Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)


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While I applaud the theme of this event, I can't help but wonder whether it will still revolves around combat aircraft acquisition from abroad, or will there anyone including among the top brass who will bring forward a plan to design and produce our own jet fighter after KF-21/IF-X.

Since the event will be attended by US, Australian and French figures, if it's up to me, I'll bring that topic up.


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While I applaud the theme of this event, I can't help but wonder whether it will still revolves around combat aircraft acquisition from abroad, or will there anyone including among the top brass who will bring forward a plan to design and produce our own jet fighter after KF-21/IF-X.

Since the event will be attended by US, Australian and French figures, if it's up to me, I'll bring that topic up.

Team up with the Australian and Boeing to get their Ghost bat is not bad at all 😁

Boeing F15EX as the nodes and bomb truck, lead a group of fighting drones, each of them carrying Amraam or Sidewinder and swarm the enemy fighter fleets. While getting those wedgetail as station nodes.... meanwhile the Rafale would act as escort and do some electronic warfare

That's some fancy stuff fifth gen aerial fight should be


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I don't know what the Chengdu girl would offer to fight such system and scenario. Nextgen of aerial warfare would be mix between manned and unmanned team, need integrated command system and getting rid of burden assets. What i does know, China indeed have such capability but they would reluctant to sold them out, even to their close Ally such as Pakistan.

Even in my opinion ground attack roles and CAS should be taking away from manned system and put the UCAV as the axist of attacks as the air defense system nowadays put a more greater risks than ever.


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Team up with the Australian and Boeing to get their Ghost bat is not bad at all 😁

Boeing F15EX as the nodes and bomb truck, lead a group of fighting drones, each of them carrying Amraam or Sidewinder and swarm the enemy fighter fleets. While getting those wedgetail as station nodes.... meanwhile the Rafale would act as escort and do some electronic warfare
What I meant was more like, if we bring forward the topic of developing our own indigenous fighter post-2030 in that seminar, those big shots (or so I assume) can inform their peers to prepare what kind of support that they can offer. I wouldn't even mind if we still 'stuck' with 4th gen single-engine design like F/A-50 or Hurjet, as long as it will be positioned to replace our F-16 by then.

In short, while some members here are still wishing for us to be allowed to buy F-35, there's a lot more to gain for us in the long run if we start to take our first step to develop our own indigenous fighter design sooner.

After all, who can really guarantee that in the next 20 years things won't go totally 180° on us? Such is the possible fate that we must always be prepared for given our foreign policy.


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What I meant was more like, if we bring forward the topic of developing our own indigenous fighter post-2030 in that seminar, those big shots (or so I assume) can inform their peers to prepare what kind of support that they can offer. I wouldn't even mind if we still 'stuck' with 4th gen single-engine design like F/A-50 or Hurjet, as long as it will be positioned to replace our F-16 by then.

In short, while some members here are still wishing for us to be allowed to buy F-35, there's a lot more to gain for us in the long run if we start to take our first step to develop our own indigenous fighter design sooner.

After all, who can really guarantee that in the next 20 years things won't go totally 180° on us? Such is the possible fate that we must always be prepared for given our foreign policy.

The next 20 years? Two month ago, we are taking it leisurely as If any great power had some sanity, but actually some does not have. If Taiwan conflict not breaking out before then or South and North Korean not started to fight over control of Korean peninsula, and not escalating further.... We can talk more about the far future


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"Kunjungan yang dilakukan Thales ini bertujuan untuk meninjau kemampuan Infoglobal di bidang aerospace dan pertahanan terkait dengan persiapan menerima Transfer of Technology (ToT) dan Local Content & Offset (LCO) untuk pengadaan pesawat Rafale oleh Pemerintah Indonesia."

"This visit by Thales aims to review Infoglobal's capabilities in the aerospace and defense sector related to preparations for receiving Transfer of Technology (ToT) and Local Content & Offset (LCO) for the procurement of Rafale aircraft by the Government of Indonesia."

remember those kremlin buzzer on facebook who said "dapet tot ngelap sama ngecat" ?


Indonesia Correspondent
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The next 20 years? Two month ago, we are taking it leisurely as If any great power had some sanity, but actually some does not have. If Taiwan conflict not breaking out before then or South and North Korean not started to fight over control of Korean peninsula, and not escalating further.... We can talk more about the far future
This put even more urgency in what I wrote earlier now, isn't it? Even if things remains as it were, there's still so much more to gain for us if we begin to change our mindset from just "buying" to "making".


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This put even more urgency in what I wrote earlier now, isn't it? Even if things remains as it were, there's still so much more to gain for us if we begin to change our mindset from just "buying" to "making".

Some Japanese old saying surmise it dearly,

If your or your neighbor doesn't make the sword, just found it in any market. The task of soldier is to fighting, don't compromized that's task.

I would not argue we should better to making everything in Indonesia. But don't ever let such idea compromizing the soldier who fighting in the frontline. Get priority straight first.


Indonesia Correspondent
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I would not argue we should better to making everything in Indonesia
I never said that we should make "everything", you know?

If you look back at what I wrote earlier, you can understand that this seminar, and other events similiar like it, can be used to announce our intention to develop our own stuff with assistance from abroad for the things that we still can't produce ourselves.

But don't ever let such idea compromizing the soldier who fighting in the frontline.
And how it will be? If you're assuming that once we decide to build something, and that something will always be inferior to what we intend it to replace with, you really missed the whole point.

In no way that I'm insinuating that our soldiers, pilots, sailors et al, must be equipped with everything domestically made even if they're inferior to imported ones. But assuming that we can't build quality defence products is just,...

Get priority straight first.
Right. By keep buying everything from abroad, not even trying to start our own initiative in order to keep filling some pockets which would otherwise dried out if we start changing our mindset from "buyer" to "maker"?

That kind of 'priority', you mean?


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I never said that we should make "everything", you know?

If you look back at what I wrote earlier, you can understand that this seminar, and other events similiar like it, can be used to announce our intention to develop our own stuff with assistance from abroad for the things that we still can't produce ourselves.

And how it will be? If you're assuming that once we decide to build something, and that something will always be inferior to what we intend it to replace with, you really missed the whole point.

In no way that I'm insinuating that our soldiers, pilots, sailors et al, must be equipped with everything domestically made even if they're inferior to imported ones. But assuming that we can't build quality defence products is just,...

Right. By keep buying everything from abroad, not even trying to start our own initiative in order to keep filling some pockets which would otherwise dried out if we start changing our mindset from "buyer" to "maker"?

That kind of 'priority', you mean?

That's semantic question would make you looking like the previous @Indos guy

I am never say we should importing everything we need, but if you can't make it just let import and bought it in the market first and knowing in detail what's is the pros and cons of such system. If you ever need more you can asking your own people to started to make it then and perfect it better than the original you had imported.


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Indigenous Fighter project would be a national project, I am not expecting the AF to take the initiative.
It should be initiated by the government or through SOE making the road map and announce it as national project then execute it, AF just giving input about what kind of plane they need.

If the AF announce they want indigenous jet, will the govt give money? Will SOE take the challenge (and does they have the capability?)
kremlin buzzer
Masih satu spesies kayaknya dengan kaum Urakan Uraaa uraaa yang suka nyepam dimana2.
Nonton striming balapan di mandalika komennya pada toxic, OOT, dan malu-maluin. Emang bener survei mikrosof yang bilang kalau netizen kita itu tertoxic.


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We are not the US military that can ask for billions dollar project to fulfill what they need, our military get what the government managed to afford for them.

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