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Mitsubishi Jepang berkomitmen tambah investasi Rp11,2 triliun​

Rabu, 10 Maret 2021 15:57 WIB
Mitsubishi Jepang berkomitmen tambah investasi Rp11,2 triliun

Mereka akan mengembangkan hybrid, memang itu pilihan bisnis mereka, tentunya kami mengawal
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita menggelar pertemuan dengan pihak Mitsubishi Motors Jepang yang menghasilkan komitmen tambahan investasi sebesar Rp11,2 triliun pada akhir 2025 di Indonesia untuk mengembangkan jenis kendaraan listrik.

"Mitsubishi hingga akhir 2025 berkomitmen menambah investasi sebesar Rp11,2 triliun, di mana akan terjadi peningkatan kapasitas, dari yang tadinya 220 ribu unit, akan naik menjadi 250 ribu unit," kata Menperin saat menggelar konferensi pers di Jepang yang ditayangkan secara virtual, Rabu.

Menurut Menperin, Mitsubishi akan mengembangkan dua model kendaraan, yaitu sport utility vehicle (SUV) Xpander jenis hybrid dan plug in hybrid. Kemudian, model kedua akan diarahkan pengembangannya menjadi produk ekspor Indonesia ke nagara-negara tujuan ekspor.

"Mereka akan mengembangkan hybrid, memang itu pilihan bisnis mereka, tentunya kami mengawal. Selain hybrid juga mereka akan melakukan investasi plug in hybrid," ujar Menperin.

Sementara, khusus untuk jenis electric vehicle (EV), Menperin menyampaikan bahwa Mitsubishi masih melakukan studi terhadap model-model yang akan dikembangkan, namun mereka sudah berkomitmen untuk melakukan pengembangan jenis kendaraan EV.

Selain itu, Agus menyebutkan bahwa Mitsubishi juga akan menambah sembilan negara tujuan ekspor baru bagi kendaraan yang diproduksi di Indonesia. Dengan demikian, negara tujuan ekspor Mitsubishi bertambah menjadi sekitar 39 negara dari sebelumnya 30 negara.

Pasalnya, Indonesia ingin segera memaksimalkan kerja sama ekonomi komprehensif dengan Australia atau Indonesia-Australia CEPA. Salah satu yang akan digenjot adalah ekspor kendaraan listrik, di mana negeri kanguru merupakan pasar yang sangat potensial untuk produk kendaraan listrik.

"Kami sudah menekankan bahwa pasar di Australia ini sangat penting. Australia menjadi satu negara yang akan diperluas," ujar Menperin.

Baca juga: Menperin kawal rencana investasi Hyundai di Indonesia
Baca juga: Menperin ajak pengusaha Taiwan investasi sektor otomotif
Baca juga: Di Davos, Bahlil bahas rencana ekspansi Mitsubishi Rp2,1 triliun

Pewarta: Sella Panduarsa Gareta
Editor: Faisal Yunianto

Mitsubishi corps adding their Investment value in Indonesia for around 800 million US Dollar by 2025, this including to add more production facilities and so on


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Swallow's nest exports should be increased: Agriculture minister​

13th Mar 2021 16:44
Swallow's nest exports should be increased: Agriculture minister

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo laid emphasis on boosting the production and exports of swallow's nests to proffer a dual impact on Indonesia's economy.

Indonesia should seize the opportunity to meet the overseas demands for swallow's nests since the export market share of swallow's nests is still wide open, Limpo noted in a statement here on Saturday.

"The focus of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Trade as well as our countries' representatives there is to encourage swallow's nest exports to China. There is no quota, as long as we are able to meet the requirements. The market is still wide open, and we are capable of producing it," Limpo noted.

The minister paid a visit to a swallow's nest processing facility in Surabaya, East Java, to witness up-close the production process.

Limpo has planned to visit China to forge special cooperation to increase the commodity’s exports to the East Asian country.

"Our swallow's nests are in high demand across the world. I will visit China after this pandemic to boost our exports," he affirmed.

In East Java, on Friday (Mar 12), the minister saw off shipments of 494 kilograms of swallow's nests valued at Rp9.9 billion to China, and 33 other agricultural commodities, worth Rp140.3 billion, to 12 countries.

