Greece Analysis Greek - Turkish Relations


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He also forgot Turks gave them food and shelter during WW2 according to akritas It didn't happened lol even our ship got sunk while trying to send humanitarian aid to these ungrateful people.
Since you mentioned WW2, do you know what was Varlık Vergisi ?
The rent of the ship SS Kurtuluş as also and the operation was mainly funded by the American Greek War Relief Association and the Hellenic Union of Constantinopolitans.


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There is naval base and no fortification in the said islands.
If you have something else, bring it and prove it.
Furthermore, in article 13 of the same Treaty there is no mention of the terms “demilitarized”, “demilitarization” or “demilitarization regime”.

Turkey has all the evidence from island to island and this violation was presented to the UN by letters. You will see a more active policy from now on, don't worry. Repeating the same lie over and over on those pages does not mean that you have not violated the international treaties you have signed. Every violation has a cost and you will pay for it with exposing your lies at international stage.

Although Lausanne-13 is very open about the disarmament of the islands, are we going to ignore your disrespect for international treaties because there is no word "demilitarized"? In the other treaty, there are tens of demilitarization words by counting tens of island names, but you consider it invalid with imaginary justifications. You are trying to prove to the people how you deceived yourself by producing as many imaginary stories as possible here.

Greek aircraft do not fly over Turkey, as Turkish aircraft constantly do, there are plety records from the NATO radars
If you have something else, bring it and prove it.
The point was not that your planes were flying over Anatolia. The issue is that you arm the islands illegally and make a statement stating that you will not recognize the court decision. Desperation and the lies you speak make you not be able to come around and produce arguments.

This demilitarized status was completely abolished since the above-mentioned Convention was replaced in its entirety by the 1936 Montreux Convention, which governs the same subject.
More specifically, the preamble of the said Convention expressly stipulates that the parties thereto “have resolved to replace by the present Convention the Convention signed at Lausanne on the 24th July, 1923”. The Montreux Convention does not provide for the demilitarization of or any other military restriction whatsoever on these islands.

This is how Greek theses are based on pure assumptions.. The treaty known as the Montreux Convention, as known as Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits is an agreement put into effect for the regulation of ship traffic and security in the Turkish Straits for the Black Sea security, but Greece even takes credit for the islands in a convention that has nothing to do with it, and not have even one word for demilitarization of islands. Even if the word is not mentioned, You interprets the issue of sovereignty and militarisationn of the straits for militarisation of the Aegean islands and draws a ridiculous conclusion from this. You try to use this as an argument to hide your own violation of rules and disrespect for international law. You can understand how desperate you are by looking at this example. Your sole effort is to try to hide your disrespect and violations of international rules by repeating the same lie 100 times like a parrot. You can only make believe the blind and deaf with this tactics.

Also, Turkey has officially recognized Greece’s sovereign right to militarize Lemnos and Samothrace, inter alia, by an official letterdated 6 May 1936, addressed from the then Turkish Ambassador to Athens to the Greek Prime Minister, as well as by a relevant statement made before Turkey’s National Assembly on 31 July 1936 by the then Turkish Foreign Minister, R. Aras, on the occasion of the ratification of the Montreux Convention. Thus, there is no demilitarization obligation for Lemnos and Samothrace and, therefore, any arguments to the contrary are false and misleading.
But Turkey never respects international law and its signatures.

So that's what you said with above words. This is your logic.
"I will do any wrongdoing. I resort to all kinds of illegal actions. I'll steal your property too. Such is my nature. I sign agreements and violate them all. Why didn't you raise your voice and defend yourself?"

In other words, it is a separate thesis that you violate international agreements and try to put your disrespect on international ground with such ridiculous excuses. Turkey is taking and will continue to take the necessary steps in this regard.

Btw, You're talking about the 1930s. At that time, was there a possibility of Turkey's attack, operations against Syria, or amphibious vehicles, that you suddenly felt the need to arm the islands you mentioned? You contradict and destroy your own arguments. The criminal's attempt to acquit himself could only have been so absurd. I hadn't thought of any other way.

