India India - Pakistan Relations

Mehmed Ali

1 905
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I dont know who you are nor you know who iam , but those who invent history are not us but the other side , they burnt certain people on trains and not us as far as lynching are concerned , Pakistan has pioneered it ,
In the hindsight every state is artificial, including present day Turkey
As for the rest of your argument. Go make them understand this .
We know all this things beforehand, for we don't claim turkish or arabic ancestry but them . but if they want enmity from us , they will get response from us plain and simple.
Since we are dealing with fanatics across the border , we will remain fanatics too.
Indias prosperity lies in complete destruction of Pakistan, as a nation state .
And vice versa is also true
Truly I like your answer as it obviously reinforced my points. One example being that you accuse Pakistan of being terrorist and hiding terrorists and being fanatical, you see you didn't notice that I didn't make excuses for for Pakistan . I just pointed out that you are no better hence you should drop your arguments. Luckily you yourself reinforced my point. Thank you very much Sir.
By the way don't deflect what Turkey is or not , I am a Bosnian and to tell you truth genetically we are pretty uniform.


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Current govt's policy toward Pakistan is the best policy . Keep ignoring , keep the guard up and in case of any mischief give a bloody nose . If govt has extra money . Please give it to Haryana we need some upgradation in canal system in south Haryana so that our GSDP will increase from 130 billion dollars to 160 billion dollars .

Indian gir lion

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Current govt's policy toward Pakistan is the best policy . Keep ignoring , keep the guard up and in case of any mischief give a bloody nose . If govt has extra money . Please give it to Haryana we need some upgradation in canal system in south Haryana so that our GSDP will increase from 130 billion dollars to 160 billion dollars .
Any way nothing is gonna happen to them .
They will live to fight another day good news is dollar crossed 200 rupees


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Any way nothing is gonna happen to them .
They will live to fight another day good news is dollar crossed 200 rupees
I admire the Pakistani resilience and I am sure they will recover like they recovered from 1971 , 2005 earthquake and devastating floods . For India better focus on internal matters .

Rajendra Chola

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It is an interesting counter-narrative viewpoint from the author and publisher of the article.

There is nothing interesting in the article uunfortunately. We help them for what? So we can gift ourselves another 26/11 a few years from now?

TBH I have my sympathies with the common citizens of Pakistan. But at the end of the day, they are not the deciding authority. Their establishment is the one as all political parties are spilling the beans recently. Whether for good or worse, their internal crises should be resolved by themselves. And what do India gain? Goodwill? With whom? From their point of view we would be Kaffir always.
India isn't Rosy either. SL is a small state and a 5B help enough to cover them.for 6m to a year. For Pakistan, even 10B won't be enough. They have requested IMF for 11B, UAE for rollover of previous loan and fresh loan of 3B, rollover of loans from Chinese and KSA. India still runs the risk of Caatsa and already federal rate hike has increased the outflow of dollars, increased pressure on Rupee, crude at 110$ plus we buy Russian oil and weapons.

Pakistan will come.out of this crises I am sure. They general blackmail out of every crises.


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We did bail out the East Pakistanis when it was a genuine humanitarian crisis. I say let them continue on this course - we can then liberate Sindhudesh if required and then we can have easy access to liberating Balochistan as well.

Mehmed Ali

1 905
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Pakistan is just a proxy created by anglo saxons against us. They need to be exterminated for the prosperity of this region.
This is at best a simple insinuation, I don't want to go and debate with you but believe that there are fact which can point out to you that if you stand by your premises your insinuations are more applicable to India then Pakistan. Obvious one is that without the British Indians Subcontinent would be in more significant realities controlled by Muslims then it is today. So at least give credit where it is due


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We did bail out the East Pakistanis when it was a genuine humanitarian crisis. I say let them continue on this course - we can then liberate Sindhudesh if required and then we can have easy access to liberating Balochistan as well.
you have again triggered wrong type of crowd lol


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I think that you think , because you are on Turkish forum that you're a Turk. Baluchistan people surly won't see you as liberators and anyway it is an Iranian land not Indian. I think that in general Indian Hindus are fantasist and mythoman Let me make things clear to you. You must love Muslims and Arabs in particular. Arabs have invested a lot in you and betrayed Pakistan, otherwise without 150bn invented in you, they could have invested in to Pakistan, Bangladesh and other surrounding countries. In that case believe me you could find yourself very lonely and venerable. Hey , it can happen any minute, so get Kool aid and curb your ambitions, they look befitting for q0 year old.
Why don't you ask Arabs to stop investing in India , and start investing in Pakistan ?

