Indonesia Indonesian Army,Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD)


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Ooohh... aku terpesona...
why AD need stinger? Do it suitable most for TNI AU?


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why AD need stinger? Do it suitable most for TNI AU?

Company level support for their point of aerial defenses/area denial. This is a good sign ... Slowly we are gearing toward a peer to peer enggagement mindset and tactics . Nobody was an idiot , all of this changing mindset and realization of what was needed were a preparation for the rainy days ahead .
But boy .... I highly flabbergasted with the navy's appetites ...😂


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Dari 128 Helikopter Milik TNI AD di Lanumad Ahmad Yani, Hanya 24 Diizinkan Terbang - 16/02/2021, 06:35 WIB


Penulis Kontributor Semarang, Riska Farasonalia | Editor Teuku Muhammad Valdy Arief
SEMARANG, - Tim reses Komisi I DPR RI berkunjung ke Skadron-11/Serbu di markas Pusat Penerbangan TNI AD (Puspenerbad) Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah, pada Senin (15/2/2021). Dalam agenda kunjungannya, rombongan sempat memeriksa kesiapan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) mulai dari spesifikasi pesawat helikopter hingga sistem senjata di Hanggar Apache AH 64 Pangkalan Utama TNI Angkatan Darat (Lanumad) Ahmad Yani Semarang. Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR RI Anton Sukartono Suratto menyebutkan, dari 128 pesawat yang dimiliki, hanya 24 helikopter yang bisa digunakan.

Untuk itu, pihaknya telah mengalokasikan penambahan anggaran mencapai Rp 1,6 triliun untuk Penerbad. Dengan peningkatan anggaran itu, diharapkan mampu menaikkan jumlah helikopter yang beroperasi menjadi tiga kali lipat. “Hanya 24 yang available dengan anggaran ini, insya Allah ditingkatkan 90 persen sehingga tiga kali lipatnya bisa terbang, jadi 90 persen dari 180 itu insya Allah dari yang grounded bisa terbang,” katanya usai Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) Tim Kunker Komisi I DPR RI dengan Komandan Skadron-11/Serbu Puspenerbad. Anton mengungkapkan, berkaca pada insiden jatuhnya helikopter pada Juni 2020 di Kendal, Jawa Tengah, peningkatan anggaran ini bisa digunakan untuk perawatan helikopter secara berkala, menjamin kesejahteraan personel yang bertugas, hingga asuransi kecelakaan kerja. “Jadi mendapatkan asuransi dan perawatanya sesuai dengan waktu yang dirawat dan anggarannya yang tadinya hanya 30 persen ditingkatkan 90 persen. Intinya untuk nyawa itu bukan harga yang murah, itu harga wajib, tidak boleh ada satu pun nyawa yang hilang,” ujarnya.

Komandan Pusat Penerbangan Angkatan Darat (Danpuspenerbad) Mayjen TNI Teguh Pudjo Rumekso menyambut baik rencana peningkatan anggaran dari DPR RI. “Tadi sudah saya sampaikan situasi dan kondisi yang ada saat ini. Rencana dukungan anggaran di tahun 2021, dengan anggaran yang lebih besar tentunya akan meng-available-kan heli lebih banyak dari yang sekarang,” ucapnya. Pihaknya mengatakan, terdapat 24 helikopter yang diizinkan untuk terbang karena sudah lolos sertifikasi.

Sementara pesawat yang lainnya masih dalam proses perbaikan. “Kemudian yang lainnya ada yang masih overhaul (perbaikan) yang belum selesai. Ada yang masih grounded sehingga masih membutuhkan waktu untuk overhaul. Jadi kondisi yang harus grounded tetap harus grounded, menunggu overhaul. Sementara yang sudah lolos sertifikasi itu yang baru diizinkan untuk terbang," pungkasnya.

Nice, more budget for Harwat can push readyness up to acceptable level. I hope they also allocate some of those extra budget in their own "bengkel" and human resources. Its nice to have more chopper assets in the future but it also important to maintain the existing assets. 👍


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Dari 128 Helikopter Milik TNI AD di Lanumad Ahmad Yani, Hanya 24 Diizinkan Terbang - 16/02/2021, 06:35 WIB


Penulis Kontributor Semarang, Riska Farasonalia | Editor Teuku Muhammad Valdy Arief
SEMARANG, - Tim reses Komisi I DPR RI berkunjung ke Skadron-11/Serbu di markas Pusat Penerbangan TNI AD (Puspenerbad) Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah, pada Senin (15/2/2021). Dalam agenda kunjungannya, rombongan sempat memeriksa kesiapan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) mulai dari spesifikasi pesawat helikopter hingga sistem senjata di Hanggar Apache AH 64 Pangkalan Utama TNI Angkatan Darat (Lanumad) Ahmad Yani Semarang. Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR RI Anton Sukartono Suratto menyebutkan, dari 128 pesawat yang dimiliki, hanya 24 helikopter yang bisa digunakan.