Τhe mentioned provisions of the said Treaty, including those relating to demilitarization, are res inter alios acta and cannot be invoked by Turkey, which is not a party to that Treaty. This is also confirmed by the article 89 of the Treaty, according to which its provisions shall not confer any rights and benefits to States that are not parties to it..

If the issue is the security of Turkey, any agreement concerns Turkey as well. If the issue is the arming of Turkey's coasts in violation of the treaties, it concerns Turkey. You cannot hide your violation of the treaties you signed by using fancy words like "res inter alios acta".

Again, you say this above with a similar logic:
"You oppose us violating the agreements with Turkey, but this treaty does not include Turkey's signature this time, so Turkey can not speak about our disrespect for this treaty."

So again, you lie to yourself and tell how you violated international law, but you develop a different and strange defense mechanism and try to present your being a disrespectful state with different covers and fancy sentences. As I said these tactics don't work.

You dare and tell me that I do "copy paste" , you, that all you do is transfer to us every two days what Cavousoglou says. And it does not say anything new, but the well-known Turkish propaganda.
As long as I am here, and although I tolerate insults from your compatriots, deleted posts and threads, I will convey the Greek arguments, one by one, article by article, fact by fact, counter-argument to argument.
Here I am explaining how it violates international treaties for pages and there are letters applied to the UN on this subject. Turkey has a lot of visual evidence and this issue will become even hotter in the coming days, but you are still trying to find a cover for your lies and how to explain the event with perception games. Propaganda and perception do not change the facts. Even if you underline your lies hundreds of times, the result will still not change.

It will become obvious to everyone that Greece is a state that does not respect international law and that it supports this situation with its activities on the ground. Even if not a word is mentioned, interpreting the international treaties with your own assumptions does not mean that you will be rightful. While even Germany does not approve of your arming the islands and explains it, your efforts to justify your own lies are just ridiculous.

The extent of Greek airspace was established by a 1931 as being up to 10 nautical miles from the coast. With the exception of Britain, all other countries, including Turkey, accepted in practice this arrangement.
Where was Turkey from 1931 until 1964?
My view is straight:
It requires the extension of Greek territorial waters and the alignment of their outer boundary with that of the airspace.
You see, I do not have blinders, as some have.

By increasing your airspace to 10 miles, you have actually become ridiculous to the world. In practice, no one accepts your 10 miles. only you want to believe it. An application that has no other example in the world and has no place in any international treaty is already laughable.

In fact, the explanation of your thesis and the solution you presented in the international rules is as follows:
"As a pirate state, I have increased my airspace to 10 miles, which has no place in any international treaty and is not implemented by any state. I want to expand illegally both on sea and air and illegal activities are in my nature. I do not recognize the judicial process too. You must protect your own airspace against me or I will continue to increase these areas".

The numbers you count as air violations every day are due to Turkish planes entering a 10-mile area. This is the best indication that Turkey does not recognize your ridiculous practices. In order to cover your own nonsense with another nonsense, you propose to raise your continental shelf with your own ridiculous arguments and equalize the two, and you think that would be a fair approach. You probably see yourself as a community of chosen people in different realms, but you will not realize until you experience that the world is actually devastated by such unlawfulness.

The fact that there were extremes, I will not dispute, on both sides, something that you Turks ..... all forget. Menderes is one that ignited the Cyprus conflict, like in 1956 when Nithat Erim(Turkish Cypriot) submitted a report to him and since that day the strategy never wavered.
The Erim report clearly states that the only solution for Cyprus consists of partition under Turkish control and mentions population exchange and settlement by mainland Turks.
In 1957 Dr. Kutsiuk (the leader of Turkish Cypriots), proposed to Menderes the division of the island. That proposal is the exact Turkish line of today or 1974 invasion( with the exception of the enclosed Famagusta).
So, the leaders of the Tukish Cypriots wanted the division of the Cyprus since 1957.
Are not operations or....interventions, but invasions, and this is evident from your ethnic cleansing policy, The explanation as to what is taking place in our wider region lies with Erdogan’s neo-Ottomanism, a concept that has evolved over the years. From the beginning, Erdogan showed that he wanted to exercise influence outside his country’s borders. Neo-Ottomanism provided the ideological underpinnings for this policy. Neo-Ottomanism was initially detected in cultural areas.