Mehmed Ali

1 905
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Why don't you ask Arabs to stop investing in India , and start investing in Pakistan ?
What a stupid statement. As of triggering, try to have some common sense and read what has been written, then you realise that none of you offered valid answers but kept conversation with the degretions. Sometimes I think that the subject called Common Sense should be introduced in the schools, India apparently has endless need for such idea

Mehmed Ali

1 905
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
What triggered. Sindhis and Balochis have genuine grievances. And if we exploit them, it's a win win.
Wouldn't you agree that there are many grievances in India and they can be exploited? Maybe a little fact like 200 milions of Muslims who in many areas consist majority? You it is all fine to have ambition, dreams and you can think what you can do and what expect from that. There are 2 facts though 1 can you do it , very unlikely, you got to be logical here. You can find temporary alliance but it doesn't mean that Balochs dislike you less then Pakistanis. British could often do it and you don't have that mind, British ain't dreamers.
2 If you play that unlikely card , well realistically Pakistan has much bigger and more realistic card then you. As as I can see Pakistanis are pretty good at it and that card will always have more loyalty to them then yours for you.
Didn't you get any lessons from Afghanistan.
I honestly think that if you want something good for yourself that you should play things differently.
This is really friendly advice


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What triggered. Sindhis and Balochis have genuine grievances. And if we exploit them, it's a win win.
Who said we are not exploiting their fault lines , I think Blochs need some international recognition if Indian agencies get them this , that will create far more impact them some low grade insurgency.
Regarding Sindhis , they will start feel the burnt of water crisis sooner or later as per estimation Pakistan will become a net water deficient country by 2025 and Sindhis will be on forefront of that crisis.


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Wouldn't you agree that there are many grievances in India and they can be exploited? Maybe a little fact like 200 milions of Muslims who in many areas consist majority? You it is all fine to have ambition, dreams and you can think what you can do and what expect from that. There are 2 facts though 1 can you do it , very unlikely, you got to be logical here. You can find temporary alliance but it doesn't mean that Balochs dislike you less then Pakistanis. British could often do it and you don't have that mind, British ain't dreamers.
2 If you play that unlikely card , well realistically Pakistan has much bigger and more realistic card then you. As as I can see Pakistanis are pretty good at it and that card will always have more loyalty to them then yours for you.
Didn't you get any lessons from Afghanistan.
I honestly think that if you want something good for yourself that you should play things differently.
This is really friendly advice
Greivances in India aren't separatist in nature except in some pockets in the North East.

To exploit any grievances, you need resources. To deploy resources, you need money. Pakistan is nearly bankrupt.

No one cares whether separatist Baloch or Sindhis like India. It is irrelevant.


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Members are advised to read the rules and not use inflammatory language and ad-hominem on entire countries.


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Greivances in India aren't separatist in nature except in some pockets in the North East.

To exploit any grievances, you need resources. To deploy resources, you need money. Pakistan is nearly bankrupt.

No one cares whether separatist Baloch or Sindhis like India. It is irrelevant.

To be perfectly honest, we heard all this hyper-islamist claptrap during the East Pakistan episode already.

1000 year rule blah blah blah while they (Pak establishment and lackeys) commited mass atrocities on the East Pakistan civilian population.

Then they "bravely" folded the way they did......whole PA divisions in Dhaka surrendering to an advance brigade of IA being just one example.

Knowing full well what would happen to them under the hands of fellow muslims in East Pakistan if they were turned over to them (for doing what they did after the Takfiri pronounced on Bengali majority of the country).

Suddenly IA became these Ghazis only ticket home....and another certain behaviour quickly followed (pictures and accounts of it will be too long to get into)....quite different to the chest thumping and mass murder one prior to it.

In any case like @Rajaraja Chola says, our issue should be with their toxic establishment......rather than their larger people.

No finger will be moved to help that establishment one iota, that too for messes they created themselves (in their blind hate, and blind stupidity)

Just this year so far has had some noticeable ones:

- TTA/TTP (given Taliban buddies in power now in AFG) actions taking real toll along with BLA/BLF

- The massive political "drama" that unfolded w.r.t PM change....and all the conspiracy theories involved in it (several directed negatively against their establishment)

- Their continued sustained economic hemorrhaging, fuelled by bad debt intake (and no results that matter) from PRC.