East Java Province has 84 registered swallow houses and nine swallows’ nest processing houses.

In 2020, the province exports 245.3 tons of swallow's nests worth Rp3.5 trillion.

Some 26 percent of the swallow's nest exports went to China, and the rest to other countries, including Australia, the United States, Hong Kong, Canada, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, and Vietnam.

From January to early March this year, East Java's swallow nest exports reached 51.3 tons, valued Rp661.3 billion. Related news: Need to expand swallow's nest export market beyond China: minister
Related news: Deputy Minister sees off swallow's nests exports to China


Translated by: Aditya R, Fardah
Editor: Suharto



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Jay Chen and Huawei's commitment to advancing Indonesia's ICT industry​

16th Mar 2021 18:05
Jay Chen and Huawei's commitment to advancing Indonesia's ICT industry

Beijing (ANTARA) - Since having forayed into Indonesia as a provider of information and communication technology (ICT) and smart devices in 2000, Huawei has employed a workforce reaching two thousand, of which 88 percent are local residents.

In its partnership with Indonesia, the company, founded in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, in 1987, has additionally assisted in creating 500 startups and MSMEs operating in 15 sectors, so that they can create a total of 20 thousand jobs. Huawei has PT Telkomsel and XL Axiata as its two strategic business partners in Indonesia.

Since January 2021, Huawei has opened the Huawei ASEAN Academy Engineering Institute and has collaborated with 33 leading universities in Indonesia. The program has benefited 12 thousand technicians and seven thousand students in the country.

ANTARA Beijing Bureau had the opportunity to conduct an exclusive interview with Vice President of Huawei for the Asia-Pacific Region Jay Chen at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Beijing, on Wednesday (Mar 10) evening. Here is the transcript of the interview conducted in English:

ANTARA: Hi, how are you? Nice to meet you.

Jay Chen: I am good. I heard that during these weeks, you have been very busy covering Lianghui (Two-Session Parliamentary Annual Session in Beijing). I am glad you could still find the time to interview me. Moreover, you are the only media representative from Indonesia in China.

ANTARA: Ha...ha...

Jay Chen: Let's sit down first. (Engage in light discussion at the hotel restaurant in the Wangfujing area, one of the busiest business districts in central Beijing)

ANTARA: Huawei has been in Indonesia for 20 years. What experiences can you share in contributing to Indonesia's development?

Jay Chen: The first time I visited Indonesia was in 2000. I still remember, one night in Jakarta, I saw some buildings shining brighter (with the lamps) than those in Beijing. The road conditions were also better. Thereafter, on the second day, I took a walk thinking that this country is big in the telecommunications industry. The population is large, and there are also many young people. At that time, scores of people were using Nokia mobile phones. Almost everyone used them. It helped me think that this country has great potential in the telecommunications industry sector.

ANTARA: Did you come [for the first time to Indonesia] in 2000?

Jay Chen: Yes. At that time, people were still using Nokia but not the smartphone ones. Everyone was on cell phones. Young people used it. The driver also used it. There were businesspersons, who used Blackberry. At that time, it was still GSM 2G. However, at that time, the situation in Jakarta was truly beautiful.

ANTARA: What happened next?

Jay Chen: Gradually, the ICT industry has been progressing little by little. Later on, I sent a team (to explore the market in Indonesia). We are aware that this country has the potential to become a strategic market for us in the Asia-Pacific region, so that in the next 20 years, we will make Indonesia our most important partner in the information and communication technology industry. Almost all telecommunication operators in Indonesia have become our partners. We also provide telecommunication networks based on 2G, 3G, and 4G. We also provide a transmission network that forms the backbone of this industry.

ANTARA: How far has Huawei's business grown in Indonesia?

Jay Chen: We kept growing in this market. We have provided basic networks serving more than 70 percent of the population in Indonesia. We have introduced information and communication technology to the Indonesian market.

ANTARA: What have you done to cultivate quality human resources?

Jay Chen: We provide training to the local talent, so that this upgrades the quality of human resources in Indonesia to grow along with Huawei.