When Greek barbarians massacred Turkish civiliansfor etnic cleansing in Cyprus, Greeks are just simple"Extremests", When the Turks launched an operation against ISIS and PKK terrorists (Greece harbour them as well) in Syria and PKK in Iraq by using the rights coming from UN laws to protect borderlines, Turks are Invasion forces, neo-Ottoman.

When the Greeks ravaged the ethnic cleansing of Cyprus for Enosis, Nothing wrong. When Turks write an imaginary letter or think about seperation, Death to Turks.

Even the false excuses you raise in your dreams are so weak and contradictory that you go undercover to defend your guilt and injustice.

Turkey is creating a sphere of influence that Greece will never be able to achieve, with diplomatic and industrial activities. This is one of the biggest reasons for your jealousy that is hidden under the words of neo-Ottomanism. You are right to be jealous because you will never be able to live in the realm you dream of.

Of course it does not exist, Turkey is simply exploiting the inability of its neighbors to deal with it militarily. That is why we in Greece say "thank you Turkey for reminding us at all times, that you want to invade, whoever you consider weak".
The strategy of a peaceful solution to Greek-Turkish differences cannot rest on abstaining from exercising our rights under international law, special when the one part has invaded in three states, and generally has open 31 conflicts in the last 10 years. Unless you live e.g. in Australia, and you think war is just virtual and imaginary.

Turkey is dealing with terrorists, countries and bandits who have their eyes on the lands of the Turks and who want to seperate these lands/seas away from Turkey with various tricks. If you are intimidated by this issue and see Turkey as a threat, then you need to question yourself and your actions in the mirror. My advice is to respect international law and encourage you to adopt fair requests rather than expansionist claims. If you had spent a tenth of the brain power to be a respectful country for international treaties instead of using it to defend any violation your country commited, this region would be at peace now but our historical teachings also show us what it takes to keep you on respect limits. I hope that you will soon realize the mistake of the path you have followed and wish you to become a mature state that respects international treaties and law, rather than being a spoiled child by trying to take international support. The arguments you will use later, including neo-Ottoman stories, will not be enough to solve the events.
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Turkey is dealing with terrorists, countries and bandits who have their eyes on the lands of the Turks and who want to seperate these lands/seas away from Turkey with various tricks. If you are intimidated by this issue and see Turkey as a threat, then you need to question yourself and your actions in the mirror. My advice is to respect international law and encourage you to adopt fair requests rather than expansionist claims. If you had spent a tenth of the brain power to be a respectful country for international treaties instead of using it to defend any violation your country commited, this region would be at peace now but our historical teachings also show us what it takes to keep you on respect limits. I hope that you will soon realize the mistake of the path you have followed and wish you to become a mature state that respects international treaties and law, rather than being a spoiled child by trying to take international support. The arguments you will use later, including neo-Ottoman stories, will not be enough to solve the events.
Turks will defend their land no matter what. People like akritas are mad about this. They have eye in our lands according to them We are mongolians who Invaded their lands. This land belongs to those Who took it who defended it against any threats not to those who lost.
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Turkey is creating a sphere of influence that Greece will never be able to achieve, with diplomatic and industrial activities. This is one of the biggest reasons for your jealousy that is hidden under the words of neo-Ottomanism. You are right to be jealous because you will never be able to live in the realm you dream of.
This excerpt is the epitome of arrogance that has occupied Turkey for the last 4 years.
As for the term neo-Ottomanism is not something new, it has been used since the 1990s because of the Fethullah Gülen policy, and peaked when Islamists under Erdogan rule came to power in Turkey. The AKP have used slogans such as Osmanlı torunu (descendant of the Ottomans) to refer to their supporters.
Turkey’s selective amnesia is spot on in your argument.
The rest you wrote I will answer you tomorrow.


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This excerpt is the epitome of arrogance that has occupied you for 4 years.
As for the term neo-Ottomanism is not something new, it has been used since the 1990s because of the Fethullah Gülen policy, and peaked when Islamists under Erdogan rule came to power in Turkey. The AKP have used slogans such as Osmanlı torunu (descendant of the Ottomans) to refer to their supporters.
Turkey’s selective amnesia is spot on in your argument.
The rest you wrote I will answer you tomorrow.

