Indonesia Indonesian Army,Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD)


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In order to prepare for the forthcoming vaccination drive across the country, the Indonesian Military (TNI) is preparing its personnel to help carry out the task.
Some 845 personnel participated in the training of trainer (TOT) program being conducted by the TNI on Thursday. The training aims to increase the participants’ knowledge about the vaccination process so that they will be able to contribute to the government’s program.

During the opening ceremony for the training, TNI commander Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto said the program was part of the military’s contribution to the nation’s pandemic-mitigation efforts. He also expected the participants would gain the needed skills to become coordinators for the vaccination program in military areas.

He went on to say the vaccine would be administered to health workers who worked on the frontline, followed by officials who monitored health-protocol implementation among the public, which comprises the TNI and the National Police personnel. “We also have to prepare the necessary facilities and infrastructure, such as storage, safekeeping and distribution pipeline to every health facility, as well as preparing the aforementioned facilities to conduct the vaccination program as stipulated in the existing regulations,” Hadi said as quoted by on Thursday.

Indonesia received its first consignment of China's Sinovac Biotech COVID-19 vaccine on Dec. 7. The first batch of 1.2 million doses is currently being stored in a warehouse belonging to state-owned pharmaceutical company PT Bio Farma in Bandung, West Java.

Bio Farma has confirmed that the vaccine will be priced at around Rp 200,000 (US$13.57) per dosage when it becomes available for the public.

The company’s president director, Honesty Basyir, stated that the price was based on a recent email from Sinovac Biotech. However, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo announced on Wednesday that the vaccination drive will be made free of charge amid criticism from the public regarding the assertion that the government would only fund a third of the population targeted in the program.

In an official video published on Wednesday, Jokowi also stated that he would be the first Indonesian to receive the vaccine shot in order to reassure the public that the vaccine is safe to use. "After receiving much input from the public and recalculating the financial state of the country, I would like to inform you that COVID-19 vaccines will be free for all people. Once again, it will be free of charge," he said.

Following the President’s announcement, all ministries and government institutions, as well as regional administrations have been instructed to prioritize the vaccination program in their respective budgets for next year.
However, the government did not provide further details on a timeline or a list of vaccines that would be used in the country. There was also no mention of the number of people targeted in the vaccination program. “The decision was very recent, there still needs to be further discussions on the planned vaccination program,” the Health Ministry’s spokesperson on COVID-19 vaccine affairs, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, told The Jakarta Post in regard to inquiries related to the program details. (dpk)

Editor’s note: This article is part of a public campaign by the COVID-19 task force to raise people’s awareness about the pandemic.

This article was published in with the title "TNI gears up personnel to support future vaccination drive - National - The Jakarta Post". Click to read:

A softer, more subtler version of dwi-fungsi is here to stay folks. Gotta say, so far I'm glad for it.


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"European made light tank" wut??


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Also will we upgrade more AMX?
Oldies but 105mm canon still a lethal weapon.


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I hope all leopard got upgrade to RI standard and got better TC periscope.
Assuming the Leopard 2RI upgrade package use the same armour as the Revolution upgrade package, it will be extremely doubtful. The upgrade would need to be done at German. If I'm not mistaken, Leopard 2RI upgrade package came with external armour that alone would require overhaul of the tank and add on (AMAP) skirt armour on top of everything (which can be installed locally here)

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From dislitbang ad, courtesy lembaga keris

Certification process and testing aimpoint optical sights



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Mabesad dan Menhan Bahas Revisi Doktrin TNI AD
Desember 20, 2020, Anggaraman Saragih

  1. Doktrin TNI AD Kartika Eka Paksi merupakan doktrin tertinggi dalam TNI AD.
  2. Hakikat doktrin tersebut menjadi penegasan dan penguatan cita-cita perjuangan tanpa akhir TNI AD.
  3. Bahasan yang akan disampaikan, yakni tentang sejarah TNI AD, peran, tugas, dan fungsi TNI AD, ancaman, pembinaan, dan penggunaan kekuatan AD, serta TNI AD di masa depan.
  4. Fokus diskusi dalam seminar guna mendapatkan ide dan masukan yang konstruktif.
  5. Semoga kegiatan seminar ini dapat memberikan manfaat dalam membangun TNI AD menghadapi tantangan tugas di masa yang akan datang.
Selain itu, doktrin tersebut dijadikan pedoman berisikan ajaran utama yang menjadi landasan filosofis dalam membangun dan mengembangkan postur TNI AD yang dapat diandalkan sebagai komponen utama dalam sistem pertahanan negara.
I like how our KASAD run his office. Before we talk about asset purchase it is wise to take a look at the current doctrine, and make necessary adjusment if needed. His approach toward last chopper accident and how he submit long term maintenance budget really show that he is capable by showing this is how we suppose to go. It is some kind of reality check that with the current technology condition we cant just expect the assets to work if we dont give enough maintenance budget. Get rid of the culture of ngomelin/hukum the leader/personel because they can not field their assets due to budget constrain. Instead acknowledge the issue and works towards it by getting what we need (not what we want) and what we can afford to maintain.

Dont buy tesla if your house dont have enough electricity power to charge it or even a bengkel to maintain it. And dont buy latest Samsung S20 smartphone if we even have problem with getting the pulsa 😁


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Uji Siap Tempur Kompi Kavaleri 10/MSC​

23 Desember 2020

Latihan Uji Siap Tempur Kikav 10/MSC (photo : Kikav 10)

Kompi Kavaleri 10 Manguni Setia Cakti (Kikav 10/MSC) menggelar kegiatan latihan Uji Siap Tempur (UST) Tingkat Peleton Tahun 2020.

UST Ton merupakan puncak dari Latihan setingkat Kompi, Dilaksanakan untuk menguji serta mengetahui tingkat kesiapan prajurit dan satuan dalam menghadapi ancaman yang bersifat Operasi militer perang maupun Operasi militer selain perang.

Satuan Kavaleri merupakan satuan tempur berlapis baja, yang memiliki semboyan Tri Daya Cakti yang memiliki makna 3 kekuatan besar yaitu Daya gerak, daya Tembak, dan Daya Kejut. Jaya dimasa perang berguna dimasa damai.

Kompi Kavaleri 10 Manguni Setia Cakti (Kikav 10/MSC) adalah sebuah satuan kavaleri di bawah Kodam XIII/Merdeka yang bermarkas di Jalan Raya Wori, Desa Ilo-ilo, Kecamatan Wori, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara.

Kodam XIII Merdeka adalah Kodam baru yang diresmikan pada Desember 2016. Seiring kebijakan untuk melengkapi setiap Kodam dengan 1 Yonkav dan 1 Kikav maka hadirnya Kikav 10/MSC merupakan cikal bakal satuan tempur batalyon kavaleri di lingkungan Kodam XIII Merdeka yang perkembangannya ditentukan oleh jumlah alutsista yang melengkapinya.

(Kikav 10)

One of the newer Army Division level had equipped themselves with Cavalry Company, the Merdeka Kodam just recently formed in 2016.

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