Indonesia Indonesian Army,Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD)

Van Kravchenko

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in pusdikav padalarang we have stuart, and still can run!!!! back than in formil kaskus some one bukan kaleng kaleng invited us to involve in "ritual jamasan si stuart" at pusdikav
yes, the M3 and M5 are here, but the M4 were gone. at first thought if those tanks still exixting i definetely sure they will equip it with Cockerill 105 turret


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yes, the M3 and M5 are here, but the M4 were gone. at first thought if those tanks still exixting i definetely sure they will equip it with Cockerill 105 turret
Not entirely gone,

While it is the AEV version, it is still technically 'HVSS Sherman'.


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Not entirely gone,

While it is the AEV version, it is still technically 'HVSS Sherman'.

I always love Sherman. let those crowd babbling about Tiger, panther, Maus, etc.
But Sherman (and T34) are design that win the war!

and looking at its suspension and track wide, this is actually pretty advance late war model.


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I always love Sherman. let those crowd babbling about Tiger, panther, Maus, etc.
But Sherman (and T34) are design that win the war!

and looking at its suspension and track wide, this is actually pretty advance late war model.
You might have forgotten about the numbers involved ;) e.g. Germany never fielded more the 1300 Tiger1's throughout the war.
if I am not mistaken the overall kill ratio of the Tiger1 was 1:6 - I am open towards corrections in this matter:)


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that was actually also my point on "design that win the war".
There was nothing wrong with the design - new tanks or whatever take 1-2 years to evolve. The Panther was indeed a prone to break down vehicle.
Germany was controlled by a bunch of idiots and dreamers - the money and effort spend onto the V-1 and V-2 could have been used to easily purchase 8000 Tiger 1's.
Cancel the Panther and another 5000 Tiger1's could have been procured.

However for Germany to win this war was impossible anyway - due to simply not having the mineral and economic resources of the Soviet-Union and the USA.
But it wouldn't change the issue that the Tiger1 was the by far best battle tank in WW2. The Stalin III and the US M-26 only started to show up form March/April 1945.

But sorry - wrong thread anyway :D


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if I may ask, do you remember where's the ex Dutch M4A3 HVSS Sherman tanks nowadays.
Some of them might've been sold to some collectors and museums abroad. The rest, well... I won't be surprised if some dismantled parts are still lying around somewhere in junkyards around Madura island...

I'm still wonder why such iconic tank disappeared, but the more rare Japanese tank still exist.
Well, we never use Japan WW2 tanks in large numbers during the Indonesian war of Independence. I'd like to imagine that most of the ones we seized from the Japanese Imperial Army and used in the Battle of Surabaya either ended up destroyed or broken down and abandoned. We didn't exactly have much experience operating tanks back then, much less fighting inside one in battle.

So if the army still managed to keep the remaining few Japanese tanks out of the Dutch's hands during those times, their historical values are far higher than anything we got from the Dutch post the recognition of the Indonesian sovereignty in 1949.

There was nothing wrong with the design - new tanks or whatever take 1-2 years to evolve.
Wasn't it Guderian who said that rather than Tiger tanks, he would prefer if the German high command produced more Panzer IV instead? Speaking about Tiger and Pather design, while the interleaved road wheels were effective to provide a smoother ride and a more stable firing platform, they were such a headache to maintain in the fields.

Germany was controlled by a bunch of idiots and dreamers - the money and effort spend onto the V-1 and V-2 could have been used to easily purchase 8000 Tiger 1's.
Cancel the Panther and another 5000 Tiger1's could have been procured.
Haha, I don't know if this is true or not but I've read somewhere that in mid-1943, there were talks in the British intelligence HQ to launch an assassination operation to eliminate Hitler. They ended up disapproving the proposal due to the concern that if the operation was successful Germany might have a more competent and sane leader who can prolong the war in their favor.

However for Germany to win this war was impossible anyway - due to simply not having the mineral and economic resources of the Soviet-Union and the USA.
But even with far limited resources, one must admit that Germany could still design, produce and deploy highly advanced techs which have become the precursors of current military technologies.

Although it's not a tank, I still wonder how on earth that German designers and engineers could come up with something like this:

But it wouldn't change the issue that the Tiger1 was the by far best battle tank in WW2. The Stalin III and the US M-26 only started to show up form March/April 1945.
True that. While it's a pain in the ass for the maintenance crews, but it's still the best WW2 tank. KwK 36 88mm gun performance was far ahead of anything the allies could deploy when it's started to appear on the frontlines.

But sorry - wrong thread anyway :D
I'm truly glad that we choose Germany's Leopard 2 for our first MBT.

See, I just deflected the discussion so that it's still on the right thread 😁


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Some of them might've been sold to some collectors and museums abroad. The rest, well... I won't be surprised if some dismantled parts are still lying around somewhere in junkyards around Madura island...

Well, we never use Japan WW2 tanks in large numbers during the Indonesian war of Independence. I'd like to imagine that most of the ones we seized from the Japanese Imperial Army and used in the Battle of Surabaya either ended up destroyed or broken down and abandoned. We didn't exactly have much experience operating tanks back then, much less fighting inside one in battle.

So if the army still managed to keep the remaining few Japanese tanks out of the Dutch's hands during those times, their historical values are far higher than anything we got from the Dutch post the recognition of the Indonesian sovereignty in 1949.

Wasn't it Guderian who said that rather than Tiger tanks, he would prefer if the German high command produced more Panzer IV instead? Speaking about Tiger and Pather design, while the interleaved road wheels were effective to provide a smoother ride and a more stable firing platform, they were such a headache to maintain in the fields.

Haha, I don't know if this is true or not but I've read somewhere that in mid-1943, there were talks in the British intelligence HQ to launch an assassination operation to eliminate Hitler. They ended up disapproving the proposal due to the concern that if the operation was successful Germany might have a more competent and sane leader who can prolong the war in their favor.

But even with far limited resources, one must admit that Germany could still design, produce and deploy highly advanced techs which have become the precursors of current military technologies.

Although it's not a tank, I still wonder how on earth that German designers and engineers could come up with something like this:

True that. While it's a pain in the ass for the maintenance crews, but it's still the best WW2 tank. KwK 36 88mm gun performance was far ahead of anything the allies could deploy when it's started to appear on the frontlines.

I'm truly glad that we choose Germany's Leopard 2 for our first MBT.

See, I just deflected the discussion so that it's still on the right thread 😁
I think it's more like war already going pretty quiet smoothly on Alies favor so US didn't put big emphasis on heavy tank. They were developing Pershing but choose not to deploy them in rush because it still wasn't good enough back then.

On the other hand german always on the edge.

Van Kravchenko

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Hmm... could be a former Type 97 Shi-Ki command tank - later fitted with an "indigenous" turret and gun.
Turret was original, minus they shut the gap off by welded it.

The gun barrel looks from 2 pdr, as i recall it's has rifling.

To sad none of Indonesian willing to make this sole tank walk again.


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what do you think?
When big red come in here,
Do our 120mm L44 armed Leopards and 105mm Harimau already enough or we still need to invest in 130mm MBT?
Do we need more Javelin or NLAW, or put more on standard RPG?


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what do you think?
When big red come in here,
Do our 120mm L44 armed Leopards and 105mm Harimau already enough or we still need to invest in 130mm MBT?
Do we need more Javelin or NLAW, or put more on standard RPG?
We need to invest more in Heavy torpedo and AShM.

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