Network services and fulfillment of basic telecommunication requirements as well as the transfer of new technology to the local ICT talent continue to grow. All of them have had very positive values in the last 20 years.

Now, we are also developing telecommunications infrastructure. Huawei is also a cloud industry (computer digitization system to meet the needs of several industrial sectors).

ANTARA: What are your expectations for the coming years?

Jay Chen: We always rely on our industry partners in Indonesia. We also want to contribute to Indonesia in the long term. Hence, we have a long-term strategic plan in Indonesia, so that we can continue to contribute to long-term development.

ANTARA: Is there anything concrete?

Jay Chen: What you should know is that our business has been growing and dynamic. We can create a business climate, trade, and now, we have been building a new business, the Cloud Business in Indonesia. We always transform ourselves, so that we could make more social contributions. Since last year, we have allocated human resources to run a program called the ICT Talent Program. We are partnering with the Indonesian government, so that in five years, we are able to train a young talent pool of one lakh people through the program meant only for Indonesians. We launched this program last year through the signing of an MoU with the Indonesian government (Presidential Office/KSP). This program is not only for technicians but also for those from universities, government staffers, and the general public.

(In supporting the acceleration of digital education transformation, Huawei has signed an MoU with the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to provide remote training in the field of cloud computing to one thousand students from 500 universities in Indonesia)

ANTARA: What are the prospects for the 5G business in Indonesia?

Jay Chen: We really understand that currently, the Indonesian government is still focusing on developing 4G networks in several areas in order to offer better telecommunication quality in those areas. However, before that, we will first focus on the 4G network, so that it can cover remote areas with even better quality. We also focus on cultivating the ICT talent, so that they can become familiar with 4G first and later, of course, with the 5G technology.

(PT Telkomsel and Huawei Indonesia are implementing the BAKTI program of the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia to present a 4G LTE network in the outer regions of Indonesia. Through this synergy, Telkomsel and Huawei made a network transition from 2G to 4G in Sumatra and Nusa Tenggara islands)

ANTARA: What are benefits and advantages of the 5G network?

Jay Chen: In fact, 5G is not only to benefit individuals, but in time, 5G will be very important for industries, such as health, education, manufacturing, transportation, and agriculture. To be sure, 5G is really needed for the industrial sector.

ANTARA: Can you mention some examples?

Jay Chen: You need to know, before 5G, there were 4G, 3G, and 2G that could only be used for individual needs, such as for making phone calls, internet connection, and for uploading and downloading data and image content.

However, 5G is much more important for the industry. I give you an example. Yangshan Port in Shanghai is the biggest port. Its annual capacity can reach 13 million containers. This is only one port. Perhaps, Yanghsan’s capacity is the same as India’s total annual capacity. Hence, just one port has the same capacity as that of one country. This port uses 5G-based technology that runs all control systems automatically, including its management control.

This 5G technology is also used in the transportation and medical service industry sectors, such as at hospitals. That is why 5G is very important.

We will also give an example that in China, I am sure you will know, every year in the province of Shanxi, various accidents take place in the mining area, in the coal mine, and last month, (accidents also took place) in a gold mine in Shandong Province.

Shanxi has five thousand coal mines, and accidents did often occur. This is a big problem. The government is very serious about this issue, especially regarding regulation and mine safety that has yet to be made available for mine workers.

However, after the 5G deployment, we used mining automation, and we used underground cameras. The workers only control remotely from their office. They can control anything through the camera, including the drilling. Today, there are no more underground miners owing to the application of the 5G network.

Huawei plays an important role in China in the mining industry, so that it can reduce the number of people working in the mining area. There are no more people working underground, and everyone works from the office. That is the reason why 5G should be applied. We need time to prepare for this in Indonesia. This is our main concern.

ANTARA: How is Huawei's business development in Indonesia, especially in the business group?

Jay Chen: CBG is a new business in Huawei to develop cloud business in the future. We understand that this is very important for the Indonesian government as well as for the internet-based business and e-commerce players.