Don't try to market the products of your imagination to me. You can continue to believe on whatever makes you feel better but I will not learn the reality of my own country from someone who makes an effort to clear all kinds of expansianalist and unlawful dirty deeds of his country in the realm of imagination. That's why I advise you to keep your imagination on these matters to yourself.


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Don't try to market the products of your imagination to me. I will not learn the reality of my own country from someone who makes an effort to clear all kinds of dirty expansianalist and unlawful deeds of his country in the realm of imagination. That's why I advise you to keep your imagination on these matters to yourself.
Look at what is happening in your economy and the hungry Turkish people and leave your bigotry elsewhere.


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Look at what is happening in your economy and the hungry Turkish people and leave your bigotry elsewhere.

You don't need to be angry. I see It is difficult to face the facts. If the subject was economics, I would do a good job and give you the necessary answer, but unfortunately that is not our topic but I always laugh when a Greek member try to use the economy and hit the other side. When it comes to the economy, numbers talk so you can't produce numbers in the world of dreams, be careful. It will be more dangerous for you.


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Since you mentioned WW2, do you know what was Varlık Vergisi ?
The rent of the ship SS Kurtuluş as also and the operation was mainly funded by the American Greek War Relief Association and the Hellenic Union of Constantinopolitans.

Varlik Vergisi was the best thing Turkiye has ever done.

For centuries you guys made money off our backs while the Ottoman Empire allowed it.

Turkish people have had enough. Why should the economy be ran by a minority of greeks, armenians and jews while the majority of Turks lived in poverty.

Not to mention you guys got generous grants from past Sultans and the Turkish republic took it all way.

Good riddance. No more stupid priviledges.


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This excerpt is the epitome of arrogance that has occupied Turkey for the last 4 years.
As for the term neo-Ottomanism is not something new, it has been used since the 1990s because of the Fethullah Gülen policy, and peaked when Islamists under Erdogan rule came to power in Turkey. The AKP have used slogans such as Osmanlı torunu (descendant of the Ottomans) to refer to their supporters.
Turkey’s selective amnesia is spot on in your argument.
The rest you wrote I will answer you tomorrow.

Osmanli Torunu was used before the akp came to power. Its just a term where used to it say they are the descendants of the Ottoman Empire.

Why does this bother you?

We are not gonna ressurect some dead empire. What benefit would it bring?

Funny how these Greeks complain about the Turks using Ottoman symbolism while Greece itself is rife with byzantine imagery and symbolism not to mention how you guys are butthurt about Istanbul 🤣


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Things are very simple regarding the confrontation between Greece and Turkey in the Aegean Sea.
- Demilitarization of the Greek islands of the Eastern Aegean as required to be in accordance with the transnational Agreements signed by Greece. No details are needed, the texts are known and what exactly is written in them, without the non-demilitarization of these islands, Greece essentially cancels their concession to its own ownership after violating the terms on which it was conceded.
- The disbandment of the Aegean Army or the transfer of its landing craft and artillery to the 1st or 2nd Army in order to de-escalate the area.
- Stay of 6 nautical miles by sea and air from Greece and Turkey in the Aegean Sea because the straits of free passage (mainly in the Dodecanese) that a coastal state needs to have, such as the case of Turkey, are closed. Closing the military and commercial transit route for a third country in Greece to enter is irrational.
- Prohibition by transnational agreement for the existence of an Economic Exclusive Zone in the Aegean region due to the huge biodiversity that this region has.
- Integration of the Aegean Sea in a protection regime corresponding to that of the riparian waters with the competence of surveillance of the marine biodiversity but also its exploitation in terms of the goods it offers at 50% for each coastal state.


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- The disbandment of the Aegean Army or the transfer of its landing craft and artillery to the 1st or 2nd Army in order to de-escalate the area.

I don't think any goverment in Turkey will be able to disband that army and see the next day. Transfering artillery and landing craft might be doable though.