Untuk itu, pihaknya telah mengalokasikan penambahan anggaran mencapai Rp 1,6 triliun untuk Penerbad. Dengan peningkatan anggaran itu, diharapkan mampu menaikkan jumlah helikopter yang beroperasi menjadi tiga kali lipat. “Hanya 24 yang available dengan anggaran ini, insya Allah ditingkatkan 90 persen sehingga tiga kali lipatnya bisa terbang, jadi 90 persen dari 180 itu insya Allah dari yang grounded bisa terbang,” katanya usai Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) Tim Kunker Komisi I DPR RI dengan Komandan Skadron-11/Serbu Puspenerbad. Anton mengungkapkan, berkaca pada insiden jatuhnya helikopter pada Juni 2020 di Kendal, Jawa Tengah, peningkatan anggaran ini bisa digunakan untuk perawatan helikopter secara berkala, menjamin kesejahteraan personel yang bertugas, hingga asuransi kecelakaan kerja. “Jadi mendapatkan asuransi dan perawatanya sesuai dengan waktu yang dirawat dan anggarannya yang tadinya hanya 30 persen ditingkatkan 90 persen. Intinya untuk nyawa itu bukan harga yang murah, itu harga wajib, tidak boleh ada satu pun nyawa yang hilang,” ujarnya.

Komandan Pusat Penerbangan Angkatan Darat (Danpuspenerbad) Mayjen TNI Teguh Pudjo Rumekso menyambut baik rencana peningkatan anggaran dari DPR RI. “Tadi sudah saya sampaikan situasi dan kondisi yang ada saat ini. Rencana dukungan anggaran di tahun 2021, dengan anggaran yang lebih besar tentunya akan meng-available-kan heli lebih banyak dari yang sekarang,” ucapnya. Pihaknya mengatakan, terdapat 24 helikopter yang diizinkan untuk terbang karena sudah lolos sertifikasi.

Sementara pesawat yang lainnya masih dalam proses perbaikan. “Kemudian yang lainnya ada yang masih overhaul (perbaikan) yang belum selesai. Ada yang masih grounded sehingga masih membutuhkan waktu untuk overhaul. Jadi kondisi yang harus grounded tetap harus grounded, menunggu overhaul. Sementara yang sudah lolos sertifikasi itu yang baru diizinkan untuk terbang," pungkasnya.

Nice, more budget for Harwat can push readyness up to acceptable level. I hope they also allocate some of those extra budget in their own "bengkel" and human resources. Its nice to have more chopper assets in the future but it also important to maintain the existing assets. 👍
and now they want 32 blackhawk and 4 osprey too...


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and now they want 32 blackhawk and 4 osprey too...

Truthfully when it considering specops requirement in these drone age . Osprey was a must have equipment . It was no longer a luxury product but a force multiplier tools .could we afford it ?? Yes we could . How could we maintaning it ?? That's a different can of worm alltogether that is you don't want to open it ... Ever . Trust me ...



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Truthfully when it considering specops requirement in these drone age . Osprey was a must have equipment . It was no longer a luxury product but a force multiplier tools .could we afford it ?? Yes we could . How could we maintaning it ?? That's a different can of worm alltogether that is you don't want to open it ... Ever . Trust me ...

Showroom forces


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Showroom forces

After all those bruahaa with the hips liked or not we are not compatible with the eastern product after all . Not to mention lack of maintenance center and russia unwilingness in providing them in the country ( just to maximize their own profits ! ) In the end we are geared and more prepared in infrastructure toward a western product afterall .
It's a pity tho ,those ' hips were such a reliable product too and rugged mean of transport . It's just too bad maintaning them daily were such a drag and hassle without a proper maintenance tooling center in house .

this is crunch

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Truthfully when it considering specops requirement in these drone age . Osprey was a must have equipment . It was no longer a luxury product but a force multiplier tools .could we afford it ?? Yes we could . How could we maintaning it ?? That's a different can of worm alltogether that is you don't want to open it ... Ever . Trust me ...

wasnt Osprey is just too fancy for us, they wasnt for vvip unit arent they? its for utility right? it is pricy, low combat readyness because of that complicated tilt rotor need constant maintenance, and high cpfh.

