Number 4 and 5 how cunningly it is written. Even the devil himself would be amazed.
Number 4 and 5 how cunningly it is written. Even the devil himself would be amazed.
I tried to think of a diplomatic win of this party in recent years, i cant come up with any...
I think thats a decent deal, the ypg will cease to exist in the coming years one way another but how will they implement the stuff they claim to want to do in the mou?
What's the mechanism in place should they continue support the PKK against Turkey?
the whole declaration is written exceptionally vague, and it empowers both sides. Turkiye can deadass request troops to fight in Syria tomorrow and they couldnt refuse. it is THAT vague.Number 4 and 5 how cunningly it is written. Even the devil himself would be amazed.
It's nothing but some empty promise. No guarantees, no nothing. Now the Russian will likely intervene in Syria as revenge and safe them like they did in the last Operations, seriously that was our best card yet they gave it away that easilly, same with the refugee agreement.
We were fooled part 31.. loading.
when i look at this now it seems he got extremly fooled or was forced to accept them ?! which guarantee there is that they will abide by that mou? these countries shit on u and laugh at u while they support the pkk, to expect them to do a 360 is pure naivety![]()