This is our paradox, armies of the both side build around defensive ideas. There are huge trust issues on both sides.(Goverments of both sides also fueling this when things going bad in their countries.) No one will backdown first. I guess increasing economic relations and building joint initives will be much more fruitfull. Central European countries fixed their problems that way.(Well they did try to kill each other by the millions for couple of hundered of years first.)

- Integration of the Aegean Sea in a protection regime corresponding to that of the riparian waters with the competence of surveillance of the marine biodiversity but also its exploitation in terms of the goods it offers at 50% for each coastal state.

Also maybe joint coast guard operation might work or something like BLACKSEAFOR.


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You don't need to be angry. I see It is difficult to face the facts. If the subject was economics, I would do a good job and give you the necessary answer, but unfortunately that is not our topic but I always laugh when a Greek member try to use the economy and hit the other side. When it comes to the economy, numbers talk so you can't produce numbers in the world of dreams, be careful. It will be more dangerous for you.
At first I have not yet seen the facts, only words and an endless argument, which of course has its purpose. As far as the economy is concerned, you were the one who started talking about the "big industry" with a big mouth, ignoring the problems that the Turkish economy has.
As far as the economy is concerned, you were the one who started talking about big industry with a big mouth, ignoring the problems that the Turkish economy has. Problems that are reflected in the statements of the opposition (which is now the majority) and of course the events that we see in Turkish society, such as power outages and queues for a piece of bread. These are facts.
Finally, my own facts were about Neo-Ottomanism,
the movements and statements of the AKP and Erdogan. Of course you did not comment on them, I understand that because you are in a difficult position.
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At first I have not yet seen the facts, only words and an endless argument, which of course has its purpose. As far as the economy is concerned, you were the one who started talking about the "big industry" with a big mouth, ignoring the problems that the Turkish economy has.
As far as the economy is concerned, you were the one who started talking about big industry with a big mouth, ignoring the problems that the Turkish economy has. Problems that are reflected in the statements of the opposition (which is now the majority) and of course the events that we see in Turkish society, such as power outages and queues for a piece of bread. These are facts.
Finally, my own facts were about Neo-Ottomanism,
the movements and statements of the AKP and Erdogan. Of course you did not comment on them, I understand that because you are in a difficult position.



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Its always about interests.

Get the fck out here with that neo Ottoman bs.

The reason why the Turks are more active in the region because the neighbour hood is fcking shit. This plan of being proactive dates back long before Erdogan.

Turkish military clearly outlined as long as everything is fine in the nieghbourhood everything is good once the Turkish homeland and its interests are threatened something needs to be done.

Thats why Turkey is active in Syria, Iraq, Cyprus and the Caucasus while reaching out to the Balkans and Central Asia.

Because if nothing is done the fire will reach the Turkish homeland. Turkey is a bridge between Europe amd Asia this allows the Turks to spread their influence from hard power to soft power. Despite economic problems the Turks have always been a regional power and a valuable country in the world of geopolitics and has been for centuries.

Instead of Greece working together with Turkiye they are too busy antagonising and constantly trying to make them as their enemies.

Greeks and Armenians have constantly made the Turks their enemies only to get bitchslapped by them for centuries.


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Turkey has all the evidence from island to island and this violation was presented to the UN by letters. You will see a more active policy from now on, don't worry. Repeating the same lie over and over on those pages does not mean that you have not violated the international treaties you have signed. Every violation has a cost and you will pay for it with exposing your lies at international stage.
Here we are, lay down where you want this....evidence, only when you are offered by UN, to go to the International Court of Justice, do not hide behind your neo-Ottoman curtains.
Although Lausanne-13 is very open about the disarmament of the islands, are we going to ignore your disrespect for international treaties because there is no word "demilitarized"? In the other treaty, there are tens of demilitarization words by counting tens of island names, but you consider it invalid with imaginary justifications. You are trying to prove to the people how you deceived yourself by producing as many imaginary stories as possible here.

So there is no word "demilitarized", neither "disarmament".It is this admission that makes Turkey reluctant .... International Courts .... and remains only in the threat of war.
I answered you one by one the arguments you brought.
Do you disagree as Turkey?
Serious states go to International Courts.
Weightless states share the threat of war.