i think prefering Chinooks would be a wise choice, more effective and efficient to our financial terms and could have high operational rate because it using traditional rotor system

anyway moving or transferring cargo, logistic, and support unit using Osprey is just like pindah rumah tapi ngangkutnya pake mercy, kalo Chinook mah keliatan pekerja keras, Fuso likewise


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wasnt Osprey is just too fancy for us, they wasnt for vvip unit arent they? its for utility right? it is pricy, low combat readyness because of that complicated tilt rotor need constant maintenance, and high cpfh.

i think prefering Chinooks would be a wise choice, more effective and efficient to our financial terms and could have high operational rate because it using traditional rotor system

anyway moving or transferring cargo, logistic, and support unit using Osprey is just like pindah rumah tapi ngangkutnya pake mercy, kalo Chinook mah keliatan pekerja keras, Fuso likewise
Chinook can't beat Osprey in term of range and speed. Mean in term of Specops, our comando can penetrate and do operation deep inside enemy teritory, or go to any area domestically in a moment notice.

this is crunch

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Chinook can't beat Osprey in term of range and speed. Mean in term of Specops, our comando can penetrate and do operation deep inside enemy teritory, or go to any area domestically in a moment notice.
yes, using Osprey for our specops would be right fit, as for they is like, "special person need special gear"


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wasnt Osprey is just too fancy for us, they wasnt for vvip unit arent they? its for utility right? it is pricy, low combat readyness because of that complicated tilt rotor need constant maintenance, and high cpfh.

i think prefering Chinooks would be a wise choice, more effective and efficient to our financial terms and could have high operational rate because it using traditional rotor system

anyway moving or transferring cargo, logistic, and support unit using Osprey is just like pindah rumah tapi ngangkutnya pake mercy, kalo Chinook mah keliatan pekerja keras, Fuso likewise

Fuso class transport ... I kinda like the term there ... 😂

Army brass were more concerning about the island hopping capabilities more than the rest of the features . It's all about ranges benefit and infrastructure limitations demerit .
All in all different spec get a different gear . Make no mistakes tho' , CH 47 only get delayed not forfeited at all . We still highly need those " Fuso " badly in the long run after all .


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Rather than commenting on high end stuff i was rather more pleased to hear on our supposedly added firepower for the grunts . Stingers and 120 mm mortar for the company level support and recoilles for the platoon level . That is an awesome added fire power capabilities ...


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My guess is that we will sacrifice the fighters number (hence only 36 Rafale + 15 F-15EX) for more Navy procurement.

Nope , i'm not going delve in that labyrinth of possibilities . Seeing is believing . I'm not interested in discussing what could have and ifs .

Until they are come and running then i would participate some more . And nope we still have the financial capability to cover a double of all of those acquisition " wishes " ... Would it bite us in the long run of economical strains it definitely would . But it was the prices we are all Indonesian gladly to pay when push come to shoves to maintaining our freedom and sovereignity .
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Truthfully when it considering specops requirement in these drone age . Osprey was a must have equipment . It was no longer a luxury product but a force multiplier tools .could we afford it ?? Yes we could . How could we maintaning it ?? That's a different can of worm alltogether that is you don't want to open it ... Ever . Trust me ...

You can't blame the Russian made Helos for Penerbad's low readiness status

Russian made helos only represent like less than 20% of Penerbad's 128 aircraft (CMIIW)


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You can't blame the Russian made Helos for Penerbad's low readiness status

Russian made helos only represent like less than 20% of Penerbad's 128 aircraft (CMIIW)

Well , i might did biased in this but you do have too agree to an extent that the russian are excerbated the problem for their reluctance providing the neccesary tech/knowledge on their engine maintenance system in house . Unlike their western counterpart engines we allready have a systematic tooling and knowledge even for total engines overhaul .
Yeah i know ...past procurement authorithities are skimping the money but the russian are beyond ridiculous with the amount they demanded for a similiar maintenancing facilities . Not to mention their spare part prices that always get fluctuated in time of needs .
They are no simple solution for this mess but with the time progresses the eastern product are gradually losing their shine here and kinda regretted for it .
I do liked those hips tho' ... For their prices they do make their worths impressively . Lack of ceiling cruise aside compared to the blackhawk and caracal they were basicaly the epitome of working horses in every sense of the word there .
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Rather than commenting on high end stuff i was rather more pleased to hear on our supposedly added firepower for the grunts . Stingers and 120 mm mortar for the company level support and recoilles for the platoon level . That is an awesome added fire power capabilities ...

Thanks God finally someone touch this very problem

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