- The wake up call on how Turks perceive the Pakistanis that have made their way to Turkey to stick around doing what some number of them do. (One can read this on this very forum for themselves).

Tbh, @Gessler is correct, we need to sit back, focus on ourselves (and learn looking at their actions when their establishment was "Stronger").....

Simply put a strong Pak establishment is not in our interests. Let them degrade, they are doing the job for us.

Hope Pakistani common people can do better job in whatever more genuine setup can be done in future.

The power-cabals Islamist Objective resolutions (in 1949 after Jinnah died) and all that cascaded from it is clearly not working for them...but thats on them to fix too.

In mean time its imperative we add further trillions to the 1 trillion USD in savings we have.

The example of one stuck at 20 billion dollars (for their population size) and its larger stagnation effect is right there to the west of us to not do.


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To be perfectly honest, we heard all this hyper-islamist claptrap during the East Pakistan episode already.

1000 year rule blah blah blah while they (Pak establishment and lackeys) commited mass atrocities on the East Pakistan civilian population.

Then they "bravely" folded the way they did......whole PA divisions in Dhaka surrendering to an advance brigade of IA being just one example.

Knowing full well what would happen to them under the hands of fellow muslims in East Pakistan if they were turned over to them (for doing what they did after the Takfiri pronounced on Bengali majority of the country).

Suddenly IA became these Ghazis only ticket home....and another certain behaviour quickly followed (pictures and accounts of it will be too long to get into)....quite different to the chest thumping and mass murder one prior to it.

In any case like @Rajaraja Chola says, our issue should be with their toxic establishment......rather than their larger people.

No finger will be moved to help that establishment one iota, that too for messes they created themselves (in their blind hate, and blind stupidity)

Just this year so far has had some noticeable ones:

- TTA/TTP (given Taliban buddies in power now in AFG) actions taking real toll along with BLA/BLF

- The massive political "drama" that unfolded w.r.t PM change....and all the conspiracy theories involved in it (several directed negatively against their establishment)

- Their continued sustained economic hemorrhaging, fuelled by bad debt intake (and no results that matter) from PRC.

- The wake up call on how Turks perceive the Pakistanis that have made their way to Turkey to stick around doing what some number of them do. (One can read this on this very forum for themselves).

Tbh, @Gessler is correct, we need to sit back, focus on ourselves (and learn looking at their actions when their establishment was "Stronger").....

Simply put a strong Pak establishment is not in our interests. Let them degrade, they are doing the job for us.

Hope Pakistani common people can do better job in whatever more genuine setup can be done in future.

The power-cabals Islamist Objective resolutions (in 1949 after Jinnah died) and all that cascaded from it is clearly not working for them...but thats on them to fix too.

In mean time its imperative we add further trillions to the 1 trillion USD in savings we have.

The example of one stuck at 20 billion dollars (for their population size) and its larger stagnation effect is right there to the west of us to not do.

My best friend is Pakistani we talked about the Pakistan vs Bangladesh's issue. He talked about his point of view saying Bangladesh broke away because we did stupid mistakes like imposing Urdu and denying their identity. He believed the defeat and losing Bangladesh largely due to Pakistan. He believed it was self inflicted.


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My best friend is Pakistani we talked about the Pakistan vs Bangladesh's issue. He talked about his point of view saying Bangladesh broke away because we did stupid mistakes like imposing Urdu and denying their identity. He believed the defeat and losing Bangladesh largely due to Pakistan. He believed it was self inflicted.
"Broke away"??
It was liberated. Took a fortnight despite American assistance to Pakistan.
Pakistan Army showed it was kinda the polar opposite of the Ukrainian Army. Didn't bother defending own territory. Just gave up half their country in a fortnight.


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"Broke away"??
It was liberated. Took a fortnight despite American assistance to Pakistan.
Pakistan Army showed it was kinda the polar opposite of the Ukrainian Army. Didn't bother defending own territory. Just gave up half their country in a fortnight.

Still broke away became an independant country.

If Pakistan thought of a Austro-Hungarian like system things would have been different even if Bangladesh broke away in the future 1971 could have been avoided.

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