This is how Greek theses are based on pure assumptions.. The treaty known as the Montreux Convention, as known as Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits is an agreement put into effect for the regulation of ship traffic and security in the Turkish Straits for the Black Sea security, but Greece even takes credit for the islands in a convention that has nothing to do with it, and not have even one word for demilitarization of islands. Even if the word is not mentioned, You interprets the issue of sovereignty and militarisationn of the straits for militarisation of the Aegean islands and draws a ridiculous conclusion from this. You try to use this as an argument to hide your own violation of rules and disrespect for international law. You can understand how desperate you are by looking at this example. Your sole effort is to try to hide your disrespect and violations of international rules by repeating the same lie 100 times like a parrot. You can only make believe the blind and deaf with this tactics.

I say it again: when someone has no real or weak arguments, he makes ad hominem argument.
As for the rest, if Turkey considers it to be pure assumptions, the peaceful solution is one: International Court of Justice. But Turkey does not want to because it is simply seeking war, thirsty for war. This is also proven by your public statements.

The numbers you count as air violations every day are due to Turkish planes entering a 10-mile area. This is the best indication that Turkey does not recognize your ridiculous practices. In order to cover your own nonsense with another nonsense, you propose to raise your continental shelf with your own ridiculous arguments and equalize the two, and you think that would be a fair approach. You probably see yourself as a community of chosen people in different realms, but you will not realize until you experience that the world is actually devastated by such unlawfulness.
I wrote it but you deliberately avoided it, a well-known Turkish tactic.
So I repeat it: air violations do not concern only the 10 miles, but also the overflights on Greek islands.
And to understand the Turkish tactic: where you talk about the 10 miles, you jump to another issue, the continental shelf. Two different issues, but they help in the deliberate disorientation.
You do this below, that's why I will not play your turkish game.
When Greek barbarians massacred Turkish civiliansfor etnic cleansing in Cyprus, Greeks are just simple"Extremests", When the Turks launched an operation against ISIS and PKK terrorists (Greece harbour them as well) in Syria and PKK in Iraq by using the rights coming from UN laws to protect borderlines, Turks are Invasion forces, neo-Ottoman.

When the Greeks ravaged the ethnic cleansing of Cyprus for Enosis, Nothing wrong. When Turks write an imaginary letter or think about seperation, Death to Turks.

Again: I wrote it but you deliberately avoided it, a well-known Turkish tactic.
So I repeat it: The Cyprus Issue, as Greek-Turkish Issue, started when in 1957 Dr. Kutsiuk (the leader of Turkish Cypriots), proposed to Menderes the division of the island. In fact, at a time when Cyprus was under British occupation, the Turks wanted to divide the island, as they do today.
Avoid commenting,
resume the monologue about ... Greek barbarians.
And to close the Cyprus issue, since you(and any Turkish official) are talking always about the letter that send to the UN, the condemnation decisions concerning the Turkish invasion and occupation, why do you forget them?
Finally answered directly once.

Turkey is dealing with terrorists, countries and bandits who have their eyes on the lands of the Turks and who want to seperate these lands/seas away from Turkey with various tricks. If you are intimidated by this issue and see Turkey as a threat, then you need to question yourself and your actions in the mirror. My advice is to respect international law and encourage you to adopt fair requests rather than expansionist claims. If you had spent a tenth of the brain power to be a respectful country for international treaties instead of using it to defend any violation your country commited, this region would be at peace now but our historical teachings also show us what it takes to keep you on respect limits. I hope that you will soon realize the mistake of the path you have followed and wish you to become a mature state that respects international treaties and law, rather than being a spoiled child by trying to take international support. The arguments you will use later, including neo-Ottoman stories, will not be enough to solve the events.
You know, the Greeks during the Greek Revolution, you called them ..... terrorists. Generally, the tyrant calls as terrorits, the other who demands better conditions and freedom.
If conditions in Turkey were better for the Kurds, PKK would not exist.

But because your neo-Ottoman culture is that of the tyrant and the subject (speaking in Western terms), then this will continue. You may have wiped out the Christians with the genocides, but the Kurds are more numerous and of course they have learned the past lesson from the sufferings of the Christians in Turkey.

