Well so so....regarding the price tagI've been a huge supporter of F-15EX (I still love it), but looking at estimated cost of $13.9 bil it kinda turns me off.

Well so so....regarding the price tagI've been a huge supporter of F-15EX (I still love it), but looking at estimated cost of $13.9 bil it kinda turns me off.
the price close to F15QA ? DSCA 72 unit $21bil, then the deal only 36 unit $12bilI've been a huge supporter of F-15EX (I still love it), but looking at estimated cost of $13.9 bil it kinda turns me off.
the price close to F15QA ? DSCA 72 unit $21bil, then the deal only 36 unit $12bil
That why i prefer F 15 than f 35Mount it all hardpoints with GBU 58, you got TU22M3 made in.
1 full squadron can bring down a city.
And it would be better if you cleared the enemy's radar first before you dispatched the bomb truck, and the stealth fighter fits the role.Mount it all hardpoints with GBU 58, you got TU22M3 made in.
1 full squadron can bring down a city.
Rafale will do the job for a while waiting forAnd it would be better if you cleared the enemy's radar first before you dispatched the bomb truck, and the stealth fighter fits the role.
Both Rafale and F-15EX have lethal EW capability, these two basically one of the best today in jamming radars.And it would be better if you cleared the enemy's radar first before you dispatched the bomb truck, and the stealth fighter fits the role.
Simak lagi! Ini Alasan Prabowo Tolak Rusia-AS, Pilih Perancis
Prabowo memilih membeli pesawat tempur buatan Perancis.www.cnbcindonesia.com
Their strategic autonomy spirit indeed plays an important role"Regarding the source of defense equipment procurement, Indonesia's free and active foreign policy requires Indonesia not to bind itself a priori to any world powers. This free and active policy is reflected in the current defense equipment procurement policy which does not come from one country or one block," he said. in the Discussion Welcoming the Rafale Plane held by the Indonesian Air Power Study Center, quoted on Friday (18/2/22).
Indonesia-France relations, which have relatively few ups and downs, are also a factor to be considered. France's bargaining position in the international arena and its relatively more neutral foreign policy compared to European countries have made France an alternative source of defense equipment procurement for Indonesia.
T-50i, Hawk and EMB-314
I don't think that it will be complicated, because there is no need for electric communication between the bomb and plane, the plane just need use the ejector rack.Or ask US license to integrate Dahana dumb bomb P 100 or P 250 to F-15. Then develop it into a smart bomb.
I would be very disappointed if Prabowo didn't ask Rafale (and F-15 if we really buy it) to integrate Dahana dumb bomb.
Current Dahana dumb bomb platforms will be retired in no time after all. So all future new platforms need to be integrated with it if we don't want to lose our industrial capabilities to make our own bomb.
This.France's bargaining position in the international arena and its relatively more neutral foreign policy compared to European countries
All of these western tech fighters and yet SG kids on Reddit said that "Indonesia is a major user of Chinese hardware", hence cannot get F-35 (but Thai can?).
Based on previous statement from former PTDI director I read in Jakarta Post, current cruise missile program also touch the development of turbo jet engine, but dont know if this just a plan ( due to lack of government financial support) or it is actually running.
I prefer keep current defense spending at this rate ( not ambitious ), but focus on the economy and local defense industry.
or perhaps bribe some of those kosher backyard engineer, remember this happened.Thank god the MoD doesn't listen, I've seen Youtube RC plane hobby guy making more complex machine than the Indonesian engineers working on Petir "cruise missile".
The thing is, our defense industry are not ready and from the look of it, you seem to again and again overstate our ability. THANK GOD you are not in a position of authority in Indonesian arms procurement. Otherwise we would equip our air force with this.