looks like armament manufacturer start to put AAM to be use as SAM. Thanks for Houti and Iran-backed millitia who start this kind of innovation.
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looks like armament manufacturer start to put AAM to be use as SAM. Thanks for Houti and Iran-backed millitia who start this kind of innovation.
Yeah, but it looks like this is a legit SAM version of AAM, not like Houthi's that use unmodified AAM launched from surface launcher. It doesn't look like NASAMS too, which use AAM launched from surface.looks like armament manufacturer start to put AAM to be use as SAM. Thanks for Houti and Iran-backed millitia who start this kind of innovation.
not to mentions you also need to remove electric poles along the road
These are from the TNI international seminar back in March. If you guys are interested in the presentational files from the seminar, you can get them here in this GDrive. These particular slides are in the file called null.pdf
Wow thanksThese are from the TNI international seminar back in March. If you guys are interested in the presentational files from the seminar, you can get them here in this GDrive. These particular slides are in the file called null.pdf
Previous or current administration?So it was the US side offering Indonesia the F-15EX.
This Samsul Rizal guy is the jawara I think. He deserves to be the next KSAU, I don't care if from leting 88 jump to 90.These are from the TNI international seminar back in March. If you guys are interested in the presentational files from the seminar, you can get them here in this GDrive. These particular slides are in the file called null.pdf
"Begini kegaharannya"PTDI Kirim Satu Pesawat ke TNI AU, Begini Kegaharannya!
TNI Angkatan Udara mendapatkan satu armada pesawat terbang pabrikan lokal.finance.detik.com
Bisa terbang om"Begini kegaharannya"
What's so 'gahar' about it unless it's a gunship version? It's just a freaking transport aircraft for God's sake!
"Begini kegaharannya"
What's so 'gahar' about it unless it's a gunship version? It's just a freaking transport aircraft for God's sake!
clickbait"Begini kegaharannya"
What's so 'gahar' about it
Make it just one BLU-82, and then it can be a real 'gahar'.dont so pragmatic, NC 212 can carry 10 Mk 82 bomb tho.
Just throw it away via ramp door and i believe it will make "efek deteren"