And I repeat: when someone violates an International Treaty, you take him to an International Court of Justice. Turkey knows it will lose, so it will neither go nor even recognize jurisdiction.


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Here we are, lay down where you want this....evidence, only when you are offered by UN, to go to the International Court of Justice, do not hide behind your neo-Ottoman curtains.

So there is no word "demilitarized", neither "disarmament".It is this admission that makes Turkey reluctant .... International Courts .... and remains only in the threat of war.
I answered you one by one the arguments you brought.
Do you disagree as Turkey?
Serious states go to International Courts.
Weightless states share the threat of war.

I say it again: when someone has no real or weak arguments, he makes ad hominem argument.
As for the rest, if Turkey considers it to be pure assumptions, the peaceful solution is one: International Court of Justice. But Turkey does not want to because it is simply seeking war, thirsty for war. This is also proven by your public statements.

I wrote it but you deliberately avoided it, a well-known Turkish tactic.
So I repeat it: air violations do not concern only the 10 miles, but also the overflights on Greek islands.
And to understand the Turkish tactic: where you talk about the 10 miles, you jump to another issue, the continental shelf. Two different issues, but they help in the deliberate disorientation.
You do this below, that's why I will not play your turkish game.

Again: I wrote it but you deliberately avoided it, a well-known Turkish tactic.
So I repeat it: The Cyprus Issue, as Greek-Turkish Issue, started when in 1957 Dr. Kutsiuk (the leader of Turkish Cypriots), proposed to Menderes the division of the island. In fact, at a time when Cyprus was under British occupation, the Turks wanted to divide the island, as they do today.
Avoid commenting,
resume the monologue about ... Greek barbarians.
And to close the Cyprus issue, since you(and any Turkish official) are talking always about the letter that send to the UN, the condemnation decisions concerning the Turkish invasion and occupation, why do you forget them?
Finally answered directly once.

You know, the Greeks during the Greek Revolution, you called them ..... terrorists. Generally, the tyrant calls as terrorits, the other who demands better conditions and freedom.
If conditions in Turkey were better for the Kurds, PKK would not exist.

But because your neo-Ottoman culture is that of the tyrant and the subject (speaking in Western terms), then this will continue. You may have wiped out the Christians with the genocides, but the Kurds are more numerous and of course they have learned the past lesson from the sufferings of the Christians in Turkey.

And I repeat: when someone violates an International Treaty, you take him to an International Court of Justice. Turkey knows it will lose, so it will neither go nor even recognize jurisdiction.

This guy continues insulting us and the mods still allow this clown to roam free.

While Manomed gets banned.


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Things are very simple regarding the confrontation between Greece and Turkey in the Aegean Sea.
- Demilitarization of the Greek islands of the Eastern Aegean as required to be in accordance with the transnational Agreements signed by Greece. No details are needed, the texts are known and what exactly is written in them, without the non-demilitarization of these islands, Greece essentially cancels their concession to its own ownership after violating the terms on which it was conceded.
- The disbandment of the Aegean Army or the transfer of its landing craft and artillery to the 1st or 2nd Army in order to de-escalate the area.
- Stay of 6 nautical miles by sea and air from Greece and Turkey in the Aegean Sea because the straits of free passage (mainly in the Dodecanese) that a coastal state needs to have, such as the case of Turkey, are closed. Closing the military and commercial transit route for a third country in Greece to enter is irrational.
- Prohibition by transnational agreement for the existence of an Economic Exclusive Zone in the Aegean region due to the huge biodiversity that this region has.
- Integration of the Aegean Sea in a protection regime corresponding to that of the riparian waters with the competence of surveillance of the marine biodiversity but also its exploitation in terms of the goods it offers at 50% for each coastal state.
And when one side disagrees or does not back down, instead escalates the offensive, after 20 years of dialogue, then what is the peaceful diplomatic solution you propose?


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And when one side disagrees or does not back down, instead escalates the offensive, after 20 years of dialogue, then what is the peaceful diplomatic solution you propose?

Lets militarise the islands then Turkiye militarises its coasts.

You do the pikachu face. What goes around comes around.

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