Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)


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With the sole exception of the Typhoon, any fighter we procure would face delayed delivery due to worldwide reduction of industrial capacity in general. Let's say both Rafale deal from Greece & Indonesia went through. Does Dassault have enough capacity to deliver to all their customer within a reasonable amount of time? 3 - 4 years is quite long for Indonesia case, considering the situation up north
There are some possible scenario if the deals go thru. They can "loan/lease" some of theirs to be stationed here as trainer platform as well as perhaps limited military operation. But until now I still dont see how we going to finance that 36 with all those other projects on the line, specially our commitment to buy something from US. But hey miracle do happen sometime right? 😁


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And dassault still need to build Rafale for French air force to replace the one that will be sold to Greece.

If we build Rafale here is it possible that it will be faster? We don't need to queue in Dassault production line, though if the subsystems supplier can't keep up then it will be useless to open production line here to speed things up.


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And dassault still need to build Rafale for French air force to replace the one that will be sold to Greece.

If we build Rafale here is it possible that it will be faster? We don't need to queue in Dassault production line, though if the subsystems supplier can't keep up then it will be useless to open production line here to speed things up.
How about preparing facility and human resources?
we never build fighter jet before!


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This is the case for Brazillian Gripen.
Contract signing in 2014, production at factory start in 2020.

"Gripen was sold with the commitment to transfer technology necessary for the development of the Brazilian aerospace industry. The fact that Gripen is a prototype means Brazil can be involved in the development of the project, which will give the Brazilian industry and FAB unprecedented access to all levels of technology," explains Lieutenant General Juniti Saito, former Brazilian Air Force Commander.

Currently, the aerospace plant has approximately 70 employees, including highly qualified engineers and assemblers. More than half of them have already been, or are currently participating, in trainings at Saab's facilities in Linköping, Sweden. The training programmes can vary between 12 to 24 months, and upon returning to Brazil, they will be able to pass on all the acquired knowledge onto their colleagues in Brazil.

I guess the construction for facility would take the most time.
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There are some possible scenario if the deals go thru. They can "loan/lease" some of theirs to be stationed here as trainer platform as well as perhaps limited military operation. But until now I still dont see how we going to finance that 36 with all those other projects on the line, specially our commitment to buy something from US. But hey miracle do happen sometime right? 😁
I doubt Armée de l'air need replacement for those they sold to their customers. In general, the entire EU are scaling down their military because they have no one as a threat. And if there is any direct attack against France, they can always waving the white flag (unconditional surrender) as they did during WW2

Financing acquisition is easy there is always LOAN. Maintenance & Operational on the other hand.....


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This is the case for Brazillian Gripen.
Contract signing in 2014, production at factory start in 2020.

"Gripen was sold with the commitment to transfer technology necessary for the development of the Brazilian aerospace industry. The fact that Gripen is a prototype means Brazil can be involved in the development of the project, which will give the Brazilian industry and FAB unprecedented access to all levels of technology," explains Lieutenant General Juniti Saito, former Brazilian Air Force Commander.

Currently, the aerospace plant has approximately 70 employees, including highly qualified engineers and assemblers. More than half of them have already been, or are currently participating, in trainings at Saab's facilities in Linköping, Sweden. The training programmes can vary between 12 to 24 months, and upon returning to Brazil, they will be able to pass on all the acquired knowledge onto their colleagues in Brazil.

I guess the construction for facility would take the most time.
they already had necessary infrastructure for that , our current aviation industry are not on par with Embraer , even since 1980 , embraer already become an experienced global supply chain for the french AMX international , taking 30% parts on its construction .


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I doubt Armée de l'air need replacement for those they sold to their customers. In general, the entire EU are scaling down their military because they have no one as a threat. And if there is any direct attack against France, they can always waving the white flag (unconditional surrender) as they did during WW2

Financing acquisition is easy there is always LOAN. Maintenance & Operational on the other hand.....
They will need replacement to keep the production line alive and to modernize the fleet. They expected to field Rafale to 2040. Tho they prolly dont want to add more to the current fleet, thats why they welcome someone to buy the used one.

Even with loan its hard for me to see how we can squeeze 36 Rafale in. Keep in mind that next year increase budget include some of the budget that has been cut this year, they carry it over for next year. Im pretty sure those who deal with Kemenhan/matra this year know what I mean. And with President decission to make the vacine free will eat up large chunk of our budget and those vaccine up until now is cash business basis. but I hope Im wrong...

Maintenance & Operation well again if we put it in the budget with contract from the factory then we dont have to worry about budget unavaiability on most of its life cycle right? Not enough budget? then get the cheaper one with cheaper maintenance service contract. Thats the logic, but then again sometime logic doesnt count much 😁


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Carrying targeting pod, AMRAAM and Maverick, noice. The third sample of MLU F16 OCU

Don't know where the credit is due, edit credit to Agus Dwi Ariyanto

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Boeing on Contract for 10 More Years of Singapore F-15 Services Support

SINGAPORE, Dec. 21, 2020 — The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) recently awarded Boeing [NYSA: BA] its fourth Performance Based Logistics (PBL) contract to support Singapore’s fleet of F-15SG aircraft.