India has made major changes in this sector. We will apply it in Indonesia since we see a large population dominated by youngsters. We are highly optimistic of many new unicorns and bi-corns arising from internet companies in Indonesia through the network that I provide. Later, many start-up companies can develop their businesses. Hence, we are very focused on investing in this field in Indonesia.

All of us firmly believe that Indonesia is a strategic market, so our investment in this market is very large. We are also optimistic of facilitating the Indonesian government in terms of digital transformation.

ANTARA: How do you view the Indonesian government's plan to build a new capital?

Jay Chen: If I am not mistaken, we heard that the program is still temporarily suspended. However, if the program is continued, of course, we will have a positive role in that. We are very confident that we can contribute with our global experience in the new capital city.

ANTARA: What is Huawei's contribution during the pandemic?

Jay Chen: This is a very good question. During the pandemic, apart from Indonesia, we also contributed to all other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. We are working very hard to provide assistance. During the pandemic, we provided microwave transmissions on a remote island in Indonesia since there was no fiber optic cable network available. We provided a reliable telecommunication network for the Indonesian government to conduct emergency response on the isolated island.

Second, we provided assistance to the Diamond Princess cruise ship that was docked off the Japan coast after a passenger tested positive for COVID-19 in early February of 2020.

We provided communication network for the people aboard the ship.

We also provided networks at several hospitals. We helped doctors find solutions and fast treatments for patients infected with COVID-19.

In addition, we provided masks and other medical supplies to several countries. The most important thing is that we had to provide internet facilities since during this pandemic at least 50 work tasks are now required to be conducted online.

(Huawei also supported PT Telkom and the Indonesian Navy in building telecommunications infrastructure on Sebaru Island to provide adequate support for 260 cruise ship workers quarantined aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship and World Dream cruise ship. Huawei provided Wi-Fi 6 at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital and provided artificial intelligence technology at the Pertamina General Hospital).

ANTARA: What assistance has ever been provided by Huawei, especially for Indonesia?

JayChen: This is another very interesting aspect for us.

Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelagic country, and every year, natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, and volcano eruptions, occur. We always sent teams to disaster-affected regions to undertake relief efforts. Our teams are always working hard to do it. Hence, this is what we have done until now in Indonesia.

About Jay Chen:

Jay Chen joined Huawei in 2000, and during that year, he also visited Jakarta. Before being appointed as Huawei's VP for the Asia-Pacific region, the father of two sons and a daughter was the CEO of Huawei in India. During his term in India, the executive, who completed his master’s degree from the East China Normal University in Shanghai, was known to have close relations with the media. Related news: Huawei: 5G adoption faster than expected in industrial processes
Related news: Huawei Indonesia Introduces the Intelligent Twins

Reporter: M. Irfan Ilmie/Yashinta Difa
Editor: Rahmad Nasution



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Jay Chen and Huawei's commitment to advancing Indonesia's ICT industry​

Huawei market lead in Indonesia is dominantly in B2B market (infrastructure) rather than toward end user. And I've got to admit I prefer to use Huawei network peripherals because of their price, and they actually work as advertised.

I won't read too much on the 5G. Unlike all previous standards, there hasn't been industrial consensus as to define 5G standard. And although Huawei-Ericsson 5G is the most likely standard to be adopted in 🇮🇩 and most likely also across the entire ASEAN the deployment itself will take decades. Furthermore, even previous standard such as LTE is extremely sketchy outside Jabodetabek area. For example, I live in kinda teleco priority area of Surabaya (plenty of high-end business, high rise residential, academic institutions, etc), and yet I still rely on UMTS for day-to-day internet usage, because LTE coverage is so sketchy thus keep draining my phone battery unnecessarily not to mention any switching of network connection would break the connection of whatever I was working in.


