I do not support and I do not condone any of these oppressive regimes they have in the Arabic world.
But to “them” the muslim brotherhood is same as what pkk is to us. They see them as illegal organisations! That is a fact.
Your analogy therefore is rubbish!
These fat-cat rulers of the named kingdoms that suck the wealth and blood of their populations, have got no leg to stand on. They are kept there by the western powers who bribe them with toppling them over and use them to serve their own political and financial end.
first Libya , then a little trial run in Morocco, Algiers and Tunisia where it did not really work. But in Syria it did. Also in Egypt the elected government was overthrown. (Under the name of Arab Spring) . Small insurrectionist moves in Qatar , Bahrain , Saudi Arabia and UAE . This was a show of what the west could do if needed. So that they would be in line to do what they were told to do. Now these countries are buying huge military equipment and are friends with their worst enemy Israel.


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Please don’t pull half a sentence, and try to make a point. Then it is out of context.
I do not support and I do not condone any of these oppressive regimes

bro I am not saying that this is your statement your view.. I am just quoting your point and enhancing it with my opinion and show how UAE and the monarchies are..

so what I want to say is they (monarchies) are like the psychological disorder type I have descriped.. sorry for my unclear writing or not putting some more infos in it to make it crystal clear..

specially when I wrote about imposed alien idea was about egypt and than the monarchies wich are under the rule the idea of other nations in the west..

I dont think my writing is rubbish its not even much different than what you wrote.. the thing these monarchies and diktators see MB like PKK its quiete a discredition for our suffering and discredition about the opposition MB that is not a feather weight near PKK! that they (dictators) see it alike pkk or saying this is an insult against us and an insulting behavior against their opposition.. nothing more than an disgusting act of these monarchies..

so I apologise for my bad style of writing that was maybe not crystal clear.. :)


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bro I am not saying that this is your statement your view.. I am just quoting your point and enhancing it with my opinion and show how UAE and the monarchies are..

so what I want to say is they (monarchies) are like the psychological disorder type I have descriped.. sorry for my unclear writing or not putting some more infos in it to make it crystal clear..

specially when I wrote about imposed alien idea was about egypt and than the monarchies wich are under the rule the idea of other nations in the west..

I dont think my writing is rubbish its not even much different than what you wrote.. the thing these monarchies and diktators see MB like PKK its quiete a discredition for our suffering and discredition about the opposition MB that is not a feather weight near PKK! that they (dictators) see it alike pkk or saying this is an insult against us and an insulting behavior against their opposition.. nothing more than an disgusting act of these monarchies..

so I apologise for my bad style of writing that was maybe not crystal clear.. :)
Sorry if I misunderstood you. But when I saw the pulled out half sentence, I thought you were trying to have a go at me. In that case we are singing from the same hymn-sheet! Thanks for clarifying anyways!


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No, it isn't. I'd say it may resemble FETÖ but MB doesn't deserve such a heartless tag as well.
I am afraid to a dictator like Sisi of Egypt and to those Arab Sheiks that want to hold on to their thrones and to Assad of Syria it is the same.
MB has taken up arms against some of these governments to enforce their rule in the country.
Just look at the situation of PKK from a Kurdish sympathiser government’s point of view or from a Greek perspective; PKK are a bunch of revolutionaries trying to set up their own rule against an oppressive Turkish regime for their people.
But from our perspective they are terrorists trying to break up Turkish Republic.
It all depends on , from which angle you look at it!!

KKF 2.0

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The MB is as alien to the Arab masses as Atatürk is to the electorate of CHP. Think about this before judging them as terrorists. Yes, the MB ideology is anything but attractive to many Turkish secularists but, please, stop looking at the Middle Eastern conflicts from an ideological point of view.

Be pragmatic, take the chance and seize the opportunity. The Salafist antidemocratic regimes of the GCC are the Western world's prime allies. The MB is a significant tool. Why dismiss them instead of exploiting this opportunity to influence the Arab societies fundamentally? This is why the UAE hates us.


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The MB is as alien to the Arab masses as Atatürk is to the electorate of CHP. Think about this before judging them as terrorists. Yes, the MB ideology is anything but attractive to many Turkish secularists but, please, stop looking at the Middle Eastern conflicts from an ideological point of view.

