Sungur vehicle mounted
Sungur Ship based
Sungur air to air
8km range is awesome
Sungur vehicle mounted
Sungur Ship based
Sungur air to air
I don't want to go into details but yeah. I'm not making up stuff or relaying stuff that i have heard from another person. I'm only talking about things which i saw with my eyes. Also working in the private sector, it is really easy for me to spot what's going wrong in the state institutions.Have you ever visited MKE bro? I mean we all knew collectively how bad MKEK was but the fact that they are this far gone is kind of surprizing. If its that bad then it should be atleast partially privatized if not completely because this is just sad. A company and institution with this much history going all the way back to the Ottoman Empire should not be in this piss poor of a state. Fucking depressing stuff if this is true.
Simply no one would buy it. Because if you are privatizing it the investor would seek profit.I dont see why MKE cannot be at least partially be privatized. We need these companies to be competitive and not bureaucratic. Of course the state should always keep a controlling stake.
You are saying as if they were not been able to do so as if someone barred them. They are and were using sub-contractors.MKE will be successful because now it can contract Aselsan for FCS, Anova for the water cooling system, another company for servos, etc. This is how 76mm naval gun is successfully developed.
The firstly presented one is still my favorite which is also the most masculine one.Some external design changes between pick-up version and normal version, possibly due to climate requirements
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View attachment 27758
Open back 'Pick-up' version of Yoruk 4x4 to be displayed of IDEF'21
View attachment 27745
Türk zırhlısı Yörük 4x4'ün pikap versiyonu geliyor
Nurol Makina'nın özgün tasarımı ve üretimi Yörük 4x4 Zırhlı Pikap Aracı, ilk kez IDEF 2021'de sergilenecek. Yörük pikap, çetin hava ve arazi koşullarında, emniyetli malzeme ve mühimmat taşımanın yanı sıra silah taşıyıcı olarak görev yapabilecek. - Anadolu Ajansı