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Even though I don't know anything about telecommunications things, but this part is understandable.
The catch of using 🇨🇳 brand teleco hardware is typically in interoperability between devices even device / peripheral that came from the same brand. So working experience in operating a wide variety of peripherals is critical to avoid incurring excessive cost of procuring unusable / incompatible peripherals. Big teleco companies typically using Huawei for their lower cost overall, but SOHO scale business like I'm using Huawei mostly to reduce risk due to incompatibility and total loss of equipments due to force majeure (example a single lighting strike ⚡could mean thousand US$ worth of capital loss for SOHO scale business like me)


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The catch of using 🇨🇳 brand teleco hardware is typically in interoperability between devices even device / peripheral that came from the same brand. So working experience in operating a wide variety of peripherals is critical to avoid incurring excessive cost of procuring unusable / incompatible peripherals. Big teleco companies typically using Huawei for their lower cost overall, but SOHO scale business like I'm using Huawei mostly to reduce risk due to incompatibility and total loss of equipments due to force majeure (example a single lighting strike ⚡could mean thousand US$ worth of capital loss for SOHO scale business like me)
I don't have any idea what were you talking about wkwk


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Have to strongly disagree with both articles. Although this great plague do change consumer behaviour its only limited to certain demographic. Generally speaking across 🇮🇩 colony world (anywhere outside Jakarta greater area) both business & consumer behaviours and others fundamentals aspects remain the same. The only difference is a lot more people went into poverty due to loss of jobs. And a lot more are seriously piss off with gov't handling of this crisis (myself included). It is a stroke of luck Jokowi regime coalition has the parliament majority and in his 2nd final term of office.

Another aspect those 2 articles failed to mention is, there is no additional teleco (broadband) infrastructure being setup due to increase demand during this great plague. All teleco still operate using existing capacity.


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Indonesia to build national fish storage​

29th Mar 2021 20:47
Indonesia to build national fish storage

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said the Indonesian government will build a national fish storage center under a solicited scheme or the government's initiative.

"Our President's direction is to carry out a solicited development, meaning that the government will begin to acquire 200 hectares of land and prepare basic infrastructure," the minister said at a press conference after a limited meeting with President Widodo in Jakarta on Monday.

The Minister of Transportation said that eastern Indonesia is rich in fish.

According to the report of the Marine and Fisheries Minister, there are many things that can be made effective so that fishing functions can be scaled up, he noted.

"From there, we see that to make a national fish storage center, it is not enough that the existing ports are developed or used, but we need one port where the port is shared with industrial areas," he pointed out.

Related news: Pandjaitan to visit North Maluku's marine and fisheries center

Therefore, the government has decided to carry out development under the solicited scheme, he added.

The government will thereafter conduct a cooperation auction between government and business entities (KPBU), with an investment value of approximately Rp5 trillion, he informed.

In addition, he said, there is an opportunity to develop the area over 900 hectares, of which 700 hectares would be released by the private sector.

"We also discussed that the construction period was two years, but we want to restructure the fishing count methods so that for the past two years, we can operate the two ports in Ambon," he explained.

Related news: US demand for North Sulawesi's frozen fish stays high

Translated by: Rangga P, Azis Kurmala
Editor: Rahmad Nasution


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Indonesia to build national fish storage​

29th Mar 2021 20:47
Indonesia to build national fish storage

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said the Indonesian government will build a national fish storage center under a solicited scheme or the government's initiative.

"Our President's direction is to carry out a solicited development, meaning that the government will begin to acquire 200 hectares of land and prepare basic infrastructure," the minister said at a press conference after a limited meeting with President Widodo in Jakarta on Monday.

The Minister of Transportation said that eastern Indonesia is rich in fish.

According to the report of the Marine and Fisheries Minister, there are many things that can be made effective so that fishing functions can be scaled up, he noted.

"From there, we see that to make a national fish storage center, it is not enough that the existing ports are developed or used, but we need one port where the port is shared with industrial areas," he pointed out.

Related news: Pandjaitan to visit North Maluku's marine and fisheries center

Therefore, the government has decided to carry out development under the solicited scheme, he added.

The government will thereafter conduct a cooperation auction between government and business entities (KPBU), with an investment value of approximately Rp5 trillion, he informed.

In addition, he said, there is an opportunity to develop the area over 900 hectares, of which 700 hectares would be released by the private sector.

"We also discussed that the construction period was two years, but we want to restructure the fishing count methods so that for the past two years, we can operate the two ports in Ambon," he explained.