Be pragmatic, take the chance and seize the opportunity. The Salafist antidemocratic regimes of the GCC are the Western world's prime allies. The MB is a significant tool. Why dismiss them instead of exploiting this opportunity to influence the Arab societies fundamentally? This is why the UAE hates us.

Mb is seen as a threat because they mainly believe Islamic democracy can work for a lot of Monarchies in the Middle East this is seen as a threat.

Dont forget in the past a lot of Muslims especially religious ones like Mehmet Akif ersoy were critical of monarchies even critised the clerics who supported their rule.

What makes the mb and monarchs of saudi, emirates oppose them is due to belief that God is the ruler not the monarchs. Monarchs have to be servants to God hence why mb ideology and asbolute monarchy of saudi arabia are at odds with each other.

Mb gets so much support is due to their social work. Hasan Al Banna made it really important to help Muslims combat poverty and illteracy.


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I am afraid to a dictator like Sisi of Egypt and to those Arab Sheiks that want to hold on to their thrones and to Assad of Syria it is the same.
MB has taken up arms against some of these governments to enforce their rule in the country.
Just look at the situation of PKK from a Kurdish sympathiser government’s point of view or from a Greek perspective; PKK are a bunch of revolutionaries trying to set up their own rule against an oppressive Turkish regime for their people.
But from our perspective they are terrorists trying to break up Turkish Republic.
It all depends on , from which angle you look at it!!
You better choose a better angle, is MB an ethnic group first? If you badly want to give MB a tag, that'd be FETÖ, I said but even that is wrong. You don't seem to know well what you are talking about and seem to mix apples and oranges dangerously.
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KKF 2.0

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You better choose a better angle, is MB an ethnic group first? If you badly want to give MB a tag, that'd be FETÖ, I said but even that is wrong. You don't seem to know well what you are talking about and seem to mix apples and oranges dangerously.
I believe that the comparison between the two is flawed. FETÖ is a clandestine organization while the MB's agenda is out in the open, very well known and plenty of times discussed in the public.


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I believe that the comparison between the two is flawed. FETÖ is a clandestine organization while the MB's agenda is out in the open, very well known and plenty of times discussed in the public.
I am sure you came some across some Arabs (online or wherever) with such comparison to defend their point of view then yeah, "Even that is wrong" part of my post should you give you an idea.

KKF 2.0

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I am sure you came some across some Arabs (online or wherever) with such comparison to defend their point of view then yeah, "Even that is wrong" part of my post should you give you an idea.
Right, sorry.


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You better choose a better angle, is MB an ethnic group first? If you badly want to give MB a tag, that'd be FETÖ, I said but even that is wrong. You don't seem to know well what you are talking about and seem to mix apples and oranges dangerously.
I am afraid you don’t know what you are talking about either. You are not getting what I am saying. I am not branding MB as a terrorist group. I am saying that is how those sheiks and dictators see them. So much so that they are prepared to fight against them and anyone that supports them in Libya in Syria and in Egypt.
In fact I don’t even give a rat’s arse who they are and what they stand for.
I was only trying to make a point about how they are perceived by those regimes that oppose them.
Persanally I am against anyone and anybody that try to push their view on to others by force, especially if it is in the name of religion. So for all I care they can kill and blow each other to high heaven as long as they do not become a danger to us.


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The MB is as alien to the Arab masses as Atatürk is to the electorate of CHP. Think about this before judging them as terrorists. Yes, the MB ideology is anything but attractive to many Turkish secularists but, please, stop looking at the Middle Eastern conflicts from an ideological point of view.

Be pragmatic, take the chance and seize the opportunity. The Salafist antidemocratic regimes of the GCC are the Western world's prime allies. The MB is a significant tool. Why dismiss them instead of exploiting this opportunity to influence the Arab societies fundamentally? This is why the UAE hates us.

I get your point but has supporting the MB brought us any advantages? Do the advantages cover the damages it has done?

Sure I mean the Syrian Rebels are on our side, we won little Qatar and have around a third of Libya. But at what cost?

And I dont like any of the gulf Arab countries leadership, just asking from an political and economical perspective

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