Under the 10-year, Direct Commercial Sale contract, Boeing will work closely with the RSAF to deliver customized support services to sustain the F-15SG for the next decade. In addition, Boeing’s field service representatives located with the customer will continue to provide on-site technical support.

“This tailored, performance-based solution, coupled with Boeing’s platform expertise, helps our Singapore customer to optimize the full capability of their fleet,” said Andy Vest, director of Asia Sustainment Programs for Boeing. “We look forward to our continued partnership with Singapore and further supporting their mission readiness needs.”

PBL contracts expand on traditional transactional models – paying for parts and services as needed – and instead allow for customized, data-driven support based on desired performance outcomes, such as required mission readiness rates or percentage of parts supply, to meet customer requirements. These tailored solutions enable increased readiness rates, maintenance efficiencies and lower costs throughout the platform life cycle.

Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading provider of commercial airplanes, defense, space and security systems, and global services. As a top U.S. exporter, the company supports commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries, leveraging the talents of a global supplier base. Building on a legacy of aerospace leadership, Boeing continues to lead in technology and innovation, deliver for its customers and invest in its people and future growth.
This DCS (Direct Commercial Sale) is the best form for support service contract. It make it easier to predict the budget needed, increased readiness, lower cost, etc. This should be standard to each Western platform assets purchase we going to have in a future. As for now each service & parts must follow certain standard procedure to acquire, it takes time and solely depend on budget avaiability. Combine that with low stock parts and human resources create a jab to our asset readyness state. This has to stop, there is no use to have state of the art assets if they couldnt fly or do their job.


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It isn't from recently?
Idk, TS 2703 came in 2010. TS 2701-2702 already do their upgrade/MLU at Belarus, if this video is recent then I dont know why this 2703 been "dead" for 2 years without any news saying their doing the MLU/Upgrade or something. And no, imo its not common for a fighter to be dead for 2 years. Active Fighter can be dead for 2 years if they doing heavy upgrade, if not then perhaps she is just a victim of canibalism? 😁

Another reason why we need to do service contract, but surely not from Russians assets.


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Idk, TS 2703 came in 2010. TS 2701-2702 already do their upgrade/MLU at Belarus, if this video is recent then I dont know why this 2703 been "dead" for 2 years without any news saying their doing the MLU/Upgrade or something. And no, imo its not common for a fighter to be dead for 2 years. Active Fighter can be dead for 2 years if they doing heavy upgrade, if not then perhaps she is just a victim of canibalism? 😁

Another reason why we need to do service contract, but surely not from Russians assets.
The Russians won't give you a service contract. It's how they make most of their money.


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Merpati Maintenance Facilities got approval for military usage, to do military projects, as far as i know they are very adept at maintenance and overhaul of CN235,N212 and the likes. Meanwhile, the Army, Navy and Air Force had already eyeing more of such platform


Thursday, 24 December 2020


Surabaya Rabu (23/12/2020) bertempat di Kantor PT. Merpati Maintenance Facility (MMF) yang berlokasi di Sidoarjo Surabaya, Laksma TNI Teguh Sugiono, S.E., M.M yang didampingi Ketua Tim IMAA beserta beberapa Inspektur Kelaikan IMAA melakukan penandatanganan dan penyerahan Sertifikat Kelaikan Militer yaitu Certificate of Approval kepada Bapak Rowin H Mangkoesoebroto, M. SAE selaku Direktur PT. Merpati Maintenance Facility (MMF). Kegiatan berjalan lancar dengan selalu mematuhi dan memperhatikan Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19.


Penandatanganan dan penyerahan Sertifikat Kelaikan Militer dilaksanakan setelah seluruh proses kegiatan Sertifikasi Kelaikan yang meliputi kegiatan Aplikasi, Verifikasi Dokumen/Review Document dan Pemeriksaan Kesesuaian/Conformity Inspection serta Pengujian Fungsi/Functional Test yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Tim IMMA (Indonesian Military Airworthiness Authority).

Certificate of Approval sangat penting bagi PT. MMF karena fasilitas yang dimiliki cukup layak dan memiliki kemampuan bisa melaksanakan maintenannce terhadap Alutsista TNI khususnya Pesawat Udara.


Dalam sambutannya Kapuslaik mengucapkan selamat kepada MMF dan berharap kepercayaan Pusat Kelaikan Kemhan RI berupa Sertifikat yang diberikan, kedepannya dapat bermanfaat demi kemajuan MMF sebagai Industri dalam mendukung Pertahanan Negara.


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