Related news: US demand for North Sulawesi's frozen fish stays high

Translated by: Rangga P, Azis Kurmala
Editor: Rahmad Nasution

This will be frozen fish and/or dried/cured?....or canned?


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This will be frozen fish and/or dried/cured?....or canned?

Of course if they are invited private companies at quite large area (around 700 ha), expect they would put a complete ecosystem there not only limited for Frozen fishes but can be for canned, salted, paste, flour and everything.


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This will be frozen fish and/or dried/cured?....or canned?
Most likely be frozen. Only frozen foods produce that need specialized facility. You can always store dried or canned foods in a regular facility.

BTW let me know if you need advice on how to store foods for home prepping in a tropical environment without the need of refrigeration.


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Bukalapak founder injects $5m in Indonesian cloud hosting start-up
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Indonesian cloud hosting start-up IDCloudHost has received US$5 million in funding from Init 6, a venture capital firm headed by founding partner Achmad Zaky, who cofounded e-commerce unicorn Bukalapak. IDCloudHost plans to use the fund to grow its technology and human resources to expand its market in Asia.

“Amid the tight competition in the global cloud service industry, IDCloudHost has succeeded in sustainably maintaining its business growth momentum. We hope that they can strengthen the start-up ecosystem and bring many creative ideas in the digital development,” Achmad said in a statement on Monday.

Established in Bandung in 2015, IDCloudHost said it had 100,000 clients to date that ranged from companies, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups to individual developers in Indonesia and Asia.

Indonesia Battery Corporation Officially Established
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JAKARTA (TheInsiderStories) – State own enterprises (SOEs) ministry officially set up the Indonesia Battery Corporation, a joint venture company owned by PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (IDX: ANTM), PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (MIND ID), PT Pertamina, and PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, said the minister today. The venture firm will operates a lithium battery plant for electric vehicle (EV).

The minister, Erick Thohir, told media virtually, there will be a synergy with several global companies in the future. Currently, two global battery producers, CATL consortium from China and LG Chemical Ltd., from South Korea in discussions with Aneka Tambang and Pertamina on the potential cooperation in the new factory.

The new EV battery factory was estimated need costs around US$12 billion. To support the planned, said the CEO MIND ID, Oerias Petrus Moedak, the unit now worked on related EV battery like high-pressure acid leaching and rotary kiln electric furnace smelter projects valued $2 billion to $3 billion, respectively. But, he did not give the details on the two projects.


KitaBeli Bags US$10M from Go Ventures and Others
source : Link

JAKARTA (TheInsiderStories) – A social commerce provider, KitaBeli has raised Series A funding US$10 million led by Go Ventures joined with AC Ventures and East Ventures, said the company today. The startup focuses on selling fresh products and fast moving consumer goods outside major cities in Indonesia.

The tech firm was launched in March 2020 in Jakarta and then expand to Solo in Central Java and Malang in East Java. Co-founder and CEO, Pratek Chaturvedi, said the new funding will be used to expand their operations in Java Island, grow the logistics network and develop its mobile applications. The provider claimed have grown 80 percent per month with an average installation cost of $0.10 a customer.

While, senior vice president at Go Ventures, Aditya Kumar, commented, “The prevalence of e-commerce outside major metro areas remains low in large part due to a lack of trust, poor product availability, and high logistics costs.”


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Southeast Asian Startup Earns Funding US$8.2B in 2020
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JAKARTA (TheInsiderStories) – Technology startups in Southeast Asia (SEA) have earned funding up to US$8.2 billion in 2020, Cento Ventures reported. Nearly 50 percent of the funds went to unicorn pockets, including Malaysia’ Grab Holdings, Indonesia’ GoJek, Bukalapak, and Traveloka.

Based on the report, the fundraising fell by 3.5 percent compared to 2019 of $8.5 billion, as it was triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. More than $100 million deals account for 57 percent of the total investment and deals between $50 – 100 million set a record value of $1.1 billion, a 26 percent increased from 2019.

Despite the effects of the pandemic, Southeast Asia experienced the smallest decline in startup investment values compared to other developing countries, such as India, which fell 31 percent, and Africa, which fell 38 percent.

