FCASIf we count Rafale and F-15ID as 4.5 gen, what if in the future we skip the 5 gen and go straight to 5.5/6?

FCASIf we count Rafale and F-15ID as 4.5 gen, what if in the future we skip the 5 gen and go straight to 5.5/6?
If we count Rafale and F-15ID as 4.5 gen, what if in the future we skip the 5 gen and go straight to 5.5/6?
This is worth to consider.If we count Rafale and F-15ID as 4.5 gen, what if in the future we skip the 5 gen and go straight to 5.5/6?
There will be exocet,Taseo,NSM , and posibly Harpoon ( bawaan platform if they given away it to ,but it is a big if ).and i still waiting and hoping for another upcoming big deal for the ID navy.Kongsberg need to do more maneuver to enter Indonesian market, won't be easy to compete against MBDA(exocet) product here.
I am okay if we keep using exocet, unless...
Destroyerhoping for another upcoming big deal for the ID navy.
Erieye 2000 (Bobcat Plan)Guys..how about TNI AU AEW&C ?
Hoping for that too, but after all these Fighter shopping frenzy I highly doubt it.Boeing 737 AEW&C please.
Okay just add a little, because the last few days news about our acquisition is quite big, i take a look at some forum and media outlets, and what i can see from the foreigners reaction more or less are like this :
: - kita kaji kaji terus sampai mampus la
- tahniah indonesia
- kita sibuk dengan politaik sementara jiran kita beli aset strategic
: meanwhile ours
i'm so envy
: where they got their money? IT'S MUST BE FROM OUR AID!!!
: welcome to the club
: wrong move Indonesia, why don't you buy our gen 99999 JF-17 it's much better.....
: so you guys got that much money but not payed KFX?!
Viet has some interest to su 57 right?: (kind of like
It was just my observation with Google TranslateViet has some interest to su 57 right?
Yeah, this is more like it. Otherwise we'll still playing catch up with other countries in the region.If we count Rafale and F-15ID as 4.5 gen, what if in the future we skip the 5 gen and go straight to 5.5/6?
I think we need semi fixed air defense asset to cover our industrial complex that mostly lies in banten, west java, east java and batam unless we intend to have plenty of air defence Frigate to house those merad and lradBtw there is still several must have item in which doesn't know they can proceed nowadays or must waiting after current shopping spree ended. One of them are LRAD and MERAD system, but some influence planner though it is better to procure high end Frigates and Destroyer especially one with ABM Defense capability to handle such task. One of prominent reason is Naval assets much more mobile, more strategic , can carry other stuff beside those SAM system and can cover many of our big coastal Cities and vital assets when needed. In principil i am kinda agreed with them, after all countries like Indonesia is a maritime country afterall.
But that could possibly burden our Navy, imagine if they have to stuck protecting some area when in a same time they are possibly needed somewhere else (become air defense umbrella for a task force maybe).Btw there is still several must have item in which doesn't know they can proceed nowadays or must waiting after current shopping spree ended. One of them are LRAD and MERAD system, but some influence planner though it is better to procure high end Frigates and Destroyer especially one with ABM Defense capability to handle such task. One of prominent reason is Naval assets much more mobile, more strategic , can carry other stuff beside those SAM system and can cover many of our big coastal Cities and vital assets when needed. In principil i am kinda agreed with them, after all countries like Indonesia is a maritime country afterall.