“COVID-19 has a different effect in each country. Start-ups in the United States and Europe recorded new investment records last year, with investment value growing 13 percent and 15 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, China is also experiencing a growth of 6 percent, ”wrote the report released on Sunday (03/28).

Last year, said Cento, Indonesian startups controlled 70 percent of total funding in the region. Together with Singapore contributed 64 percent of the total agreements. The amount of investment in Indonesia is driven by supper-apps GoJek, supported by Bukalapak, Waresix, Kopi Kenangan, and LinkAja.

Indonesia’s Ajaib has Pocketing Funding US$90M
source : Link


JAKARTA (TheInsiderStories) – Ajaib Group has closed its Series A funding round with a total amount of US$90 million, considered to be the largest series A funding in the history for startups in Southeast Asia, the founder announced this week. In January, 2021, an online investment platform and securities firm, which is only two years old, confirmed its first Series A round of $25 million.

The additional funding of $65 million was led by renowned financial technology (FinTech) investor, Ribbit Capital. The tech firm is from the American-based venture capital’ first investment in the region. Other investors participating in the round are Y Combinator Continuity, ICONIQ Capital, Bangkok Bank Plc., Horizons Ventures, Softbank Ventures Asia, Alpha JWC Ventures, Insignia Ventures, Toss, and Nubank also participated in the funding round.

The CEO of Ajaib, Anderson Sumali, said on Monday (03/30), the funding will use by the provider to develop products and increase technology capabilities. Now, one of the products, Ajaib Sekuritas, is in the fourth position of the largest stock broker in Indonesia based on trading frequency.

Phase 1 of Grand Batang City will be completed in Q3 2021 with a total area of 450 Ha.

Currently almost completing the work on land grading. Infrastructure access, housing, clean water and waste treatment are some of the ongoing developments by PUPR. The construction of Grand Batang City will be served by 5 main infrastructure networks which connect industrial estates in Java. Investors can build the factory later this year.

Grand Batang City has a total area of 4,300 hectares, divided into three clusters.
1. Cluster 1 which has 3.100 hectares is cluster for Automotive, Chemical, and Equipment industries
2. Cluster 2 which has 800 hectares is cluster for ICT, Electronics, and Trade industries
3. Cluster 3 which has 400 hectares is cluster for Commercial Business Zone and Resorts


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Indonesia's J&T Bags over $2Billion funding from China Investor


Indonesia's manufacturing PMI hits 10 year-high in March
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Indonesia’s factory activity rose to its highest level in nearly 10 years in March as businesses felt a surge in new orders and output amid an economic recovery.

Business consultancy IHS Markit wrote in a Thursday statement that Indonesia’s manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) stood at 53.2 in March, the highest reading since the company started measuring Indonesia’s PMI in April 2011.

The March figure marked a rebound by 2.3 points after a slowdown in February. The second-highest PMI score Indonesia achieved was in June and July 2014.

Kendal Industrial Estate Receives US$1,32billion of Investment
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JAKARTA (TheInsiderStories) – President director and CEO Kendal Industrial Estate, Stanley Ang, said on Tuesday has received 66 investors with total investment Rp19.2 trillion (US$1.32 billion). He adds, 49 of investors come from Indonesia, 40 percent from China and Taiwan, and the rest from Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Malaysia.

The special economic zone (SEZ) covering an area of 2,200 hectares with a cluster concept that is interwoven between Sembcorp Development Ltd., from Singapore and PT Kawasan Industri Jababeka Tbk (IDX: KIJA). The developer holds 51 percent shares and the remaining is owned by Sembcorp, Sembcorp, a unit of Temasek Group.

In the phase I, the companies developing 1,000 hectares of land and the occupation is around 45 percent. Its projections the development of the project will be completed in 2026. Kendal SEZ is targeting six industrial sectors, such as food and beverage industry, furniture, fashion, automotive, electronics, and others.

Shell launches Indonesia’s first public EV charging station
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Facebook to build submarine cables linking US and Indonesia​

Construction of cables has become a flashpoint amid US-China tensions​

Mon, Mar 29, 2021, 13:38
Mercedes Ruehl
Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg. Photograph: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP

Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg. Photograph: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP

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Facebook will build two submarine cables connecting the US with Indonesia for the first time as the Silicon Valley group boosts its focus on the world’s fastest-growing population of smartphone users.
The project, in which US search giant Google will also own a stake, will supply faster internet to southeast Asia’s biggest economy as well as connect both countries to Singapore. The cables will increase data capacity by 70 per cent between the west coast of the US and the Asian countries, Facebook said in a statement on Monday.
The roughly 400 submarine cables in operation around the world carry voice and internet traffic between countries and continents.
Once the domain of telecoms companies, Facebook and other technology groups including Microsoft and Google have become leading investors in such infrastructure.
“These cables together are a big portion of our investment in the Asia Pacific region,” said Kevin Salvadori, vice-president of network investments at Facebook.
“The region is our fastest-growing population of users across our family of apps so it is really important for that continued growth . . . and for our products and services to have fast, reliable and sufficient capacity,” he added.
Facebook declined to say how much it was spending on the cables, which are scheduled for completion in 2023 and 2024.


The building of submarine cables has become a geopolitical flashpoint for technology companies, especially as tensions rise between the US and China.
The Pacific Light Cable network, funded by Facebook and Google parent Alphabet, stalled last year after the US warned against the link on security grounds. The 13,000km, high-capacity PLCN was meant to link Hong Kong with the US, Taiwan and the Philippines, but Washington opposed the Hong Kong connection on the basis that it could expose global data to China.
Earlier this month, Facebook abandoned its Hong Kong-Americas project, another submarine fibre-optic cable that would have connected California with the Chinese territory, following US government concerns.

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However, Claude Achcar, managing partner of Asia-focused consultancy Actel Consulting, said countries in the region other than China were more important to tech companies in terms of users and growth.
“Submarine cables go hand-in-hand with the exponential growth of cloud [computing] services,” Achcar said. “Markets such as Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines are now being developed by hyperscale providers including Facebook, Google, Alibaba and others.”
While Chinese companies such as Tencent and Alibaba are not involved in building submarine cables, he said, the two cloud computing providers had the means to do so.
“The smart thing for countries is not to pick sides. Indonesia and fellow Asean [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] nations are better off welcoming tech firms from both China and [the] US,” Achcar added.
The Indonesia cable project will support a $1bn data centre Facebook is building in Singapore. – Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2021


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China: Tencent Open Data Center in Indonesia, Telkom Adds More
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JAKARTA (TheInsiderStories) – Tencent Cloud International, the cloud business from China, launched the first internet data center (IDC) in the capital city of Indonesia, growing infrastructure network spanning across 27 regions and 61 availability zones. While, telco operator, PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk (IDX: TLKM), opened a new data center in Ulin, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan.

The state-owned firm has inaugurated the Neutral Cloud & Internet Exchange (neuCentrIX) data center last week, a second data center in the Kalimantan region. The facility has a capacity of 29 racks, and the company hopes to accommodate government, internet service providers, and startup customers.

According to director of Telkom, Dian Rachmawan, his company has built 18 neuCentrIX facilities in 13 cities across Indonesia. While, Tencent Cloud has beefed up its global push over recent years amid rising overseas demand and fierce competition domestically.

The unit of Tencent Holdings, said the data center is intended to strengthen the company’ commitment to meet the growing business needs in Indonesia and Asia. According to Poshu Yeung, SVP of Tencent Cloud, said Indonesia is one of the fastest growing public cloud markets in Asia Pacific with a CAGR of 25 percent and market size growth is expected to increase to US$800 million by 2023.

“With a larger population of young people, Indonesia has a large internet demographic dividend with a fast growing mobile internet market. We are very pleased to be able to launch our first IDC in Indonesia to help maximize the optimal potential of cloud computing in this country,” he noted.

Beside Tencent, other global company such as Microsoft Corp., (NASDAQ: MSFT) and Amazon Web Services is also building a data center in West Java which is targeted to be completed this year. Google LLC also launched the Google Cloud Platform region in Jakarta in June 2020 with hope that Indonesia can become a data center hub in Asia.

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